UBAKoninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs vzw

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Photo: Couloir

Oude "Traffic News"-berichten

EJ8GQB - Bere Island
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Olivier ON4EI will be activating BERE ISLAND EU-121 as EJ8GQB, his new Irish callsign. This solo expedition is planned from March 21st-29th 2010. Activity will be 160-10m SSB/RTTY. He will also take part in the CQ WPX SSB CONTEST March 27th-28th 2010.

DAØGLH / DFØWFF - Newark Island
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Some German operators will be active from Newark Island from 19-21st March 2010. They plan to activate special DOK 700NWK (700 years Neuwerk) operating from the Newark lighthouse using the callsign DAØGLH. They will also activate Hamburg Wadden Sea using the callsign DFØWFF. QRV all HF bands using CW, SSB and PSK.

QSL both calls via DL2VFR, direct or bureau.

Eastern Kiribati DXpedition
Ingediend door: ON5EX
This past week the callsigns for the upcoming DXpedition to activate four uninhabited IOTA islands (in the Southern Line Islands Group) that have never been put on the air before, were announced:
  • T32MI - Malden Island
  • T32SI - Starbuck Island
  • T32CI - Caroline Island
  • T32VI - Vostok Island
A team of five operators and five Government Kiribati officers will set sail on the "SV Kwai" from Kiritimati (Christmas Island) on approximately March 17th, returning to Kiritimati around April 18th. Per their Web site, the team will operate from two sites (two stations each) and will operate on 40-10 meters using a variety of verticals and dipoles. QSL direct via SM6CAS.
V21ZG - Antigua
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Babs DL7AFS and Lot DJ7ZG will be QRV from near Pottery Village, located on the island of Antigua, between 16th March and 4th April as V21ZG. QRV on 80-6m, mainly RTTY, PSK and SSB. V21ZG will look especially for JA-stations and "Little guns" and QRP stations.

QSL via DL7AFS, direct or bureau.
Mongolian Radio Sport Federation MRSF - QSL Bureau
Ingediend door: ON5EX
MRSF has set up a QSL Bureau at the following address:

PO Box 573
Ulaanbaatar 16092
TO5SM - Saint Martin
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Alain F6BFH and his XYL will be active from the island of St. Martin as TO5SM, between 13th and 23rd March. QRV HF SSB and CW.

QSL via F6BFH either direct or bureau.

ZL4M, ZL4TY - Stewart Island
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Ray VK4DXA and Paul ZL4PW will be activating Stewart island as respectively ZL4TY and ZL4M, 12-23 March 2010. This will be a 2-station operation (Elecraft K3, Icom IC706MKIIG) using verticals for 160-30m and a Spiderbeam for 20-10m. They intend running barefoot unless they can obtain a solid-state amplifier.

QSL direct either buro via home callsigns.
IK1/HA3HK - Seborga
Ingediend door: ON5EX
On March 12, HA3HK will be QRV as HB9/HA3HK/P in Geneva at the International Motorshow. After that, he will travel to Seborga where he will be QRV as IK1/HA3HK from 2200 h. On Saturday 13 March, Zoli will activate two SOTA summits in France. He will also be QRV in Monaco as 3A/HA3HK/P. More activity is planned from Seborga till Sunday noon. Finally, on his trip back home, I/HA3HK/M and S5/HA3HK/M will be aired.

Activity on 7 MHz in CW and SSB (maybe also 14 MHz). QSL direct or via bureau.

Ingediend door: ON5EX
Look for Tommy, ON3TD to be active from Schouwen Duiveland (IOTA EU-146) as PD/ON3TD/p from 5-8th March 2010. Mainly QRV in the evenings on 40-20m using digital modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

CQWW 160m band segment violations
Ingediend door: ON5EX
IARU Region 1 President Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, draws attention to the problem of some amateur radio operators in the CQWW 160-Meter SSB contest operating outside the Amateur band. On the IARU Region 1 website he writes:

“It was disappointing to notice that numerous contest stations from Region 1 violated their national regulations by transmitting out of band during last weekend's CQ World Wide 160-Meter SSB Contest. While I can have some understanding that the IARU bandplan for top band is not followed during this major contest, I totally disagree that contest stations transmit outside bands allocated to the amateur service. For a station transmitting in LSB on 160 meters this is below 1813 kHz (for transceivers with carrier readout). The amateur service has always been known as a self regulating service, which has helped us in our negotiations with administrations. A behavior as shown last weekend will certainly not help us in the future. I call upon all contesters to reinstate our values”.