UBAKoninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs vzw

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Photo: Couloir

Oude "Traffic News"-berichten

DT8A - South Shetland Islands
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Sang, DS4NMJ, will once again be active as DT8A from South Korea’s Antarctic King Sejong Station which is located in the Barton Peninsula, South Shetland Islands. He will be there between December 5th (2009) to January 31st (2011).

Activity on 160-10m CW, SSB and RTTY.


9L5A - Sierra Leone
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Members of the VooDoo Contest Group will be active during CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th), signing 9L5A. They will enter the contest as a Multi-Two or Multi-Multi category. Their activity in the contest will be on all six contest bands (CW only).

For pre-contest activity, there may also be some operations on 30/17/12 meter bands. QSL 9L5A via G3SXW to the bureau either direct.

EA8 - Tenerife
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Jean ON5JV and Georgette ON6AK will be active as EA8/homecall from Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife Island between November 20 and February 10 (2010). Activity will be on 40 - 10 meters during evening hours. They plan to use 100W into a 14AVQ vertical.

QSL via their home callsigns, bureau is preferred.

XU7KOH - Koh Russei, Cambodia (update)
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Wim (ON6TZ) XU7KOH zal vanaf 20 t.e.m. 23 november QRV zijn vanaf Koh Russei Island AS-133, SSB en BPSK op volgende frequenties:

SSB: 14.260, 18.128, 21.260.
PSK31: 14.040,15 18.100,15 21.080,15.

QSL via ON7PP.

Meer info.

VU - 7100-7200 confimed
Ingediend door: ON5EX
VU hams can now officially use the 7.100-7.200 extra bandwidth.

ARSI has also confirmed that the other requests regarding 10 MHz and 50 MHz are under consideration.
5R8IC - Madagascar
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Eric F6ICX will be QRV from November 17 until December 14 from Madagascar island as 5R8IC, operating holiday-style in CW, using 100 W and various GP or Inverted L from 80 to 10m.

QSL via F6ICX.
EA8/ON4QX - Gran Canaria
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Herman ON4QX is QRV vanuit Gran Canaria van 16/11 tot 27/11/09 en 19/12 tot 26/12/09, 20-30-40m, modes SSB CW PSK RTTY.

D2CQ - Angola
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Paulo, D2PJB will be active as D2CQ November 9 until December 28 from Porto Amboim, 300 km from the capital Luanda-Angola. He is using an Icom 706 and a Windom antenna on SSB only from 80 to 10m.

QSL via CT1IUA to the buro.

NORWAY - New frequency allocations
Ingediend door: ON5EX
As of November 6th 2009, the updated amateur radio licensing regulations in Norway went into force.

The main news are the following new allocations made available to all Norwegian radio amateurs (in addition to the 135,7 - 137,8 kHz and the 7,1 - 7,2 MHz bands):

LF 493 - 510 kHz on secondary basis, 100 W, A1A (CW) only
HF 5260 - 5410 kHz on secondary basis, all modes (6 kHz max bandwidth)
24740-24890 kHz on secondary basis, 1kW (6 kHz max bandwidth)
VHF 70,0625-70,0875 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz
70,1375-70,1875 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz
70,2625-70,3125 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz
70,3625-70,3875 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz
70,4125-70,4625 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz

and some minor adjustments at SHF and EHF.
XU7KOH - Koh Russei (Cambodia)
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Na het succes van vorige week zal de Wim XU7KOH (ON6TZ) opnieuw QRV zijn vanaf Koh Russei (IOTA AS-133) van 30 oktober tot 3 november, in BPSK31 en phone. De exacte frequenties zijn nog niet gekend, dus de DX-cluster raadplegen.