Old "Traffic News" messages
24 December 1922 was when the very first verified amateur radio signal from Europe was heard in North America; this was from the RSGB station (G)5WS which was established at Wandsworth in South London, as part of the Third Transatlantic Tests.
Unlike the tests of the 1920s, which consisted of one-way communication, the 2022 tests will encourage world-wide two-way communication with UK & Crown Dependency based stations by having a series of awards available for making QSOs with those who are activating special call signs. The Club Log team have kindly agreed to provide the supporting infrastructure.
In anticipation of this centenary celebration, the RSGB have renewed five call signs which they held in the 1920s:
• G5WS, from the 1922 tests – “the first to get across”
• G5AT, from the 1923 tests
• G6XX, from the 1923 tests
• G6ZZ, used for the first amateur tests on a moving railway train in 1924
• G3DR, Scottish Highlands Call - GM3DR.
These historic call signs will be activated by RSGB members and Clubs, using G5WS, G5AT, G6XX, G6ZZ and G3DR (England), GM5WS (Scotland), GW5WS (Wales), GU5WS (Guernsey), GD5WS (Isle of Man), GJ5WS (Jersey) and GI5WS (Northern Ireland).
Full details of how to participate are available on this RSGB website.

Herzele is a municipality in the Belgian province of East Flanders located in the Flemish Ardennes. The place name Hersele first appears in a Latin endowment deed dated August 21, 972, in which a certain Stephen seals the gift of a local property to St. Peter's Abbey in Ghent. Herzele thus means 'temporary residence of an army unit'.
The historical heritage of the municipality consists of castles, mills and breweries. In addition Herzele has an important number of historical farms, chapels and churches.
OR1050HERZ will be on the air from September 1st till October 31st 2022. All bands all modes.

The team will be QRV on 80-10 m. SSB-CW-RTTY
Call : DA2W/p : Delta Alfa Two Wiskey/ portable
From 24 April to 1 May 2022 eight Belgian amateurs from different UBA sections will be active from the island Bornholm, EU-030.
Activity will be from 6 m to 160 m in SSB, CW and digital modes.
QSL via ON6EF.
More info on https://hamradioexpedition.com/

Qsl info: ON4GDV P.O. Box 11 B-4800 Verviers 1 or via the UBA qsl office.

Feel free to make a QSO with the youngsters, they are happy to get some attention and exchange information. Licensed and unlicensed youth will be making QSOs, be aware this could be their first radio contact ever and give them a chance to experience a possible new hobby.
Check out this webpage.
Olivier, ON4EI, is back again in Ireland from 21 to 31 October 2018 to operate EI8GQB and EI7T during the CQ WW DX SSB contest (27-28 October).
Having been first in Europe several times in the CQ WW WPX and CQ WW DX contests, Olivier recently won the title of world champion of the IARU World Championship contest 2018 (preliminary results) in the single operator, low power, all band, phone only category.
It is interesting to note that Olivier takes part in the contests using mainly green energy, based on solar panels and a wind generator, to activate his temporary 'Field-Day-like' antenna park composed of:
- Inverted L antenna 16mV / 24mH for 160-80m + 32 radials (20m).
- Inverted V dipole antenna for 160-80m-40m bands.
- ¼ wave vertical monopole for 40m + 16 radials (10m).
- 80m long beverage RX antenna East-West directional.
- Spiderbeam & Mosley TA33Jr antennas for 20/15/10m bands.
- 2 transceivers Elecraft K3 + P3 for SO2R 100W activation.
- 2*220Ah battery bank + 180W solar panel and 400W wind generator.
For these dates, please QSL EI7T via LOTW or via PA3249, his QSL manager: https://www.qrzcq.com/call/PA3249 (direct or bureau).
You can meet him on the air or follow his one-man expedition on https://www.qrz.com/db/ei8gqb

Fifth Edition
from September, 28th to October, 6th
The main goal of the Enigma Event is to promote as much radioamateur’s activity as possible all over the world, celebrating the history of the Enigma cipher machine and its crucial role in the outcome of World War II, and spreading the knowledge of those key people who contributed to its decryption.
The fifth edition of "Enigma Reloaded" event will take place in two steps :
- From 28 th September to 05 th October, Italian and foreign Amateur radio stations registered as "Activator stations” will ensure the activation of their radio stations in order to allow to the participants getting their scores for the "Enigma Award" Contest.
- On October, 6th, the final event’s day, the Activator Stations will exchange predefined CW messages previously encyphred by a real or emulated Enigma machine.
All details and rules are available on the official website : www.enigma-reloaded.it (english version: http://www.enigma-reloaded.it/index_eng.html )
Project made possible by:
A.R.I. - Italian Amateur Radio Association - Radio Club of Fidenza, PR - ITALY
Technical Naval Museum of La Spezia, Italy
Cultural Association "Rover Joe" - Fidenza (PR, Italy)
A.R.M.I. - Marine Italian Amateur Radio Association
As mentioned above, we believe that is mainly interest all Ham Radio operators , so please notify it to your associated OM and /or your webmaster/website .
Best regards and 73's de
Cristiano Cornini , IW4CLV
A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club President

5B4ALX will be active from Niue (OC-040) from march 18, 2019 until april 2, 2019.
During the CQ WPX SSB Contest he will be active as SO20LP (100W out) Not Assisted !!
Equipment :
2x Icom IC-7300 + solid state amplifier
2x 30A switching
Laptop (running Wintest)
Laptop (running FT8 dxped software)
Antennas :
6m : Mono Quad @ 8mh
10m : Mono Quad @ 8mh
15m : Mono Quad @ 8mh
17/20m : Homemade 1/2 wave Vertical Antenna
30/40/60m : Homemade 1/2 wave Vertical Antenna
160m : to be defined
Bands : 6/10/15/17/20/30/40/60/160m
(for 6m activities – WWLOC : AH50)
More info on his website http://www.5b4alx.cloud/e6et-niue-2019/
Le radio Club ON7LU sera active (en HF) OP18A pour la commémoration de la Grande Guerre 14-18. Il sera à Rossignol au mois d'Août 2018.
Le 04 et 05 Août 2018
Le 11 et 12 Août 2018
Le 18 et 19 Août 2018
Le 25 et 26 Août 2018
Logbook: http://www.hrdlog.net/Viewlogbook.aspx?user=OP18
Info: ON3LX