UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

slideshow 1

Photo: Couloir

List of broken links and other issues


info Line: 302 javascript:history.go(-1)
Status: (N/A) Access to 'javascript' URIs has been disabled

You must change this link: people using a browser without JavaScript support will not be able to follow this link. See the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines on the use of scripting on the Web and the techniques on how to solve this.



info Line: 438 mailto:hans.%20%3Cspan%20class=%22spamspan%22%3E%3Cspan%20class=%22u%22%3Edelfs%3C/span%3E%3Cimg%20alt=%22at%22%20width=%2210%22%20src=%22/sites/all/modules/spamspan/image.gif%22%3E%3Cspan%20class=%22d%22%3Eskynet%20[dot]%20be%3C/span%3E%3C/span%3E
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

info Line: 408 mailto:on3vw@%20hot%20mail%20.com
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

info Line: 397 mailto:%3Cspan%20class=%22spamspan%22%3E%3Cspan%20class=%22u%22%3Eon4pn%3C/span%3E%3Cimg%20alt=%22at%22%20width=%2210%22%20src=%22/sites/all/modules/spamspan/image.gif%22%3E%3Cspan%20class=%22d%22%3Euba%20[dot]%20be%3C/span%3E%3C/span%3E
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

info Line: 413 daniel [dot] trioen%20 [at] skynet [dot] be (mailto:daniel [dot] trioen%20 [at] skynet [dot] be)
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

error Line: 406 http://www.helmut/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.helmut:80 (Bad hostname 'www.helmut')

The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.



error Line: 352 http://www.uba.be/
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:80 (connect: Connection refused)

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.



error Line: 354 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=17
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.

error Line: 354 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=14
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.



error Line: 363 http://www.uba.be/
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:80 (connect: Connection refused)

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.



error Line: 292 http://www.proto6.new.uba.be/fr/uba/jaarlijks-uba-congres/uba-congres-2009
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

info Line: 306 javascript:history.go(-1)
Status: (N/A) Access to 'javascript' URIs has been disabled

You must change this link: people using a browser without JavaScript support will not be able to follow this link. See the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines on the use of scripting on the Web and the techniques on how to solve this.



info Line: 295 mailto:
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.



error Line: 744 http://aces.ee.olemiss.edu/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to aces.ee.olemiss.edu:80 (Bad hostname 'aces.ee.olemiss.edu')

The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

warning Line: 392 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/f1nqp/photos/schemrx3.jpg redirected to http://pagesperso-orange.fr/f1nqp/photos/schemrx3.jpg
Status: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a temporary redirect. Update the link if you believe it makes sense, or leave it as is.

warning Line: 792 http://www.multimania.com/adri38/ redirected to http://membres.lycos.fr/adri38/
Status: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a temporary redirect. Update the link if you believe it makes sense, or leave it as is.

warning Line: 648 http://www.aa9pw.com/radio/morse.html redirected to http://aa9pw.com/morsecode/
Status: 301 -> 200 OK

This is a permanent redirect. The link should be updated.



error Line: 504 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/bourse
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 408 http://www.qsl.ru/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.qsl.ru:80 (Bad hostname 'www.qsl.ru')

The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

error Lines: 424, 440, 456, 472, 520 http://www.uba.be/
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:80 (connect: Connection refused)

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

warning Line: 600 http://www.ukw-tagung.de/ redirected to http://ukw-tagung.com
Status: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a temporary redirect. Update the link if you believe it makes sense, or leave it as is.



error Line: 696 http://www.aracnet.com/~dickpr/ylrl.htm
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 408 http://www.k9jy.com/ redirected to http://k9jy.com/blog
Status: 301 -> 500 Internal Server Error

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

warning Lines: 456, 472 http://www.wrtc2002.org/ redirected to http://searchportal.information.com/index.mas?epl=01580001UlsNZ0sAVVETVRBeUBESQ1sbSUcRWkMOVxtbXU8aRAdUGgBdFgNBGw1ZBw1LWhZSBlFDBAcAD0cFWlhZUVpfBFhRX09LEVAGUQBQTVcXARUPWxJoAVlYAgpQUQUJEkUWCAVQDAhTCgJXAVNFWToPV1wFUg9XBQ
Status: 301 -> 200 OK

This is a permanent redirect. The link should be updated.

warning Line: 744 http://www.qsl.net/yu1aw redirected to http://www.qsl.net/yu1aw/
Status: 301 -> 200 OK

The link is missing a trailing slash, and caused a redirect. Adding the trailing slash would speed up browsing.



error Line: 193 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/contact/function.mysqli-query
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.



info Line: 344 info [at] uba [dot] be (mailto:info [at] uba [dot] be)
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

info Line: 344 on4un [at] uba [dot] be (mailto:on4un [at] uba [dot] be)
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

info Line: 344 on4ww [at] uba [dot] be (mailto:on4ww [at] uba [dot] be)
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.



error Line: 300 http://arh.uba.be/downloads/ARH-Install.exe
Status: 403 Forbidden

The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL.

warning Line: 371 http://www.bipt.be/ redirected to http://www.bipt.be/nl/1/Home/Home/Welkom.aspx
Status: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a temporary redirect. Update the link if you believe it makes sense, or leave it as is.



error Line: 376 http://www.ten-ten.org/CWDigContest.pdf
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 366 http://www.veron.nl/cie/nl/Results_SLP_2007.html
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

warning Line: 424 http://arsqrp.pbwiki.com/Spartan+Sprints redirected to http://arsqrp.pbworks.com/Spartan+Sprints
Status: 301 -> 200 OK

This is a permanent redirect. The link should be updated.



error Lines: 528, 530 http://www.hfradio.org/propagation.html
Status: 200 OK

Some of the links to this resource point to broken URI fragments (such as index.html#fragment).

Broken fragments:
  • http://www.hfradio.org/propagation.html#alert1 (lines 528, 530)
error Line: 418 http://hfradio.org/propagation_page3.html
Status: 200 OK

Some of the links to this resource point to broken URI fragments (such as index.html#fragment).

Broken fragments:
  • http://hfradio.org/propagation_page3.html#FOT (line 418)


error Line: 366 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Voor%20de%20verslaafde%20CW-fan%3A%20een%20Touch%20Key
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 534 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/144%20MHz%20300%20W%20MOSFET%20push-pull%20vermogenversterker%20(3)%20
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 390 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Trafo's%20herwikkelen
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 570 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/144%20MHz%20300%20W%20MOSFET%20push-pull%20vermogenversterker%20(1)%20
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 546 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Eenvoudige%20electromechanische%20zekering%20
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 414 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Een%20lichtgewicht%20G5RV-antenne
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 450 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/PA%20beveiligen%20en%20QSK%20schakelen
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 342 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Homemade%20ionogrammen
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 510 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Een%20eenvoudige%20QRSS-ontvanger
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 558 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/144%20MHz%20300%20W%20MOSFET%20push-pull%20vermogenversterker%20(2)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 498 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/'Koekendoos'%20microgolf%20dummy%20load%20
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 462 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/De%20ON5ZN-antenne
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 426 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Eenvoudige%20ruisgenerator
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 474 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Snel%20en%20goed%20van%20start%20op%2010%20GHz
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 522 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Een%20eenvoudige%20QRSS-ontvanger%20(update)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 438 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/PA%20beveiligen%20en%20QSK%20schakelen%3A%20PCB%20(Abacom%20Sprint)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 378 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Afsluitweerstanden%20met%20professionele%20allures
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 486 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/KTT%2523928%3A%20DIY%20dummy%20load
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.



error Line: 390 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Videometingen%20m.b.v.%20Vertical%20Insert%20Test%20Signals%20(1)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 402 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Een%20lichtgewicht%202%20el%2014MHz%20yagi%20met%20verkorte%20elementen%20(1)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 378 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Miniatuurantennes%20voor%2040%2C%2080%20en%20160m%20(2)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 438 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Een%20dummy%20load%20voor%20100%20W%20tot%20146%20MHz
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 462 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/%22Kijk%20mama%2C%20zonder%20draden%22
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 414 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Miniatuurantennes%20voor%2040%2C%2080%20en%20160m%20(1)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 450 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Horizontale%20antennes
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 366 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/De%20decibel
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 510 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/3%20kV%20voeding%20met%20microgolfoventransformatoren
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 498 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/R-C-L%20meten%20met%20de%20PC%20geluidskaart%20(software)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 486 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/R-C-L%20meten%20met%20de%20PC%20geluidskaart
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 354 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Een%20lichtgewicht%202%20el%2014MHz%20yagi%20met%20verkorte%20elementen%20(2)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 474 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Lightning%20Primer
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 342 http://proto6.new.uba.be/nl/Videometingen%20m.b.v.%20Vertical%20Insert%20Test%20Signals%20(2)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.



error Line: 415 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Une%20antenne%20G5RV%20de%20faible%20poids
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 463 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/D%C3%A9marrage%20rapide%20et%20fiable%20sur%2010%20GHz
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 367 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Ionogrammes%20maison
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 355 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Rebobinage%20d'un%20transfo
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 343 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Prot%C3%A9ger%20votre%20amplificateur%20et%20circuits%20QSK
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 391 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/R%C3%A9sistances-bouchon%20%C3%A0%20allure%20professionnelle
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 559 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Le%20%22PDA%22
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 439 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/KTT%2523928%3A%20charge%20fictive%20Do-It-Yourself
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 403 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Les%20filtres%20DSP
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 499 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Les%20condensateurs%20%C3%A9lectrochimiques
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 511 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Fr%C3%A9quencem%C3%A8tre%20simplifi%C3%A9%20pour%20ordinateur
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 535 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/R%C3%A9f%C3%A9rence%201%20MHz
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 523 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Fr%C3%A9quencem%C3%A8tre%20simplifi%C3%A9%20pour%20ordinateur%20(logiciel)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 487 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Antenne%20verticale%20mobile%20pour%2020%20et%2040m
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 571 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Le%20%22CD-special%22%20%3A%20un%20C%20variable%20pour%20antennes%20magloop%20(1)
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 451 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Charge%20fictive%20microondes%20dans%20une%20bo%C3%AEte%20%C3%A0%20biscuits
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 547 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Antennes%20aliment%C3%A9es%20en%20bout
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 427 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Un%20g%C3%A9n%C3%A9rateur%20de%20bruit%20simple
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 475 http://proto6.new.uba.be/fr/Bolom%C3%A8tre%2010%20GHz
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.



error Line: 444 http://www.emconline.be/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.emconline.be:80 (Bad hostname 'www.emconline.be')

The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

error Line: 304 http://www.uba.be/dossiers/php/frmlogin.php
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:80 (connect: Connection refused)

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.



error Line: 439 http://www.drm.org/pdfs/DRMStatementPLCseptember04.pdf
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 489 http://www.hina.hr/cgi-bin/ots/arhivad.cgi redirected to http://websrv.hina.hr/cgi-bin/ots/arhivad.cgi
Status: 302 -> 500 Server Error

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

warning Line: 419 http://www.express-computer.com/20041101/market02.shtml redirected to http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20041101/market02.shtml
Status: 301 -> 200 OK

This is a permanent redirect. The link should be updated.



error Line: 301 http://arh.uba.be/downloads/ARH-Install.exe
Status: 403 Forbidden

The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL.

warning Line: 372 http://www.ibpt.be/ redirected to http://www.ibpt.be/fr/1/Home/Accueil/Accueil.aspx
Status: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a temporary redirect. Update the link if you believe it makes sense, or leave it as is.

warning Line: 347 http://geo-vlaanderen.agiv.be/geo-vlaanderen/kleurenortho redirected to http://geo-vlaanderen.agiv.be/geo-vlaanderen/kleurenortho/
Status: 301 -> 200 OK

The link is missing a trailing slash, and caused a redirect. Adding the trailing slash would speed up browsing.



error Line: 653 http://www.nittany-scientific.com/nwp/
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 653 http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/46509.html
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

warning Line: 653 http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/24 redirected to http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/24?ehamsid=467e6d31d3c8b4c752e233768ef19ba6
Status: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a temporary redirect. Update the link if you believe it makes sense, or leave it as is.



error Line: 659 http://www.nittany-scientific.com/nwp/
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 659 http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/46509.html
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

warning Line: 659 http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/24 redirected to http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/24?ehamsid=467e6d31d3c8b4c752e233768ef19ba6
Status: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a temporary redirect. Update the link if you believe it makes sense, or leave it as is.



error Line: 412 http://www.mogador2009.altervista.org/
Status: 500 Server closed connection without sending any data back

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.



error Line: 354 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=17
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.

error Line: 354 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=14
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.



error Line: 473 http://www.emconline.be/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.emconline.be:80 (Bad hostname 'www.emconline.be')

The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

error Line: 303 http://www.uba.be/dossiers/php/frmlogin.php
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:80 (connect: Connection refused)

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.



error Line: 285 http://arh.uba.be/downloads/ARH-Install.exe
Status: 403 Forbidden

The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL.

error Line: 286 http://arh.uba.be/downloads/ARH-Install-Lite.exe
Status: 403 Forbidden

The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL

error Line: 295 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=17
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.

error Line: 296 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=14
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.



error Line: 611 http://www.uba.be/hf/wav/newonhf_radioalphabet.mp3
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:80 (connect: Connection refused)

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

error Line: 616 http://www.uba.be:hf/com/newonhf_nl_qcode.html
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:hf:80 (Bad service '80')

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

error Line: 623 http://www.uba.be/hf/com/newonhf_nl_hfprop.html
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:80 (connect: Connection refused)

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

error Line: 643 http://www.uba.be/hf/cwfun/cwfun_nl.html
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:80 (connect: Connection refused)

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

error Line: 636 http://www.uba.be/hf/com/newonhf_nl_cw.html
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.uba.be:80 (connect: Connection refused)

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

warning Line: 343 http://www.eham.net/reviews/products/27 redirected to http://www.eham.net/reviews/products/27?ehamsid=21866477c04fa1d4506ff9065177feec
Status: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a temporary redirect. Update the link if you believe it makes sense, or leave it as is.

warning Line: 343 http://www.eham.net/ redirected to http://www.eham.net/?ehamsid=b40adcf5b771ee843b15086cd4713e74
Status: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a temporary redirect. Update the link if you believe it makes sense, or leave it as is.



error Line: 305 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=17
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.



error Line: 743 http://aces.ee.olemiss.edu/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to aces.ee.olemiss.edu:80 (Bad hostname 'aces.ee.olemiss.edu')

The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.



error Line: 428 http://www.drm.org/pdfs/DRMStatementPLCseptember04.pdf
Status: 404 Not Found

The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.

error Line: 474 http://www.hina.hr/cgi-bin/ots/arhivad.cgi redirected to http://websrv.hina.hr/cgi-bin/ots/arhivad.cgi
Status: 302 -> 500 Server Error

This is a server side problem. Check the URI.



error Line: 356 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=17
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.

error Line: 356 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=14
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.



error Line: 286 http://arh.uba.be/downloads/ARH-Install.exe
Status: 403 Forbidden

The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL.

error Line: 287 http://arh.uba.be/downloads/ARH-Install-Lite.exe
Status: 403 Forbidden

The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL.

error Line: 296 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=17
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.

error Line: 297 http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=fileinfo&id=14
Status: 406 Not Acceptable

The server isn't capable of responding according to the Accept* headers sent. This is likely to be a server-side issue with negotiation.



info Line: 439 mailto:hans.%20%3Cspan%20class=%22spamspan%22%3E%3Cspan%20class=%22u%22%3Edelfs%3C/span%3E%3Cimg%20alt=%22at%22%20width=%2210%22%20src=%22/sites/all/modules/spamspan/image.gif%22%3E%3Cspan%20class=%22d%22%3Eskynet%20[dot]%20be%3C/span%3E%3C/span%3E
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

info Line: 409 mailto:on3vw@%20hot%20mail%20.com
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

info Line: 398 mailto:%3Cspan%20class=%22spamspan%22%3E%3Cspan%20class=%22u%22%3Eon4pn%3C/span%3E%3Cimg%20alt=%22at%22%20width=%2210%22%20src=%22/sites/all/modules/spamspan/image.gif%22%3E%3Cspan%20class=%22d%22%3Euba%20[dot]%20be%3C/span%3E%3C/span%3E
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

info Line: 414 daniel [dot] trioen%20 [at] skynet [dot] be (mailto:daniel [dot] trioen%20 [at] skynet [dot] be)
Status: (N/A) Access to 'mailto' URIs has been disabled

Accessing links with this URI scheme has been disabled in link checker.

error Line: 407 http://www.helmut/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.helmut:80 (Bad hostname 'www.helmut')

The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.