Enciens messages "DX News"
- Segment 70,250 - 70,350 MHz
- Max. 10 W ERP
- Extra class only
- Each station must apply for a special permission for 70 MHz
Et bien sur le W-E du contest .
Dans l'espoir de vous contacter depuis la bas 73 QRO Michel ON4POO PS : Peu-être du MS et qui sait du ES mais pas avec la Belgique
He will be QRV every morning on 144.265, 432MHz and 1296 MHz.
ON7VA, Eddy Claes, will be QRV all bands from 02/05/2009 - 09/05/2009.
On 02 and 03/05/2009 QRV on 2m.
SPECIAL EDITION of QSL-Card 100% for each QSO on different bands.
F/ON7VA/P - Eddy - IN98QL - QTH: CEAUCE - La Vérie -Department 61 - ORNE.
Make more miles on VHF a publié la liste annuel avec les "most wanted squares".
Vous trouverez la list via ce lien
We are happy to announce, that we received a license to operate a beacon on the 4 m band.
- Callsign: OE5QL
- The beacon frequency is: 70,045 MHz
- Locator: JN78CJ
- Height: 840m ASL
- Antenna: Half-Wave Vertical
This is no Amateur Radio Call the Austrian PTT said, it is an Experimental Operation Radio Call.
Well, there are some restrictions:
- Time limit is 1 June and until 31 August 2009.
- Transmission is only 2 minutes per sequence between 04:00 and 19:47 UTC.
- Each sequence begins at full hour +00 min., +15 min., +30 min. and +45 min, e.g. 04:00-04:02, 04:15-04:17, 04:30-04:32 and 04:45-04:47.
- Transmission power is 1 W ERP the first minute of each sequence and 5 W ERP the second minute of each sequence.
If the beacon does not interfere with services outside of Austria, an extension is possible after August 2009 the Austrian PTT said.
Anyway after August 2009 we will try to negotiations for 24/7 duration period for the beacon.