UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Photo: Couloir

Enciens messages "DX News"

Italië krijgt toegang tot 70MHz - A traduire
Soumis par: ON4AVJ

Italiaanse radioamateurs krijgen sinds deze week toegang tot de 70 MHz band. Sinds 23 juni is het tijdelijk toegestaan om een drietal frequenties te gebruiken. Frequenties zijn: 70.1000, 70.2000 en 70.3000 MHZ. Het maximale toegestane vermogen ligt op 50 Watts ERP en de maximale bandbreedte 12.5 KHz rondom genoemde center frequenties. Alle modes zijn hier toegestaan. De toestemming vervalt op 19 december 2014. Meer informaties vind je op de website van de A.R.I. (www.ari.it.)

EME Conference 2014
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
La date limite d’enregistrement des réservations pour la conférence EME 2014 est fixée au 30 mai 2014.

Cette conférence dédiée au trafic via la Lune dans tous les modes et sur toutes les fréquences se déroulera les lundi 25 et mardi 26 août 2014 au Pôle Phoenix de la Cité des Télécoms à Pleumeur-Bodou dans les Cotes d’Armor.

Elle est organisée par l’association ORPB en liaison avec le Lannion Tregor Communauté et la Cité des Télécoms.

L’accueil des participants est assuré à partir du samedi 23 août. Plusieurs possibilités d’hébergement sont proposées au Club Belambra de Tregastel.

Des exposés scientifiques et techniques seront présentés au cours de ces deux journées par d’éminents spécialistes dans différents domaines tels que les antennes, les systèmes de poursuite, les amplificateurs et préamplificateurs, les SDR, les systèmes de traitement du signal, la propagation, …

Monsieur Joseph Taylor K1JT, prix Nobel de physique et concepteur du WSJT, nous honore de sa présence. Sergey Zhutyaev RW3BP, Paul Wade W1GHZ, Al Katz K2UYH, et de nombreux autres contributeurs de renom sont déjà inscrits et exposeront eux-mêmes leur sujet.

Le lundi soir après le diner un forum est organisé entre radioamateurs, scientifiques, professionnels, responsables d’université et étudiants afin de définir des solutions de partenariat.

Au cours de ces deux journées des ateliers de mesures de facteur de bruit et de puissance jusqu’à 24GHz seront animés par des radioamateurs français connus qui ont accepté d’organiser ces ateliers avec leur propre matériel de labo.

Enfin deux stations seront actives sous les indicatifs TM8PB et TM16EME.

Des démonstrations de liaisons EME que ce soit en mode numérique ou analogique seront assurées par petits groupes soit avec la parabole PB8 de 13m soit avec un équipement portable.

Cette 16ème conférence est la seconde organisée en France (Paris 1998). Elle permet à des radioamateurs du monde entier, adeptes de ce type de trafic de se retrouver tous les deux ans dans un cadre extrêmement convivial et amical afin de mettre en commun leur savoir faire et leurs compétences.

Des activités touristiques sont également prévues pour les accompagnants/accompagnantes. Ainsi, de nombreuses délégations étrangères souvent lointaines en profitent pour visiter le pays organisateur.

Pour celles et ceux intéressés vous pouvez consulter le site EME 2014. Pour tout renseignement sur les inscriptions et l’hébergement contactez cette adresse email.
UK Amateurs Losing Access to Part of 2.3 GHz and 3.4 GHz Bands
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
UK telecommunications regulator Ofcom has announced that it’s ending Amateur Radio access to significant portions of the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz bands.
The action, announced on April 7, came in the wake of a year-long “consultation” — a rule making proceeding — that involved the release by the Ministry of Defence of 40 MHz of spectrum at 2.3 GHz and 150 MHz of spectrum at 3.4 GHz. Amateur Radio is secondary on the bands.

Amateur Radio will lose privileges on frequencies in the two bands that overlap with spectrum that Ofcom plans to award for “new civil uses” — 2350 to 2390 MHz and 3410 to 3475 MHz. The announcement gives radio amateurs at least 12 months’ notice, but radio amateurs must comply immediately with procedures to avoid interfering with other users; ham radio occupants of 2310 to 2350 MHz will have to register their use and provide details to Ofcom.

Amateur Radio will retain access to the adjacent bands, but Ofcom has put procedures in place to remove even those frequencies from Amateur Radio access, if necessary in the future. Ofcom said earlier this year that with military and other government use of the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz spectrum ending, “we believe an award of the spectrum for high power use is likely to deliver greater benefit to UK consumers and citizens than continued amateur use.” Ofcom was required by the Ministry of Defence to adequately protect its systems from Amateur Radio interference in both the released spectrum and in adjacent bands.

“The MoD’s plans are part of a government commitment to release 500 MHz of spectrum by 2020,” Ofcom explained in its order. “This commitment to opening up spectrum for new civil uses is based on growing demand from UK consumers for spectrum-hungry devices such as smartphones and tablets.” Ofcom said that use of mobile data devices more than doubled in the 18 months leading up to January 2012. “Indeed, the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz bands are identified in Ofcom’s ‘mobile data strategy’ as having the potential to support even better mobile data services for citizens and consumers in the coming years,” the regulator said.

Ofcom said it was making 2300 to 2302 MHz available for amateur use, but licensees first must obtain a Notice of Variation to their licenses. Hams in the US have secondary access to 2300 to 2310 MHz, 2390 to 2450 MHz, and 3300 to 3500 MHz. — Thanks to RSGB, Ofcom
ARISS: Ham Video Commissioning – final
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
The final Ham Video Commissioning Pass 4 is planned Sunday April 13 at 18.23 UTC.

Configuration 4 will be used:
  • ARISS antenna 43
  • Frequency 2395 MHz
  • Symbol rate 2.0 MS/s
Koichi Wakata will operate OR4ISS.
Ground stations F6DZP and IK1SLD will receive the signals and stream the video over the BATC server.
The video is expected to be received during 5 minutes.

This will mark the end of the Blank Transmissions.

We thank the operators who filed reception reports of blank transmissions. Your participation to the Ham Video testing campaign has been invaluable.

No decision has been taken yet on the future use of Ham Video. We will keep you informed on any progress.


Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS Europe chairman
ARISS: video blank transmissions
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
Presently, Ham Video is transmitting permanently a “blank” image and no audio in configuration 5:
  • ARISS antenna 43
  • Frequency 2369 MHz
  • Symbol rate 1.3 Ms/s
Reports on reception of blank transmissions are very welcome. Reports can be filed via this webpage: http://www.spaceflightsoftware.com/ARISS_FSTV/submit.php.

Participants using the Tutioune receiving software can record as well as stream detailed parameters of the received signal. Please see: http://www.vivadatv.org/.

Reports are available at http://www.vivadatv.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=294&p=785#p785.

Thank you for your participation to the Ham Video testing campaign.
Marconi Contest 2013 Certificate
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
Everyone who participated at the 2013 Marconi contest get a certificate. You can download your own certificate from the ARI website. There are 8 files with all participants. The Belgian contesters will find their certificate at http://www.ari-bo.it/mmc2013/attestati/MMC_07.pdf.
Thank you to all for great contest participation, cu in November for the next Marconi Memorial Contest.

73 Alex IV3KKW

Le QSO européen en D-Star
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
Afin de créer de l'activités en D-Star et faire de nouveaux adeptes, la section UBA de Thuin indicatif ON6TN à décidé de mettre un QSO D-Star en fonction à partir du samedi 6 avril 2013.

En voici les modalités: chaque samedi après midi à partir de 15 h 00 heure local se déroulera le QSO européen en D-Star. Nous serons probablement sur le réflecteur 028 au début. Notre objectif est de faire découvrir le D-Star et également de faire trafiquer les OMs de la section. Évidemment nous invitons tous les OMs à participer à ce nouveau QSO européen en D-Star

De plus amples information vont se trouver sur le site de la section UBA de Thuin ON6TN.
A new Next Generation Beacon
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
Today, Saturday 30 March, is the 56th anniversary of OZ7IGY and also the launch date for the new 70 cm beacon based upon the Next Generation Beacon platform: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb.

The 70 cm beacon is now frequency and time locked to GPS. The sequence is timed to start at 00 second sending PI4 followed by a short pause then CW ID sending callsign and locator, then pause and carrier until next cycle. The nominal frequency remains the same, i.e. 432,471 MHz. To decode PI4 tune your receiver to 800 Hz below the nominal frequency, just like you do when you want to decode a normal CW signal at 800 Hz. On most radios this is a USB dial of 432.470.2.

At the same time the 6 m, 4 m and 2 m beacons have also changed MGM to PI4. The CW callsign, locator and carrier remain the same.

PI4 is a digital modulation (MGM) specifically designed with beacons and propagation studies in mind.

Download PI-RX to decode PI4: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb/pi-rx.

PI4 encoding examples in Arduino C, Atmel C, Delphi Pascal, Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft C++: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb/software.htm.

PI4 online encoding and frequency calculation: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb/pi4encoding.php.

PI4 specification: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb/pi4.htm PI4 is a cousin of JT4, JT9 and WSPR.

OZ7IGY status page: http://www.rudius.net/oz7igy.
TM77A expedition to IN77 144 and 50 MHz
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
TM77A to activate IN77 square on 144 and 50 MHz in June 2013
After having individually participated in different DXpeditions in the past we have this year decided to join our efforts to activate one of the last most wanted square on the European continent IN77.
This time Dominique HB9CYY, Nick HB9CYF, Dan HB9HFM and Ben HB9SLU will operate especially on 144 MHz (Tropo, Es, MS and EME - on moonrise and moonset -) and 50 MHz (Tropo and Es) during the two first weeks of June using the special callsign TM77A.

At choosen QTH signal take off is clear all around 360° degrees.
Dates: 2.06.2013 – 14.06.2013
Foreseen setup:
50 Tropo – Es: 5el LFA, 100W.
144 Tropo – Es - MS: 8x3el LFA, QRO.
144 EME: 16 el LFA, QRO.
Operating frequencies (+- QRM):
50.127 SSB - CW.
144.077 CW.
144.127 JT65B.
144.277 SSB.
144.377 FSK441 or 144.370 with split frequency (CQ 377 TM77A).
Operation procedure by MS / EME
We transmit always first period.
Operation random only, no sked.
Confirmation procedure on MS and EME: RRR 77A.
QSL infos
QSL 100% via HB9SLU (buro or direct with SAE including 2$).
Stay tuned and we’ll do our best to get you into the log!

All infos and updates on QRZ.com
During DXpedition, especially during « On air » time, we will try be present on ON4KST and/or N0UK.
GL and 73'
TM77A DXpedition Team
144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest 2013
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
MMMonVHF[1], in cooperation with the magazines DUBUS[2] and Funk-Telegramm[3], invites you to take part in the 6th edition of the “144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest” during the maximum of the Perseids meteor shower (PER).
Based on predictions from IMO[4] (the International Meteor Organisation), this maximum will occur on August 12, 2013, between 18:15 GMT and 20:45 GMT.

Contestperiod: August 11, 2013, 12:00 GMT – August 13, 2013, 11:59 GMT (end time last completed QSO).

Class 1: QRP (< 1.5 kW ERP).
Class 2: QRO (>1.5 kW ERP).
Stations can participate in one class only. No difference between single- or multi-operator stations or modes.

Exchange: Full callsigns, reports (e.g. 26 or R26) and final rogers (RRRR)[5].

Scoring: For each completed QSO you receive an amount of points that equals the distance between you and the station you completed with. A worked station only counts once, so no duplicates allowed.

Final scoring: The total score is the sum of all points you received for all completed QSO’s together.

Logs: Logs can be send via E-mail or regular mail. Your log has to be received before September 15, 2013. In case you have send your log by regular mail, the postmark will count. Logs received after that date will be considered as checklogs.
Logs via E-mail can be sent to: mssprint [at] mmmonvhf [dot] de; Subject: MSSprint “Call”.
Logs via regular post can be sent to: A.F. Veldhuijsen, PA4EME, Westlandstraat 9, 6137 KE Sittard, The Netherlands.

Be sure you log contains at least the following:
  • Your call, name, address and class you want to participate in.
  • Stations in Class 1 (QRP) have to state details about the equipment they used in form of used output power and antenna gain. If no data about your station is given, you will be placed in Class 2. The power used for the calculation of the Effective Radiated Power will be the power measured at the output of your transceiver or active amplifier(s);
  • The QSO list. As there are many logging programs available nearly every format is possible[6]. But make sure that the log will show at least: date, time (to be specific: end time), call, report send, report received, locator and distance (equals points).
  • With sending your log you also declare to have operated within the limits of your chosen Class, licence and local regulations when performing any activity that could impact your submitted score. Unsportsmanlike conduct can be ground for disqualification. Also you agree to have the log open to the public which might result in publishing your log on MMMonVHF or in the magazines DUBUS and/or Funk-Telegramm.
  • Reception of a log will be confirmed in the same way it was received.
Stories and pictures are welcome for the soapbox.

Conditions to be observed: The use of DX-clusters and chat-channels during the contest is only allowed in such way that there is no exchange of reports or other data from which the status of the QSO can be extracted. Limited information on the cluster (e.g. 12:00 DK5EW PA4EME JN48MB<MS>JO20WX) or chat (e.g. 12:00 PA2DW 144.355 CQ for MS Sprint) is allowed.
Selfspotting exceeding more than once every 15 minutes will be considered as unsportsmanlike behaviour.

Winner of the contest: The winner of the contest is the station with the highest amount of points. There will be a winner in each class. If two stations have the same amount of points, the position will have to be shared.

Special scoring for outside Europe stations: There will be a separate listing for stations outside Europe.

Certificate: All stations will receive a digital certificate showing the Class and ranking achieved.

Results: The results of the MS Sprint Contest will be published on the foreseen date that DUBUS magazine no. 4, 2013 will be issued: December 7, 2013. Results will be on-line that day on MMMonVHF. Printed versions will be in DUBUS magazine no.4, 2013 and Funk-Telegramm no. 1, 2014. VHF-editors around the world are free to publish the list as well provided the source and organizers are mentioned.

Additional notes:
[1] MMMonVHF (Make More Miles on VHF): www.mmmonvhf.de.
[2] DUBUS - the serious magazine for VHF and up amateur radio: www.dubus.org.
[3] Funk-Telegramm - Magazin für Funkamateure: www.funk-telegramm.de.
[4] IMO – International Meteor Organisation: www.imo.net.
[5] Operating Procedures for Meteor Scatter QSO’s: http://www.vhfdx.de/ms_howto.pdf.
[5] Проведение MS QSO в 1 районе IARU: http://www.vhfdx.ru/ms/provedenie-ms-qso-v-1-rayone-iaru.
[6] The “144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest” is supported by at least two software programs:
- Arcom (Ham Office) : www.hamoffice.de
- Ucxlog: www.ucxlog.de
Other logging programs are allowed as well.