UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Photo: Couloir

Enciens messages "DX News"

Italy on 70 MHz
Soumis par: ON4AVJ

Italian Amateurs have again access to 70 MHz from February 1st till December 31st 2013.
These are the specifications:
  • All Italian stations are authorized except ones 30 km or less from Italian border with Austria, Switzerland and France.
  • Frequencies: 70,100 - 70,200 - 70,300 with 25 kHz of bandwidth.
  • All modes with a maximum bandwidth of 25 kHz.
  • Max power 50 Watt ERP.

73 Alex IV3KKW
A.R.I. - VHF & Up Manager Coordinator
IV3KKW Alessandro Carletti
First WSPR beacon on 144 MHz in DL
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
On September 14, the first WSPR Beacon, DB0XIT, started working in Germany. WSPR is an abbreviation for “Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network”. It is a network built to observe propagation conditions using weak beacons. DB0XIT is transmitting on 144,4890 MHz USB with 3 W horizontally polarized from Europe`s highest headgear in Göttelborn, Saarland. The antenna in use is a stacked angular dipole with omnidirectional characteristics at a height of about 457m over Sea level. The beacon is connected to the internet to observe propagation conditions in Europe. Interested people might have a look at the Internet[1,2] to get more details about WSPR. There you can also download the WSPR software for free in the case you want to get active on WSPR. 2m is not the only Band for WSPR. There are also beacons using shortwave bands. The Windows-Software distributed by the WSPR-Website supports working on all bands.
Microwavedagen Heelweg 2013 (NL)
Soumis par: ON4AVJ

Beste Microgolf enthousiast,
Op Zaterdag 19 januari 2013 bent u weer van harte welkom op onze microgolf meeting in Westendorp.

Aan het begin van weer een nieuw jaar kunnen er weer heel veel ervaringen en ideeën worden uitgewisseld. Natuurlijk brengt u allen uw zelfbouw spullen mee die vanzelfsprekend ook weer professioneel kunnen worden gemeten door het 2013 meetteam bestaande uit: PA0JEN, PE1BMC, PE1FOD, PA0EHG, PA7JB, PA3CEG, PE1FYB, PB0AOK, PE0SSB, PA1KR, PA2M, PA0RYL en PA3ACJ.

De volgende meetapparatuur is beschikbaar:
  • Sweepers 0-26 GHz.
  • Spectrumanalyzers tot 26 GHz.
  • Spectrumanalyzer 10KHz - 3.8GHz + Tracking generator ; Voor het meten van Filters, couplers, SWR en signalen.
  • Meetzender 10Khz - 3.3GHz (AM, FM, CW, en puls).
  • SWR 5MHz - 3.0GHz (RF-SWR Brug).
  • Spectrumanalyzer tot 325 GHz.
  • Vector netwerk analyzer tot 20 GHz ( neem een 3.5" diskette mee waarop de meetresultaten kunnen worden opgeslagen).
  • Tektronix Videogenerator met sin x/x signaal.
  • Tektronix VM700 video meetset.
  • Barco Receiver I en II ontvanger/videodemodulator met meetkoppen voor 23cm 13cm en 3cm.
  • NKF videodemodulator met baseband ingang voor het meten aan baseband atv modules.
  • Spectrum analyser Agilent tot 3GHz.
  • Ruisgetalmeter tot 24 GHz.
  • Ruisgetalmeter 47 GHz.
  • Powermeter tot 76 GHz.
  • Afregelunit 24 GHz Filters.
  • Signaalgenerator van 0 tot 18,6 GHZ (Mar 2031 / HP8673) FM smal- en breedband dus ook ATV.
  • Spectrumanalyzer van 0 - 26,5 (of 31,8) GHz + Tracking tot 2,7 GHz.
  • AM - 70 cm ATV generator.
  • Counter tot 24 GHz met rubidium stabilisatie.
  • Powermeter tot 250 Watt tot 2,5 GHz.
  • Rubidium en GPS based frequentie standaard 10 Mhz.
  • HP 5370 Time Interval Meter.
  • HP 3336 B Signal Generator.
  • HP 8405A Vector Voltmeter.
  • GPIB control software based on KE5FX programs.

Wat kunt u laten meten?
  • Voorversterkers: Ruisgetal en versterking.
  • SHF stralers / antennes: Frequentie en aanpassing.
  • Filters: doorlaat, aanpassing en demping.
  • Overgang coax naar golfpijp.
  • Versterkers: versterking en uitgangsvermogen.
  • Spectrumanalyse: mixers, oscillatoren zenders etc... >100 GHz.
  • IJken van zelfbouw meetapparatuur zoals powermeters, ruisbronnen, SWR bruggen, couplers, bakens etc...
  • ATV basisband:
  • Frequentiekarakteristiek, Groepslooptijd, Statische lineariteit, Kleuren vectoren, SRA gewogen en ongewogen, Brom, Reactie van PLL regellus op zwart/wit/zwart sprongen.
  • Fase en frequentie van uw GPS 10 MHz standaard.

Heeft u een speciale "meetwens"? Stuur een mail. Er is nog veel meer meetapparatuur beschikbaar!!!

Vanwege de beperkte ruimte is alleen kleinschalige verkoop van microgolf spullen toegestaan. Wilt u een tafel reserveren stuur dan z.s.m. een mail want vol is vol!

Volg onze website voor updates www.pamicrowaves.nl.
Reunion de la commission IARU-C5 a Vienne
Soumis par: ON4AVJ

En Avril 2013 se tient á Vienne la réunion des commissions VHF et HF de l'IARU-R1. La commission C5 s'occupe des questions VHF et les fréquences supérieures. A cette réunion on discute les propositions sur le bandplanning, des différents modes, des contests, etc. Ce sujets sont alors repris dans le VHF Managers Handbook.
Si vous avez des suggestions vous pouvez les envoyer à l'adresse vhf [at] uba [dot] be (subject: Voorstel%20voor%20Wenen%202013) (email suivante.) Ceci seront discuté par la commission VHF de l'UBA mi-décembre.

ARRL Microwave EME Contest
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
The ARRL Microwave EME contest took place on October 6/7 and stations from all over the world participated on frequencies ranging from 2,3 to 10 GHz.

This year, I took part in the 2,3 GHz band and found good activity despite the very high degradation due to the moon being near apogea. I made a total of 33 random QSOs: 32 in CW and 1 mixed SSB/CW.

Among the stations contacted, R3YA is a new DXCC for me and a first between ON and Russia on 13 cm. The smallest station contacted was PA7JB, who was surprisingly good copy with his little 2,4m offset dish and 100W only.

Antenna is a 3,6m mesh dish with circular polarization and power at the feedhorn is about 150W

73 de Eric ON5TA

AiseKom2 balloon to be launched
Soumis par: ON5EX
Next Sunday, July 29, AiseKom #2 will be launched in Bilbao (Spain). Onboard is a crossband UHF (up) VHF 145.950 MHz (down) repeater. The balloon is expected to rise up to 30 km, providing full coverage of Europe. The uplink data is not available at this time.

Launch time: 29/07/2012 at 08:00 UTC.
Web info.
Twitter: #aisekom.
New First ON-DL
Soumis par: ON4AVJ

We are happy to announce that ON4SHF/P and DL5EAG/P made the first QSO DL-ON on 24GHz during the contest of 7-8 july.

1215 08 Jul 2012

  • DL5EAG-ON4SHF/P (/R),
  • JO31EI(Krefeld)-JO20JQ (Ostiches),
  • DL5EAG: 100mW / 30cm dish,
  • ON4SHF/R: 3W / 85cm dish,
  • CW, tropo/rs enhanced.

Congratulations to both stations.
Copernicus Radio Amateur Kids Day
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
Dear Friends,

On the occasion of the Radio Amateur Kids Day on 16th June 2012, I would like to inform you about a special activity that could be especially interesting as a means of promotion of amateur radio amongst young operators and young potential radio amateurs.

The matter is that a tropospheric balloon will start on 16th June (Saturday) at 11.00 UTC from W³oc³awek, and it will carry out a cross-band repeater with the callsign SR0FLY.

Please find additional information in the here, and… have a lot of fun!!!

Best friendly 73,

Pawe³ Zakrzewski, SP7TEV
IARU Liaison Officer of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK)
Surprise from DARC for IARU R1 VHF competitors
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
We, the German amateur radio club, DARC, would like to invite all participants of the
  • IARU-Region-1 145 MHz September Contest 2011 (03/04 September 2011)
  • IARU-Region-1 UHF/Microwaves October Contest 2011 (01/02 October 2011)

To the award ceremony at the ham radio fair in Friedrichshafen (www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.de).

The award ceremony takes place on Saturday 23 June 2011 15:00 local time (MESZ) in the foyer (near the entrance area).

Especially the following stations, operators and crews are welcome:


Beside the cups we have some goodies for a lot of participants.

CU & 73 de Martin, DL5NAH
70 MHz et le fieldday
Soumis par: ON4AVJ
Le 5 mai l'IPBT nous a permis d'usager la bande de 70 MHz (70.200 - 70.400 MHz) en Belgique. Ceci était après l'édition du règlement Fieldday.
Si on votre licence vous permet d'utiliser cette bande (licence HAREC) et si vous avez prévenu l'IBPT en avance vous pouvez utiliser cette bande durant le Fieldday.
Vous pouvez prévenir l'IBPT par mail à RAM-NL [at] bipt [dot] be (RAM-NL).