UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Photo: Couloir

Anciens messages "Traffic News"

ON44NUTS - Radioclub des Ardennes RCA
Soumis par: ON5EX
Le Radio Club des Ardennes ON4RCA situé à Bastogne activera du 22 décembre 2011 au 30 juin 2012 l’indicatif spécial ON44NUTS. Ceci à la mémoire de tous les militaires US tombés pour notre liberté mais aussi pour rappeler un épisode célèbre de la bataille à Bastogne lorsque le Général McAuliffe répondit NUTS à l’assaillant allemand suite a leur demande de capituler.

W3T, N3Y, YU0TESLA - Nikola Tesla event stations
Soumis par: ON5EX
On November 5th, Wardenclyffe will be on the air as W3T (20 & 40). Tesla's last residence, the New Yorker Hotel will be on the air as N3Y via satellite. The Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Serbia will be on the air as YU0TESLA (20).

Click here for full details.
ON5HY - Château d'Havré (Mons)
Soumis par: ON5EX
Le groupe ON5HY activera le château d'Havré (Mons) le samedi 29 octobre 2011, de 10h00 à 16h00 locale sur 40 et 20m en CW et SSB et 2m pour les QSO locaux. Référence WCA: ON-00102, BCA: HT-041. Locator: JO20AL.

QSL via bureau ou direct: ON5HY.

PJ4J - Bonaire
Soumis par: ON5EX
Bonaire will be activated by ON4CIT as PJ4J, October 27 to November 9, 2011.

Click here for full details.
EI8GQB (aka ON4EI) - Benneshill
Soumis par: ON5EX
Olivier sera à nouveau QRV depuis l'Irlande près de la ville de Fethard (IO62EL) au sommet de Benneshill (170m ASL) avec son indicatif irlandais EI8GQB.

Il participera au CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST as SOAB Low Power Non Assisted (29-30 OctobreDurant la semaine précédant le contest Olivier installera 5 antennes pour opérer en SO2RLa fréquence de référence est 7.100 MHz +/-QRM.

18m top loaded vertical monopole for 160-80m bands + 32 radials.
2 Spiderbeam antennas for 20/15/10 m bands.
200m long beverage East-West.
3 elements East-West bi-directional inverted V beam for 40m band.
Elecraft K3 & Kenwood TS2000.

Olivier tiendra un blog journalier.
Voir aussi la vidéo de l'expédition EJ8GQB Bere Island Mars 2010.

SAQ/Grimeton Radio extra transmissions
Soumis par: ON5EX
There will be two extra transmissions with the Alexanderson alternator on 17.2 kHz because of the United Nations day, Monday October 24, 2011.

The first transmission is a special transmission from young students in Sweden and will start up tuning at about 10:10 UTC and with a message at 10:30 UTC. The second transmission will start up tuning at 17:30 UTC and a message at 18:00 UTC.

QSL-reports on these transmissions are not required.

15-16 October: 54th Jamboree On The Air
Soumis par: ON5EX
The 54th Jamboree On The Air will take place on 15 and 16 October 2011.

This year's theme is: Peace, Environment and Natural Disasters. An exciting activity that focuses on the strength of Scouting: to act and support in unforeseen circumstances. Scouts are prepared.

28 & 24 MHz intruders - Alarming report by DK2OM
Soumis par: ON5EX
Hi friends,

28 - 29.7 MHz is completely over-flooded by CIS taxis in FM (Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine). The woman on 28195 is located in Kiev (UKR), the taxi service on 28155 transmitting from Russia. 28200 is also abused by Russian military, F1B, 100 Bd, 150 Hz, vocoder Yakhta synchro signal, located in UFA, Russia. Uli (DJ9KR) and me need few seconds to hear if a language is Russian or Arabic. Arabic voices are very rare on 28 MHz. The last days I found CIS taxis even on 25100. One day they will destroy our 24 MHz band, too.

Another large problem are the Codar HF Radars on 24 MHz. They are transmitting with 2 sweeps/sec, sounding a bit like a pasture fence. (PSE look for the soundfiles on www.iarums-r1.org) K0BOG, Chuck, is interested in such signals. I think we should help him with observations and reports. A worldwide collection of Codars on our bands will help to show the unkind and sometimes bold methods of these people. The signals are stretching over 100 - 500 kHz!!! If you are not sure if you have found a Codar, send me WAV-file (44 kHz sampling rate appreciated - 5 MB no problem). Analysing digital signals on our bands is my daily job.

73 from Wolf DK2OM
CIS DX QPSK63 Contest
Soumis par: ON5EX
The European PSK Club has the honour to invite radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the CIS DX QPSK63 Contest 2011. The CIS DX PSK Contest is held every year on the third weekend of September. This year it starts at 12:00 UTC on Saturday 17th September, 2011 and ends at 12:00 UTC on Sunday 18th September, 2011. The rules and other information can be found at the contest website.

ON30CLM - Canadian Liberation March
Soumis par: ON5EX
(à traduire)
Op 1 november 1944 werd Knokke bevrijd door de Canadese troepen die een uitputtend gevecht geleverd hebben in het Belgische kustgebied. Ieder jaar herdenken de inwoners van Knokke Heist de talrijke gesneuvelde Canadese soldaten tijdens de Canadese Week. Ook dit jaar verlenen tal van radioamateurs van de UBA-sectie ONZ Oosthoek hun medewerking aan deze Canadese Week.

Dit jaar is ons de speciale toestemming gegeven door het BIPT om de speciale prefix ON30 te gebruiken naar aanleiding van de 30ste verjaardag van het radiostation ON4CLM. Het Special Event Radio Station ON30CLM (de suffix staat voor Canadian Liberation March) zal reeds te contacteren zijn van heden tot en met 31 december 2011. De frequenties waarop het station te horen is, zijn MHz):

SSB 3,685 7,045 14,145 18,150 21,245 28,545 144,250
CW 3,515 7,012 10,118 14,020 18,087 21,020 24,897 28,020 144,020
FM 145,475 438,725

Dit jaar worden de ON30CLM-operatoren bijgestaan door operatoren van BAFARA (Belgian Air Force Amateur Radio Association), door leden van de gastsectie MWV en door de eigen leden van de organiserende sectie ONZ Oosthoek. Naar aanleiding van de 30ste verjaardag kan iedere zend- of luisteramateur, na een contact met ON30CLM, het award GRATIS aanvragen. Geïnteresseerden kunnen het radiostation ON30CLM bezoeken in de lokalen van de UBA-sectie ONZ Oosthoek, gelegen in de industriezone ’t Walletje 50c te KNOKKE-Heist.