UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

slideshow 1

Photo: Couloir

Anciens messages "Traffic News"

1A0C - Santa Maria del Priorato
Soumis par: ON5EX
From 1 to 4 July, 1A0C will be aired from Santa Maria del Priorato, home of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The call sign that will be used belongs to the “The Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps (CISOM),” an organisation specialised in bringing assistance and relief during emergencies. This underscores the dual value of this activation. On the one hand, there is the fun side amateur radio, giving a not so easy “new one” to as many stations as possible (especially from the US and Japan). On the other hand, however, there is the noble goal, as often seen in amateur radio, where a spirit of cooperation and mutual aid are shared by operators all over the world. The team’s aim, in fact, is to raise funds – thanks to donations and contributions from QSL requests – in order to buy radio equipment which The Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps volunteers will be able to use in case of emergencies. The operators list includes 1A0X, 1A0Z, EA2RY, EA5RM, EA7AJR, EA7KW, F5CWU, IN3ZNR, IT9YVO, IZ8IYX, PB2T, SP3DOI and KH6CG as a pilot for North America and Pacific. They will be active on HF and 6 m and the QSLs for contacts with 1A0C can be requested via Francesco Cozzi, 1A0Z.

A website will be online soon, stay tuned!

SAQ QRV on Alexanderson Day
Soumis par: ON5EX
A message from Lars SM6NM:

We will remind you of the Grimeton Radio/SAQ transmissions on 17.2 kHz, CW, with the Alexanderson alternator on Sunday July 1, 2012, “Alexanderson Day”, at 09:00 UTC and 12:00 UTC. We will start tuning up some 30 minutes before message.

The radio station is open to visitors. There will be activity on amateur radio frequencies with the call "SK6SAQ" from 09:15 to 11:30 UTC and 12:15 to 13:00 UTC. Any of following frequencies: 14.035 kHz CW, 14.215 kHz SSB. From 07:00 UTC onwards also on 3.755 kHz SSB.

QSL-reports are kindly received:
  • Email to: info [at] alexander [dot] n [dot] se
  • or fax to: +46-340-674195
  • or via: SM bureau
  • or direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner, Radiostationen Grimeton 72 SE-432 98 GRIMETON, SWEDEN (NB: new address)
Also read our web site.
ON85RCL - Fête au Radio Club Leuven
Soumis par: ON5EX
Le Radio Club de Louvain compte 85 spires au PA cette année. L'indicatif spécial ON85RCL sera utilisé, avec une certaine fierté, à partir du shack RCL du 1 juillet au 31 décembre 2012, en toute bande HF (6m si condx) et en differents modes d'émission. Vous trouverez plus d'info sur QRZ.com sous ON85RCL ou ON4CP (indicatif du RCL).
ON1RAFMOTA - Memorial On The Air
Soumis par: ON5EX
(à traduire) Als kleine jongen luisterde Bart Aerts vol spanning naar de oorlogsverhalen van zijn grootvader over de neergestorte bommenwerpers boven Achel en omstreken. Om deze helden uit WOII te herdenken is Bart als zendamateur in 2011 begonnen met MOTA-activaties in het noorden van Limburg op de exacte plaatsen waar deze vliegtuigen destijds neergestort zijn. Hij is dus de bezieler en de oprichter van de Memorial On The Air activaties in Belgie en wil hiermee de herinnering levend houden aan de vliegtuigbemanningen die gestorven zijn voor onze vrijheid. Wil je meer weten over deze activaties moet je zijn website maar eens bezoeken (www.on-raf-mota.be).

Op 23 juni 2012 zal Bart (met roepnaam ON3FMB) en een team van andere zendamateurs uit de regio (van de sectie NLB: ON4VLM en ON5WAL, van de sectie NOL: ON3EE en ON7KEI en van de sectie MTT: ON3EA) voor het eerst ook een speciale activatie (genaamd ON1RAFMOTA) doen op deze dag van de herdenkingsplechtigheden. Wil je eens komen kijken hoe Bart en zijn team de gevallen geallieerde bemanningen herdenken begeef je dan naar de Kleine Haart (KAPEL) te 3930 Hamont – Achel. Iedereen van harte welkom.

F5KAI/P - National French Mills Day
Soumis par: ON5EX
On June 17, National French Mills Day, members of the Radio Club F5KAI will activate F5KAI/P from the only horse powered mill left in the Nord-Pas-de Calais area. QRV from 06:00 UTC to 14:00 UTC, 80/40/20m, mainly SSB.

QSL via REF Buro.

ON6WL/P - De Buylaers
Soumis par: ON5EX
ON6WL/p will be aired from WFF ON-065 "De Buylaers Lokeren" on June 17th, starting around 07.00 UTC until 11.00 UTC. This activation will count also for BCA Reference OV-006 "Kasteel Verloren bos" WCA Reference ON-00338. Bands will be 40 en 20 meters.

ON44WAR - Brûly-de-Pesche
Soumis par: ON5EX
Le dimanche 17 juin 2012, le radio club de Binche (ON7RY) activera l’indicatif spécial ON44WAR depuis le site historique de Brûly-de-Pesche, ceci afin de commémorer le sacrifice de la Résistance Belge durant la seconde guerre mondiale.
L’horaire des activités sera le suivant de 09:00 H à 17:00 H (UTC+2) :

- De l’heure à l’heure et demi, transmissions en CW avec un Whaddon MK VII Paraset sur les fréquences de 3,515 MHz, 3,541 MHz, 7,006 MHz, 7,010 MHz, 7016 MHz et 7,025 MHz.
- De l’heure et demi à l’heure suivante, transmissions en SSB sur la bande des 40 mètres.

QSL information via ON7RY (direct ou via bureau).
9H9IMW - International Museums Weekend
Soumis par: ON5EX
June 16-24 2012, Fortunati 9H1ES is going to hold an exhibition in Valletta entitled ‘Vintage Wireless Military Museum’, as part of the International Museum Weekend. Thirty vintage communications transmitters and receivers of the period 1938–1944, including wireless of post war will be exhibited, as well as H2S equipment (nowadays called Radar) which was invented in 1935 and was used by the RAF during WWII.

During the weekends, 9H9IMW will be aired on HF bands and VHF including 6m.
Kids Day - June 16
Soumis par: ON5EX
Kids Day is an on-air event to encourage young people (licensed or not) to have fun with Amateur Radio. The Kids Day operating event is not a contest. It’s a way to tell young people worldwide about the magic and mystery of two way hobby radio communications.

To do this, Amateur radio stations are being asked to devote this short time window to promote the terrestrial hobby and ham radio satellite operations to youngsters. This, by providing a place to make contacts with other Kids Day stations around the world. It is designed to give on-the-air experience to youngsters and hopefully foster interest in getting a license of their own. It is also intended to give older hams a chance to share their station and love for Amateur Radio with their children.

Date and Time: 1800 UTC through 2359 UTC on Saturday, June 16. Operate as much or as little as you like. Suggested exchange: Name, age, location and favorite color. Be sure to work the same station again if an operator has changed. To draw attention, call “CQ Kids Day.”

Suggested frequencies:

10 Meters: 28.350 to 28.400 MHz
12 Meters: 24.960 to 24.980 MHz
15 Meters: 21.360 to 21.400 MHz
17 Meters: 18.140 to 18.145 MHz
20 Meters: 14.270 to 14.300 MHz
40 Meters: 7.270 to 7.290 MHz
80 Meters: 3.740 to 3.940 MHz
SV9/ON4KCY - Crete
Soumis par: ON5EX
From 13 June up to 5 July, Yves ON4KCY will be QRV as SV9/ON4KCY. He will operate following free time in between QRL activities (perhaps not every day), most probably in the evening between (18:00) 19:00 and 21:00 UTC.

Preferred frequencies:
20m: 14.175 +/- 5 (alternate: 14.306)
17m: 18.135 +/- 5
15m: 21.175 +/- 5 (alternate: 21.275)