UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Photo: Couloir

Anciens messages "Traffic News"

ON769MS - Leader Project Zevergem
Soumis par: ON5EX
logo european leader project(5 april 2009 - js) In het kader van het Europees 'Leader' project ter bevordering van het platteland, organiseren de radioamateurs van Zevergem, een deelgemeente van De Pinte, op 2 en 3 mei 2009 een special event in de dorpskern van Zevergem, met een ruim aanbod aan activiteiten: ON769MS QRV op HF/VHF in fonie, CW, digitale modes, SSTV, ATV, DATV; een radiozoektocht voor jong en oud; communicatie met satellieten en het ISS ruimtestation; doorlopend demonstraties en informatie rond het radioamateurisme; een bijzondere QSL-kaart. ON769MS zal ook tot 31 oktober door het clubstation van sectie TLS gebruikt worden.

XU7KOH - Koh Russei (Bamboo) Island
Soumis par: ON5EX
Koh Russei (Bamboo) Island

(April 2, 2009 - js)
From Friday April 3 0500 till Monday April 6 0100 UTC, XU7KOH will be aired from Koh Russei, Cambodia on CW, SSB, PSK31.

QSL: direct only via ON7PP (SAE+2 US $).

MM0RAI/P - Rockall Island
Soumis par: ON5EX
MM0RAI/p - Rockall Island
(March 30, 2009 - js) A Belgian group of die-hard amateur radio operators along with ON4HIL, ON4ATW, ON6CC, ON4IA, ON5TN, ON7YT, ON6ZU, ON4AHF, ON5GS, ON6NL and ON4BR took up the challenge to land and to be active from Rockall island as MM0RAI/p (EU-189), in order to make thousands of radio contacts from the “most wanted” spot for ten thousands of hams. They are planning to start their activities on April 30th to May 3rd. Operations will be lead from 80 to 10m on CW and SSB only. QSL via the bureau or direct through ON4BR.

Media: cfr. Het Belang van Limburg 1 en 2.

Broadcasting stations to move from 40M band
Soumis par: ON5EX

(March 28, 2009 - js) From 29 March 2009, broadcasting stations will be moving away from the 7100-7200 kHz band as per WRC 2003 decisions to pave the way for extension of the 40-metre Amateur Radio band. The frequencies between 7100 to 7200 kHz were used by broadcast stations for decades.

ON65CLM – Canadian Liberation March
Soumis par: ON5EX

(March 28, 2009 - js) The special event station ON65CLM stands for the “Canadian Liberation March” and will be aired by UBA club station ONZ from 01/03/2009 until 31/12/2009. This march is to remember the liberation of the Town Knokke by the Canadian armed forces in November 1944. The original march of the liberators started in Hoofdplaat in the Netherlands, 33 km away from Knokke. Nowadays thousands of grateful marchers participate every year at this 33 km long walk in remembrance of those brave men.

QSL to the bureau.

OT65ALG - Aérodrome de Temploux
Soumis par: ON5EX
(28 mars 2009 - js) Les membres de la section CRD de l'UBA seront actifs tels OT65ALG depuis l'aérodrome de Temploux (Namur) durant le weekend des 23 et 24 mai prochains. Les activités sont prévues essentiellement en HF sur les bandes du 80m au 15m principalement en phonie et modes digitaux. Le suffixe ALG étant pour Advanced Landing Ground car l'origine de l'aérodrome de Temploux remonte à la seconde guerre mondiale, à l'époque, l'aérodrome était une plaque tournante de l'offensive alliée.
QSL via bureau. Les membres de la section CRD tiennent à remercier l'UBA et l'IBPT pour l'octroi de cet indicatif spécial.
Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest 2009
Soumis par: ON5EX
(March 25, 2009 - js) The Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest 2009 is dedicated to the memory of Yuri Gagarin, who made the first flight to space on April 12, 1961. This is a CW contest from 2100 UTC on April 11 till 2100 UTC on April 12. Bands: 1.8, 3.5, 7.0, 14, 21, 28 MHz and radio amateur satellites.

OE100M - 100 years of Amateur Radio
Soumis par: ON5EX

(March 22, 2009 - js) To celebrate 100 Years of Amateur Radio, the Amateur Radio Section of ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) and the Documentary Archives Radio Communication /QSL Collection, will activate, April 1-30th, a special event station with the callsign OE100M. OE100M also is an official 'International Marconi Day' station: contacts made on Saturday, April 25th, are valid for the IMD Award.


QSL via the OE Bureau or direct to OE1WHC. Cards without SASE and IRC or green stamps to cover postage will be processed via bureau.


5N0OCH - Nigeria
Soumis par: ON5EX

(March 18, 2009 - js) Bodo DL3OCH will be aired as 5N0OCH from end of March until July into Nigeria (Nähe Abuja). Activities planned on all bands (especially 160m) in CW, SSB and also RTTY.

QSLs will be answered 100% via bureau or direct via the bureau through his home call DL3OCH.


Goldene Antenna Bad Bentheim
Soumis par: ON5EX

(March 17, 2009 - js) Every year, the town of Bad Bentheim is awarding the 'Golden Aerial' to a radioamateur or a group of radioamateurs for his/their exceptional ham radio efforts during or after accidents or natural disasters.

You are invited to submit nominations to Stadt Bad Bentheim, Schloßstr. 2, D-48455 Bad Bentheim, or by e-mail to dc9xu [at] darc [dot] de before June 30, 2009.

The awarding ceremony is to take place on August 28, 2009.