UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Photo: Couloir

Anciens messages "Traffic News"

PA123OLS - Oud Limburgs Schuttersfeest
Soumis par: ON5EX
PA123OLS will be aired from June 29th to July 12th, celebrating the 123rd "Oud Limburgs Schuttersfeest", a historical shooting match between 160 civil shooting clubs from the Dutch and Belgium provinces Limburg as well as a popular social event. Activity in CW, phone, RTTY and PSK on all bands.

QSL via PE1NCP direct or bureau.

EI/ON4EI - Summer activities
Soumis par: ON5EX
Olivier EI/ON4EI, will be active from Ireland near Clonmel (IO62EK) between July 8 to July 30. He will enter the IARU HF World Championship as Single Operator SSB Low Power All Band (July 11-12) and the IOTA contest (July 26-27). 50 MHz activity is also planned around 50,200 MHz. Reference frequency around contest dates is 7,130 MHz +/- QRM. Equipment: vertical 18 m monopole inverted V and beverage on 160/80/40, spiderbeam on 20/15/10. Elecraft K3 100 W.

F/OT3T - Île Grande, Chausey islands
Soumis par: ON5EX
F/OT3T will be active from Île Grande, Chausey Islands for the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th).

QSL via ON7EQ, direct or by the bureau.
IQØQP/LH - Capo Bellavista Lighthouse
Soumis par: ON5EX
A group of operators from the Associazione Radioamatoriale Sardinia QRP Club will be active as IQ0QP/LH from Capo Bellavista Lighthouse, island of Sardinia from June 27th to June 28th.

QSL via IQ0QP to the bureau.
GWØGRC - Holy Island
Soumis par: ON5EX
Some UK operators will be active from Holy Island, Wales, (EU-124) as GW0GRC from 1100 UTC June 25th to 1200 UTC June 29th.

QRV all HF bands, around the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via G0RCI, direct or bureau.

F/OT2A - Île de Batz
Soumis par: ON5EX
The Rockall 2009 group will participate in the IOTA contest from Ile de Batz, Finistere North, EU-105. To recover from the trip to Rockall and to start preparation for a new attempt, the crew and the support team will join the DXpedition class in a multi-operator, low power effort. The call used will be F/OT2A and QSL will go via the home call.

ZS getting more 40m band
Soumis par: ON5EX

South African radio amateurs now have full access to the 40 meterband (7000-7200 kHz).

ON16FF - F-16 Fighting Falcon
Soumis par: ON5EX
Le 16 janvier 1979, le premier F-16 a été mis en service au 1er Wing (349 Sqn). Le BAFARA (Belgium Air Force Amateur Radio Association) ne laissera pas cet événement passer inaperçu et activera ON16FF (F-16 Fighting Falcon) du 29 juin au 12 juillet 2009 sur toutes les bandes en tous modes.

CQWW - New "Xtreme" category
Soumis par: ON5EX

A new "Xtreme" category is being added to the CQ World-Wide DX Contest to allow amateurs to participate in the contest while experimenting creatively with Internet-linked stations and other new technologies that currently are not permitted in any of the contest categories. The new category is effective with the 2009 CQ WW Contest later this year. The full rules of the new Xtreme category can be found here.

ON1815NAP – Fleurus
Soumis par: ON5EX
Les membres de la section RAC de l’UBA seront actifs ce dimanche 14 juin de 9h00’ à 15h00’ en SSB et CW sur le 40 et 20m sous l’indicatif ON1815NAP. Cet indicatif a été attribué en commémoration de la dernière victoire de Napoléon Ier Bonaparte à Fleurus en l’an 1815, ce fut aussi son dernier engagement avant de connaître sa défaite lors de la bataille de Waterloo. Adresse, 2, Rue Virginette à Fleurus, (derrière la salle polyvalente du vieux Campinaire), coordonnées GPS : 50°27'22'66N - 4°31'19'81E. QSL spéciale via bureau.