UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

Old "Traffic News" messages

Grey Point Fort, Northern Ireland
Submitted by: ON7TK
There will be a special event station with three special event callsigns allocated to Grey Point Fort, a WW1 coastal defence fort located in Helens Bay, Crawfordsburn, Northern Ireland.

GB0GPF - GN0URN - MN0GPF will be aired, starting at 1700hrs UTC 31st May 2013 to 1700hrs UTC 2nd June 2013. An award certificate is available for contact with all three special event stations (sample on web site). For details of the event please visit the following web site. Email address greypointfort [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk.

Spain - Extension of 160m band and new 630m allocation
Submitted by: ON5ZO
Spanish amateurs have been authorized to use a new segment on the 160 metre band on secondary basis, 1810-1830 kHz, beside the primary allocation 1830-1850 kHz.

They are also allowed to use the band 472-479 kHz on secondary basis.
MJ/ON6NB - Jersey
Submitted by: ON4GI

Several Belgian hams will operate MJ/ON6NB from Jersey, 24 till 30 May 2013. They will be QRV in SSB-CW-PSK on 2/6/10-160m focussing on the higher bands, condx permitting.

Follow MJ/ON6NB on Twitter.
OT7G/P - Castle De Ghellinck activation by ODE
Submitted by: ON5MA
A non-stop castle activity for the Belgium Castle Award is planned on Saturday 18 May 12:00 UTC till Monday 20 May 14:00 UTC. Members of UBA section ODE will activate Castle De Ghellinck (BCA ref. OV-032) on all HF bands SSB & CW and on 2m FM, using the call OT7G/P.

The castle in Elsegem (JO10ST) goes back to the 16th century and became the property of the family De Ghellinck around 1718. Although the castle was surrounded with water, it was not really fortified. As so many castles, it was pillaged during the French revolution. In the 19th century there have been many structural alterations. During both World Wars there was a lot of damage. After the Second World War the castle wasn’t used any more and in 1973 the whole building burned down. The community of Wortegem Petegem obtained the castle and the park. The remaining buildings are being restored, but financial problems slow down the project.

QSL manager ON5MA via bureau.
TM3B - Ile de Batz
Submitted by: ON8AZ
ON7USB, ON5MF, ON5HC, ON7PQ and ON8AZ will activate IOTA EU105 Ile de Batz as TM3B from 4 till 15 May, SSB/CW/Digi.

See this website for further details.
SF3HF - Hemsö Island
Submitted by: ON4AWT
From the 3th until the 5th of May 2013, Fons, ON4AWT will activate SF3HF together with more than 20 members of the city of Sundsvalls hamradioclub SK3BG.

SF3HF will be activated from a nuclear protected armour bunker on Hemsö Island, some 40 meters into the bedrock of Storråberget mountain. The island is part of the IOTA EU-087 group and is located some 380 km north from Stockholm. The fortification was once manned by 320 people, is intact and gives a unique insight into one of Sweden's most important coastal defence installations during the cold war. More information can be found here.

YE90PK - Indonesia
Submitted by: ON5EX
In commemorating of 90 years of Radio Malabar, ORARI Jawa Barat along with the Bandung Heritage Community, will hold a Special Event Station using Callsign YE90PK from May 3-5, 2013.

All Mode - All HF band, operated by ORARI Jawa Barat members joint with YBDXC members at location of Radio Malabar in Puntang, Mount Malabar, South of Bandung, West Java.
ON6KE - First ON WAZ Digital
Submitted by: ON6KE
Gust ON6KE is the 1st Belgian operator to achieve CQ WAZ Digital, worldwide #009.

TS8TI - Djerba island
Submitted by: ON5EX
An international group is planning a second IOTA DXpedition to Djerba Island between April 29th and May 6th, 2013. The Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens (ARAT) is expected to receive the callsign TS8TI.

Activity will be on all HF bands, including 30/17/12/6m, in CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31/63/125. The log will be on LOTW and http://www.i8lwl.it/. The team need sponsors and individual contributions: ik7jwx2003 [at] yahoo [dot] it.
SJ9WL-LG5LG - Morokulien
Submitted by: ON4AWT
Belgian operator Fons ON4AWT will be active in Sweden from the 27th of April until the 5th of May 2013. Fons will be QRV right on the border between Sweden and Norway in Morokulien, some 85 km east from Oslo. The callsign of the station is LG5LG and SJ9WL. It will be activated by Fons on Sunday the 28th and on Monday the 29th of April 2013.

More information about Morokulien can be found here.