UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

Old "Traffic News" messages

ON7CZ/P & ON4BZ/P - Château Bivort
Submitted by: ON4BZ
Pierre ON7ZC and Michel ON4BZ will be active on the 16th of November 2014 from Château Bivort, WCA: ON-00464, BCA: HT-107. They plan to work as ON7ZC/P and ON4BZ/P from 08:00 UTC on 7.131 and 14.251 only SSB.

For special QSL instruction please visit ON7ZC on QRZ.COM.

Possible SAQ transmission on United Nations Day
Submitted by: ON5EX
There will hopefully be a transmission with the Alexanderson alternator on 17,2 kHz on “United Nations Day” October 24, 2014 at 10:00 UTC.

Start up and tuning from about 11:30 UTC. There will be a message written by students in Denmark. We are not hundred percent sure we have access to the antenna this day because of other organization using it.

This time we do not require any QSL-reports and will not verify.


P.S. We intend to continue with our annual transmission on Christmas Eve (morning), Dec 24, at 08:00 UTC with tuning up from 07:30 UTC.
ON6NR - Studio sur rue
Submitted by: ON5FM
Le week-end des 26, 27 et 28 septembre, dans le cadre de la fête de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, une vingtaine de radios indépendantes de Wallonie et de Bruxelles iront à la rencontre de leurs publics en ouvrant leur studio ou en le déménageant dans la ville. Au programme : animations, concerts et divertissements pour tous ! Retrouvez toutes les informations concernant cet événement, province par province.
Cet événement, appelé « Studio sur rue », s’inscrit à la fois dans une démarche de commémoration des 100 ans de la radio célébré cette année, mais il est surtout synonyme de création, d’ouverture et de rencontre entre les radios indépendantes (mieux connues sous l’appellation « radios locales ») et leurs publics. A Namur, les membres de la section NMR de l’UBA participeront à cet événement le samedi 27 septembre avec une exposition de radios à transistors et d'enregistreurs, de même l’indicatif ON6NR sera activé. Cet événement se tiendra sur la place du Grognon au pied de la citadelle de Namur avec radio Equinoxe.

HST 2014 - Montenegro
Submitted by: ON5EX
The 8th IARU Region 1 High Speed Telegraphy (HST) Championship will be held on 12-16 September 2014 in Bar/Montenegro. Click here for more info.

EA2/ON7RU - Faro de Higuer
Submitted by: ON9CFG
Frank ON7RU will be operating this Saturday August 23 from LH SPA-029. Look for EA2/ON7RU on 15 and 80 meter using SSB and CW.

QSL via homecall, direct or bureau.

SAQ transmissions on June 29 and July 2
Submitted by: ON5EX
The annual transmission on "Alexanderson Day" with the Alexanderson alternator on VLF 17.2 kHz will take place on Sunday, June 29th, 2014 at 09:00 UTC (tuning up from about 08:30 UTC) and will be repeated at 12:00 UTC (tuning up from about 11:30 UTC).

QSL reports on SAQ are kindly received: email to info [at] alexander [dot] n [dot] se or via SM bureau or direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner, Radiostationen, Grimeton 72 SE-432 98 Grimeton Sweden.

There will be activity on amateur radio frequencies with the call "SK6SAQ" from about 08:00 to about 14:00 UTC, except during SAQ transmissions, on any of the following frequencies: 14.035 kHz CW, 14.215 kHz SSB, 3.535 kHz CW. QSL for SK6SAQ via SK6DK or bureau.

There will also be a transmission on Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014, at 14:30 UTC (tuning up from about 14:00 UTC) commemorating SAQ's 10 years World Heritage site recognition. No reports are required. There will be activity on amateur radio frequencies with the call "SK6SAQ" from about 08:00 UTC to about 15:00 UTC, except during SAQ transmission, same frequencies as mentioned above.

Also read our web site: www.alexander.n.se.


Lars Kalland, SM6NM
J48TSL - Skyros Island
Submitted by: ON7TK
The IOTA expedition to Skyros island (IOTA EU-060) will air J48TSL, June 13 to 19, 6-80m, SSB, CW, RTTY.

IY4EY - Elettra Yacht
Submitted by: ON7TK
A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club (Italian Radio Amateur Association) is the promoter of a technical and cultural event to be held in Pontecchio Marconi, Bologna, Italy, on the 7th and 8th of June 2014.

The event has already won the prestigious patronage of the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, that promotes research in telecommunications and undertakes initiatives aimed at the diffusion of scientific knowledge and of the work of Guglielmo Marconi.

The event aims to highlight internationally the historical value of "Elettra" yacht, which was the “mobile laboratory” of the great scientist Guglielmo Marconi, on board of which were carried out important experiments related to radio communications. The vessel was then forge of study to the best applications of Hertzian waves, allowing the continuous progress of radio communications. In addition, 110 years have passed since the launch of the ship, which took place in 1904.

For these reasons, in conjunction with the international contest "Museum Ships Weekend Event", radio amateurs of ARI Fidenza Club will activate a radio station nearby the portion of the yacht Elettra kept at the Museum of Villa Griffone in Pontecchio Marconi (Bologna, ITALY), to ideally revive his "voice" and allow the radio amateurs all over the world to contact her.

The "Museum Ships Weekend Event“ is an international competition organized by the “Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station NJ2BB" gang, ARRL affiliated (American Radio Relay League). The event occurs every year and aims to enable worldwide radio stations on board or nearby naval merchant/leisure/military museum units. The particularity of the contest is therefore that, in addition to the purely competition related to the contest itself, the boats are ideally "revived", even if only for a weekend a year enhancing the value of human history and technology.

The ARI Fidenza Radio Staff will be on frequency from Elettra during the entire weekend. The Italian Ministry of Communications has granted the use of a unique and special "Marconian Memorial Callsign" which will be used during radio communications over the two days: I Y 4 E Y (“Elettra Yacht“). Amateur radio operators around the world will be able to connect the "Marconi station" par excellence: ELETTRA, the mobile laboratory of the great scientist. In consideration of its meaning, the initiative enjoys the friendly support of the Princess Elettra Marconi and his son GUGLIELMO. Since this is an international event, will be also made a special commemorative QSL card that will be sent to each connected amateur radio station.

QSL Manager: IQ4FE. QSL via bureau or direct.
For Direct QSL (no IRC, no stamps): Europe 2$ SAE, Pacific Area 4$ SAE, others countries 3$ SAE. In case of insufficient contributions, QSL will be sent via bureau. For more informations, contact arifidenza [at] arifidenza [dot] it.
OT7G - De Ghellinck, Elsegem
Submitted by: ON5MA
Active from the castle "De Ghellinck" (BCA OV-032 Loc. JO10ST Zip 9790) at Elsegem on 16-17-18 May 2014.

Start on Friday 14:00 UTC, non stop till Sunday 14:00 UTC. We will be active mainly on all HF bands according to propagation SSB & CW and on 2m.

WW locator is JO10ST and the castle is situated along the route to Oudenaarde & Kerkhove in the city of Elsegem. There is a reference for castle award OV-032. The castle goes back to the 16th century and became the property of the family De Ghellinck around 1718. Although the castle was surrounded with water, it was not really fortified. As so many castles, it was pillaged during the French revolution. In the 19th century there have been many structural alterations. During both World Wars there was a lot of damage. After the Second World War the castle wasn't used any more and in 1973 the whole building burned down. The community of Wortegem Petegem obtained the castle and the park. The remaining buildings are being restored for the moment but financial problems slow down the project.
For the event in 2014 we have obtained the special call OT7G.

QSL via ON5MA bureau or direct (direct with SASE & 1 USD), use OQRS for bureau cards.

Hope to see you down the log.
Submitted by: ON4XA
The fifth edition of the Emergency Communications National Exercise (ENCE in Spanish) has, as main innovation, the use of the 60 meter band (5 MHz). It will be held on Saturday April 26, 18:30-19:30 UTC and is open to international participation.

The frequency chosen for the 60m band is: 5.311,5 kHz USB. Also some activity is expected in other HF ham bands, like 3.760 kHz (80m), 7.110 kHz (40m) and 14.300 kHz (20m), as well as on VHF, CB and PMR frequencies.

CQ ENCE is organized by Federación Digital EA and Liga Española de Asociaciones CB y Radioaficionados. The exercise purpose is to bring an opportunity to all those radio amateurs interested in practising operational skills. The way to do it is by sending short messages. To make things easier a template is created in order to collect data of messages. A how-to in English is provided here.

Anyone can participate, even as a listener, sending reports to: ence [at] fediea [dot] org.