UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

Old "Traffic News" messages

OS10M thru OS19M - Morse code heritage
Submitted by: ON5EX
Special event calls OS10M thru OS19M will be aired 15 April to 14 May, 2014 to safeguard Morse Code as an intangible heritage. Obviously, they will work CW only, on all bands.

Dedicated QSL cards and a special award are provided. Full details on qrz.com.

5I0DX - Zanzibar DXpedition 2014
Submitted by: ON9TT
The licenses for 5I0DX and 5H3AN have been received for the activity from February 2 to February 13, 2014 for the Tanzania Zanzibar Island Dxpedition IOTA AF-032.

We are looking for sponsors for donations to Radio Club of Dar Es Salaam and for contributions to Italy Day Hospital of Zanzibar.

Team: IK7JWX, I8LWL, IS0AGY, IV3FSG (YL), HB9DHG (op. CW).
8 and 9 February: 5I0DX and 5H3AN during the WW WPX RTTY contest.
INFO: ik7jwx2003 [at] yahoo [dot] it and http://www.qrz.com/db/5i0dx/.
DX-World DXpedition of the year
Submitted by: ON9CFG
It was a great year for DXpeditions! How many new ones did you work? Did you fill those missing bandslots? You can vote 2 times, maybe for your favourite DXpedition and the one that filled those missing bandpoints?

The poll will run for 3 weeks until January 6, trophies will be awarded to the eventual winner and runner-up. You are welcome to cast your vote, just follow this link.
ZS9MADIBA - Commemorating Nelson Mandela
Submitted by: ON7TK
ZS9MADIBA is the South African Radio League Special Event Station commemorating the life and recent passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, elder statesman and first democratically-elected President of the Republic of South Africa.

Affectionately referred to as “Madiba”, he became one of the most recognised leaders in the world and was instrumental in the peaceful transition of South Africa from minority rule to a constitutional democracy. South Africans join the people of the world in mourning his passing and celebrating his legacy.

YOTA growing fast
Submitted by: ON7TK
After the success of the Youngsters on the Air events in the northern hemisphere summer, we decided that it’s time to do some more action!

During the whole month of December several countries will become active with YOTA as the suffix in the call sign. The idea for this is to break the ice for some youngsters and take the microphone in the hand.

As seen over the years, the YOTA-group is growing fast and every week more youngsters are asking to participate. You want to hear us on the air? Listen for Youngsters on the Air call signs in the whole month of December! At least 17 stations from 14 countries with young amateurs will be active. We would be happy if you try to work one or more of the following call signs: EA7URA/YOTA; EI0YOTA; ES5YOTA; ES9YOTA; LY5YOTA; OH2YOTA; OK2YOTA; OM9YOTA; OM13YOTA; ON4YOTA; PA6YOTA; S513YOTA; SN0YOTA; SH9YOTA; YO0YOTA; YL13YOTA and YL2013YOTA.

A special Youngsters on the Air Award is available.

Dennis ZS4BS
Secretary, IARU Region 1
4S0CGM - Sri Lanka
Submitted by: ON7YD
Special event station 4S0CGM will operate during the month of November to commemorate the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

On the 13th, 14th and 15th coinciding with the main conference of heads of state, the Station will operate from the premises of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka. The special event station will use all bands and a special QSL will be issued by the RSSL for all contacts. QSL information is P.O. Box907 Colombo.

In addition three more calls have also been issued for the CHOGM which are 4S5CGM, 4S6CGM and 4S7CGM which individual operators can operate.
T6JR - Afghanistan DXpedition approved for DXCC credit
Submitted by: ON6YF
The ARRL DXCC Desk has approved the 2013 operation of T6JR — Afghanistan for DX Century Club credit.
EI8GQB & EI1A - Olivier ON4EI QRV from Ireland
Submitted by: ON7TK
After his success in the CQ WW WPX SSB contest, March 2013, where he was the European winner in the single operator low power category, Olivier ON4EI will be back again to activate EI8GQB and EI1A for the CQ WW DX SSB contest, 20-30th October 2013. He aims to be in the European top 3.

Follow his activity and antenna experimentation here where you will find a live information banner with on air frequencies and information. Also, discover LIVE video streaming from the caravan here.

Equipment: 18m top loaded vertical monopole for 160-80m-40m bands + 32 radials; 3 elements East-West two-direction inverted V beam for 40m band; 200m long beverage RX antenna East-West directional; 2 x Spiderbeam antennas for 20/15/10m bands. Rigs are Elecraft K3 + P3 & Kenwood TS-2000 100W. 500 Ah battery bank + 180W solar panel and 400W wind generator.

Objective: have fun, meet friends on the air, participate using green energy only and be amongst the European top 3 in the SOABLP category.


(video announcement)
ON70REDSTAR - Red Star Line
Submitted by: ON4GDB
Between 1873 and 1934 the Ocean liners from the Red Star Line sailed to the United States with more than two million adventurers and fortune-hunters on board.

Special callsign ON70REDSTAR will be aired in SSB, CW and PSK on shortwave ham bands from September 21 till October 21 to commemorate the Red Star Line and to celebrate the opening of the Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp on 28 September.

See also www.redstarline.be.
ON40C130H - 40 years C-130 Hercules
Submitted by: ON6KL
From 15-30 September a special event station ON4ØC13ØH will be aired to commemorate 40 years C-130H in the Belgian Air Force. The station will be operated by BAFARA (a.s.b.l./v.z.w. AVIA) operators.

We are looking forward to meet you “on the air”