UBAKoninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs vzw

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Photo: Couloir

Oude "DX News"-berichten

Es to 4X...
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
On July 1st Michel, ON7EH, had the opportunity to work Andy 4Z5LY. This cover a distance of 3202 Km. Both stations where received with 59 signals.
Station details:
  • 4Z5LY:
    • KM72MS
    • 600W
    • 8el DK7ZB
  • ON7EH:
    • JO20FV
    • 250W
    • 12el M2
EME Conference Cambridge 2012
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
Hello Folks
Today it is exactly one year from the start of the 15th International EME conference which will be held next year in Cambridge England.
The conference will start on Thursday 16th August with a tour to Bletchley Park the WW2 code breaking establishment and home of a replica of the worlds first electronic computer. The main conference takes place on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th. A comprehensive partners program is being developed. The venue is Churchill College Cambridge.
Accommodation will be available from the evening of Wednesday 15th through to the morning of Sunday 19th. To provide best value the organising committee are arranging inclusive packages to minimise those hidden extras. The details will be published and the booking web site opened by January 2012.

In the mean time more information will be posted on the conference web site at http://www.eme2012.com.
Anyone with products of interest to the EME community, who would like to promote them at the conference or by taking advertising in the conference proceedings please contact me by direct email. I'm on the list or google G4NNS.
Thank you for allowing me to take this bandwidth on behalf of the organising committee.

CU at Cambridge in 2012
Vy 73 Brian G4NNS
ON0VA : eerste D-Rats Node in gebruik op 144.825
Ingediend door: ON4PN
Oost Vaanderen Zulzeke Sinds zondagmorgen 10 juli is ON0VA, de eerste D-rats node in ons land, in de lucht. ON4LX, ON3FX & ON4PN zetten er op 144.825 MHz een 2820 in de lucht. Die wordt bestuurd door D-Rats software. Hierdoor kan je met een PC of netbook en je D-Star toestel aan slow data communicatie doen. Je kan dan bv e-mails versturen via de ether. Je kan ook files naar mekaar sturen, mekaars posities opvragen, foto’s doorsturen enz… Via de D-Rats node kan je zelfs e-mailen via internet via de 2m band. Of chatten via 2m …Wanneer de D-rats node geen data-verkeer verstuurd of ontvangt van amateurs die het systeem gebruiken, zend hij nuttige info uit. Op regelmatige tijdstippen, kan je de actuele temperaturen van de belangrijkste luchthavens in Europa zien. Tevens (om het half uur) de waarde van de zonneflux en andere zonneactiviteit. Deze berichten worden met tussenpozen van enkele minuten uitgezonden. Handig om je D-Rats opstelling te testen. Je kan ook via 144.825 Mhz een file sturen en die op de harde schijf van ON0VA plaatsen. Een andere OM kan die file dan downloaden, wanneer het hem uitkomt. Ook voor noodcommunicatie bied het veel mogelijkheden. D-rats is nog niet zo erg bekend, maar heeft een veelbelovend potentieel. Bovendien is alle software gratis! Bron: www.dstarvlaanderen.be.
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
We are sending you our greetings from Greece and the Aegean Sea.
The Aegean DX Group with great joy, informs you that in 2 & 3 of July 2011 the 10th AEGEAN UHF/VHF & 6m Contest will take place.
Many station with special callsigns will operate from all over Greece (J4x, SXx, SZ, SV 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7), as well as from all the Greek Islands (J4x, SXx, SZ, SV 5, 8, 9) and from all Greek Locators and of course in every mode CW, SSB, FM, RTTY, SSTV, PSK etc...
It will be a great opportunity for every radioamateur to get QSL cards from Greek stations on VHF for their VHF Awards or to simply to confirm Greece on VHF & 6m.
The Contest will be held according to the IARU Band Plan of Region-1 on 50, 144, 432 ΜΗΖ. There will be not any QSOs in FM modulation on 50 ΜΗΖ because it is restricted by the Greek authorities.
For any information please send email to SV2DCD Leonida Fiska, contest manager: sv2dcd [at] yahoo [dot] com or a letter to the following address:
P.O. ΒΟΧ 4
Samos Isl GR83100

Further information and contest rules at http://www.5-9report.gr/aegean.htm.
D-STAR met analoge TRX wordt mogelijk
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
Xavier Werner ON5XAW, maakt deel uit van de ploeg die de OUFTI-1 satelliet ontwierp.
Momenteel werkt aan zijn jongste eindwerk: een D-Star modem.
Hierdoor kunnen de gewone analoge TRX ook in D-Star gaan werken. Goed nieuws want de bouwkit die DARC op de markt bracht is niet meer verkrijgbaar.
Op 24 juni zal hij zijn werk voorstellen in Gembloers.
Achteraf zal de projectleider van OUFTI-1 Jonathan ON7JPD een rondvraag doen. Hij wil te weten komen van de D-Star gebruikers of er ideeën zijn om aan verder te werken in het volgend studiejaar.
Dat kunnen aanpassingen, verbeteringen, een andere manier om D-Star in zetten. Je stoutste D-Star dromen mogen aan bod komen. Wij stappen en alleszins naar toe en komen terug met een verslag.
bron: www.dstarvlaanderen.be
New 50 MHz Contest
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
This new contest is created by www.rasedx.com and the rules are very easy: only 4 hours of transmission in three sundays this spring and summer.
This is a world wide contest on 50 MHz and if the propagation is good it good be great fun on 50MHz.
For the contest rules please see 
First QSO CU8-ON
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
I'm proud and happy to report a (actually 2) QSO on May 16th with CU8AO (HM49KL) on 144MHz via (mostly) sea tropo.
  • 21:53 CU8AO 51 51 HM49KL
  • 22:02 CU8AO 52 52 HM49KL
  • CU8DUB/B up to 549 as from 21:00

This makes a distance of 2986km and a first ON-CU on that band.

Click here to hear a recording of the CU8DUB/B beacon (144.420) and CU8AO calling CQ.

Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
ARISSat-1 is scheduled for deployment from the ISS next Wednesday Feb 16th.
It has a composite VHF downlink that will easily fit into the FUNcube Dongle receive spectrum. The telemetry is 1 kbit BPSK and can, of course, also be received with a normal SSB 2 metre receiver.

The expected signal levels from ARISSat should be similar to those we expect from FUNcube itself (and also eventually from UKube) and the team are keen to discover what will be the minimum and best type of antennas for schools to use with a FCD. Therefore user experience with the ARISSat signals will be very valuable in making this determination.

To encourage everyone to receive ARISSat signals we are offering a FUN reward for listeners!

There are a number of categories for this challenge –they include:
  1. The first FCD user, from each continent, who can post a spectrum recording of the received signal together with evidence of decoding the data using the ARISSat software and of sending it to the ARISSat data warehouse.
  2. The first non-FCD user, from each continent, who can provide evidence of having decoded the signals and of sending it to the ARISSat data warehouse.
  3. The listener, using a FCD or not, who can demonstrate satisfactory reception of the telemetry in the same ways as described above, using the "smallest" possible receive antenna. The actual closing date for this part of the challenge will be announced later.
All other entrants who can demonstrate that they have been having FUN!
Please submit your "entries", including your location, station details (including FCD serial number where applicable), postal address and reports to g0auk [at] amsat [dot] org.

Good luck,
New satellite website
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
Our friend ON8PM, has made a new satellite website with a lot of information.
Go and visit Satellite Activity.
70 MHz in Iceland
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
The national association of Icelandic Radio Amateurs, Í.R.A., is pleased to announce that as of December 13, 2010 continued access for Icelandic licensees has been secured on the 500 kHz, 5 MHz and 70 MHz bands. In a letter from the Icelandic Post and Telecom administration dated December 13, 2010 access to the 500 kHz and 70 MHz bands previously granted on February 19, 2010, and to the 5 MHz band, previously granted on January 1, 2008 – all due to expire on December 31, was extended for two years, to December 31, 2012.
Privileges and access to 500 kHz and 70 MHz remains unchanged (see below). Nevertheless, Í.R.A. is delighted to report that we have been granted 150 kHz in the 5360-5410 kHz band, as a replacement for eight fixed channels, previously permissible. Maximum power allowed on 5 MHz was though reduced from 200W to 100W (20 dBW).
THE 4 mETER allocation. Frequency span: 70.000-70.200 MHz. Access is granted on secondary basis. Maximum bandwidth is 16 kHz and power limit is 100W. Licensees need to apply to the PTA for a special license. The experimental license is open to both “N” and “G” license classes.