UBAKoninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs vzw

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Photo: Couloir

Oude "DX News"-berichten

Marconi Contest 2013 Certificate
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
Everyone who participated at the 2013 Marconi contest get a certificate. You can download your own certificate from the ARI website. There are 8 files with all participants. The Belgian contesters will find their certificate at http://www.ari-bo.it/mmc2013/attestati/MMC_07.pdf.
Thank you to all for great contest participation, cu in November for the next Marconi Memorial Contest.

73 Alex IV3KKW

Rosmalen 2014
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
Een nieuw jaar betekent nieuwe activiteiten voor UBA-OST.
Bij deze nodigen we jullie uit op onze jaarlijkse BUSTRIP naar de Landelijke Radio Vlooienmarkt in Rosmalen op Zaterdag 15 maart 2014.

De kostprijs is behouden op 20 Euro per persoon. Er zijn naast Oostende ook opstapplaatsen voorzien in Loppem en Aalter.

Bij inschrijving via bestuur [at] uba-ost [dot] be of on8cl [at] uba [dot] be vragen we de volgende gegevens:
  • Naam
  • Callsign
  • Adres
  • GSM-n°
  • E-mailadres
  • Aantal personen

Gelieve ten laatste één week voor het vertrek het bedrag te storten op:
  • Rekening n°: BE46 9730 2423 0836.
  • BIC: ARSPBE22.

UBA sectie Oostende
Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 122
8400 Oostende
A new Next Generation Beacon
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
Today, Saturday 30 March, is the 56th anniversary of OZ7IGY and also the launch date for the new 70 cm beacon based upon the Next Generation Beacon platform: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb.

The 70 cm beacon is now frequency and time locked to GPS. The sequence is timed to start at 00 second sending PI4 followed by a short pause then CW ID sending callsign and locator, then pause and carrier until next cycle. The nominal frequency remains the same, i.e. 432,471 MHz. To decode PI4 tune your receiver to 800 Hz below the nominal frequency, just like you do when you want to decode a normal CW signal at 800 Hz. On most radios this is a USB dial of 432.470.2.

At the same time the 6 m, 4 m and 2 m beacons have also changed MGM to PI4. The CW callsign, locator and carrier remain the same.

PI4 is a digital modulation (MGM) specifically designed with beacons and propagation studies in mind.

Download PI-RX to decode PI4: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb/pi-rx.

PI4 encoding examples in Arduino C, Atmel C, Delphi Pascal, Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft C++: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb/software.htm.

PI4 online encoding and frequency calculation: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb/pi4encoding.php.

PI4 specification: http://www.rudius.net/oz2m/ngnb/pi4.htm PI4 is a cousin of JT4, JT9 and WSPR.

OZ7IGY status page: http://www.rudius.net/oz7igy.
TM77A expedition to IN77 144 and 50 MHz
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
TM77A to activate IN77 square on 144 and 50 MHz in June 2013
After having individually participated in different DXpeditions in the past we have this year decided to join our efforts to activate one of the last most wanted square on the European continent IN77.
This time Dominique HB9CYY, Nick HB9CYF, Dan HB9HFM and Ben HB9SLU will operate especially on 144 MHz (Tropo, Es, MS and EME - on moonrise and moonset -) and 50 MHz (Tropo and Es) during the two first weeks of June using the special callsign TM77A.

At choosen QTH signal take off is clear all around 360° degrees.
Dates: 2.06.2013 – 14.06.2013
Foreseen setup:
50 Tropo – Es: 5el LFA, 100W.
144 Tropo – Es - MS: 8x3el LFA, QRO.
144 EME: 16 el LFA, QRO.
Operating frequencies (+- QRM):
50.127 SSB - CW.
144.077 CW.
144.127 JT65B.
144.277 SSB.
144.377 FSK441 or 144.370 with split frequency (CQ 377 TM77A).
Operation procedure by MS / EME
We transmit always first period.
Operation random only, no sked.
Confirmation procedure on MS and EME: RRR 77A.
QSL infos
QSL 100% via HB9SLU (buro or direct with SAE including 2$).
Stay tuned and we’ll do our best to get you into the log!

All infos and updates on QRZ.com
During DXpedition, especially during « On air » time, we will try be present on ON4KST and/or N0UK.
GL and 73'
TM77A DXpedition Team
144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest 2013
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
MMMonVHF[1], in cooperation with the magazines DUBUS[2] and Funk-Telegramm[3], invites you to take part in the 6th edition of the “144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest” during the maximum of the Perseids meteor shower (PER).
Based on predictions from IMO[4] (the International Meteor Organisation), this maximum will occur on August 12, 2013, between 18:15 GMT and 20:45 GMT.

Contestperiod: August 11, 2013, 12:00 GMT – August 13, 2013, 11:59 GMT (end time last completed QSO).

Class 1: QRP (< 1.5 kW ERP).
Class 2: QRO (>1.5 kW ERP).
Stations can participate in one class only. No difference between single- or multi-operator stations or modes.

Exchange: Full callsigns, reports (e.g. 26 or R26) and final rogers (RRRR)[5].

Scoring: For each completed QSO you receive an amount of points that equals the distance between you and the station you completed with. A worked station only counts once, so no duplicates allowed.

Final scoring: The total score is the sum of all points you received for all completed QSO’s together.

Logs: Logs can be send via E-mail or regular mail. Your log has to be received before September 15, 2013. In case you have send your log by regular mail, the postmark will count. Logs received after that date will be considered as checklogs.
Logs via E-mail can be sent to: mssprint [at] mmmonvhf [dot] de; Subject: MSSprint “Call”.
Logs via regular post can be sent to: A.F. Veldhuijsen, PA4EME, Westlandstraat 9, 6137 KE Sittard, The Netherlands.

Be sure you log contains at least the following:
  • Your call, name, address and class you want to participate in.
  • Stations in Class 1 (QRP) have to state details about the equipment they used in form of used output power and antenna gain. If no data about your station is given, you will be placed in Class 2. The power used for the calculation of the Effective Radiated Power will be the power measured at the output of your transceiver or active amplifier(s);
  • The QSO list. As there are many logging programs available nearly every format is possible[6]. But make sure that the log will show at least: date, time (to be specific: end time), call, report send, report received, locator and distance (equals points).
  • With sending your log you also declare to have operated within the limits of your chosen Class, licence and local regulations when performing any activity that could impact your submitted score. Unsportsmanlike conduct can be ground for disqualification. Also you agree to have the log open to the public which might result in publishing your log on MMMonVHF or in the magazines DUBUS and/or Funk-Telegramm.
  • Reception of a log will be confirmed in the same way it was received.
Stories and pictures are welcome for the soapbox.

Conditions to be observed: The use of DX-clusters and chat-channels during the contest is only allowed in such way that there is no exchange of reports or other data from which the status of the QSO can be extracted. Limited information on the cluster (e.g. 12:00 DK5EW PA4EME JN48MB<MS>JO20WX) or chat (e.g. 12:00 PA2DW 144.355 CQ for MS Sprint) is allowed.
Selfspotting exceeding more than once every 15 minutes will be considered as unsportsmanlike behaviour.

Winner of the contest: The winner of the contest is the station with the highest amount of points. There will be a winner in each class. If two stations have the same amount of points, the position will have to be shared.

Special scoring for outside Europe stations: There will be a separate listing for stations outside Europe.

Certificate: All stations will receive a digital certificate showing the Class and ranking achieved.

Results: The results of the MS Sprint Contest will be published on the foreseen date that DUBUS magazine no. 4, 2013 will be issued: December 7, 2013. Results will be on-line that day on MMMonVHF. Printed versions will be in DUBUS magazine no.4, 2013 and Funk-Telegramm no. 1, 2014. VHF-editors around the world are free to publish the list as well provided the source and organizers are mentioned.

Additional notes:
[1] MMMonVHF (Make More Miles on VHF): www.mmmonvhf.de.
[2] DUBUS - the serious magazine for VHF and up amateur radio: www.dubus.org.
[3] Funk-Telegramm - Magazin für Funkamateure: www.funk-telegramm.de.
[4] IMO – International Meteor Organisation: www.imo.net.
[5] Operating Procedures for Meteor Scatter QSO’s: http://www.vhfdx.de/ms_howto.pdf.
[5] Проведение MS QSO в 1 районе IARU: http://www.vhfdx.ru/ms/provedenie-ms-qso-v-1-rayone-iaru.
[6] The “144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest” is supported by at least two software programs:
- Arcom (Ham Office) : www.hamoffice.de
- Ucxlog: www.ucxlog.de
Other logging programs are allowed as well.
Italy on 70 MHz
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ

Italian Amateurs have again access to 70 MHz from February 1st till December 31st 2013.
These are the specifications:
  • All Italian stations are authorized except ones 30 km or less from Italian border with Austria, Switzerland and France.
  • Frequencies: 70,100 - 70,200 - 70,300 with 25 kHz of bandwidth.
  • All modes with a maximum bandwidth of 25 kHz.
  • Max power 50 Watt ERP.

73 Alex IV3KKW
A.R.I. - VHF & Up Manager Coordinator
IV3KKW Alessandro Carletti
First WSPR beacon on 144 MHz in DL
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
On September 14, the first WSPR Beacon, DB0XIT, started working in Germany. WSPR is an abbreviation for “Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network”. It is a network built to observe propagation conditions using weak beacons. DB0XIT is transmitting on 144,4890 MHz USB with 3 W horizontally polarized from Europe`s highest headgear in Göttelborn, Saarland. The antenna in use is a stacked angular dipole with omnidirectional characteristics at a height of about 457m over Sea level. The beacon is connected to the internet to observe propagation conditions in Europe. Interested people might have a look at the Internet[1,2] to get more details about WSPR. There you can also download the WSPR software for free in the case you want to get active on WSPR. 2m is not the only Band for WSPR. There are also beacons using shortwave bands. The Windows-Software distributed by the WSPR-Website supports working on all bands.
Microwavedagen Heelweg 2013 (NL)
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ

Beste Microgolf enthousiast,
Op Zaterdag 19 januari 2013 bent u weer van harte welkom op onze microgolf meeting in Westendorp.

Aan het begin van weer een nieuw jaar kunnen er weer heel veel ervaringen en ideeën worden uitgewisseld. Natuurlijk brengt u allen uw zelfbouw spullen mee die vanzelfsprekend ook weer professioneel kunnen worden gemeten door het 2013 meetteam bestaande uit: PA0JEN, PE1BMC, PE1FOD, PA0EHG, PA7JB, PA3CEG, PE1FYB, PB0AOK, PE0SSB, PA1KR, PA2M, PA0RYL en PA3ACJ.

De volgende meetapparatuur is beschikbaar:
  • Sweepers 0-26 GHz.
  • Spectrumanalyzers tot 26 GHz.
  • Spectrumanalyzer 10KHz - 3.8GHz + Tracking generator ; Voor het meten van Filters, couplers, SWR en signalen.
  • Meetzender 10Khz - 3.3GHz (AM, FM, CW, en puls).
  • SWR 5MHz - 3.0GHz (RF-SWR Brug).
  • Spectrumanalyzer tot 325 GHz.
  • Vector netwerk analyzer tot 20 GHz ( neem een 3.5" diskette mee waarop de meetresultaten kunnen worden opgeslagen).
  • Tektronix Videogenerator met sin x/x signaal.
  • Tektronix VM700 video meetset.
  • Barco Receiver I en II ontvanger/videodemodulator met meetkoppen voor 23cm 13cm en 3cm.
  • NKF videodemodulator met baseband ingang voor het meten aan baseband atv modules.
  • Spectrum analyser Agilent tot 3GHz.
  • Ruisgetalmeter tot 24 GHz.
  • Ruisgetalmeter 47 GHz.
  • Powermeter tot 76 GHz.
  • Afregelunit 24 GHz Filters.
  • Signaalgenerator van 0 tot 18,6 GHZ (Mar 2031 / HP8673) FM smal- en breedband dus ook ATV.
  • Spectrumanalyzer van 0 - 26,5 (of 31,8) GHz + Tracking tot 2,7 GHz.
  • AM - 70 cm ATV generator.
  • Counter tot 24 GHz met rubidium stabilisatie.
  • Powermeter tot 250 Watt tot 2,5 GHz.
  • Rubidium en GPS based frequentie standaard 10 Mhz.
  • HP 5370 Time Interval Meter.
  • HP 3336 B Signal Generator.
  • HP 8405A Vector Voltmeter.
  • GPIB control software based on KE5FX programs.

Wat kunt u laten meten?
  • Voorversterkers: Ruisgetal en versterking.
  • SHF stralers / antennes: Frequentie en aanpassing.
  • Filters: doorlaat, aanpassing en demping.
  • Overgang coax naar golfpijp.
  • Versterkers: versterking en uitgangsvermogen.
  • Spectrumanalyse: mixers, oscillatoren zenders etc... >100 GHz.
  • IJken van zelfbouw meetapparatuur zoals powermeters, ruisbronnen, SWR bruggen, couplers, bakens etc...
  • ATV basisband:
  • Frequentiekarakteristiek, Groepslooptijd, Statische lineariteit, Kleuren vectoren, SRA gewogen en ongewogen, Brom, Reactie van PLL regellus op zwart/wit/zwart sprongen.
  • Fase en frequentie van uw GPS 10 MHz standaard.

Heeft u een speciale "meetwens"? Stuur een mail. Er is nog veel meer meetapparatuur beschikbaar!!!

Vanwege de beperkte ruimte is alleen kleinschalige verkoop van microgolf spullen toegestaan. Wilt u een tafel reserveren stuur dan z.s.m. een mail want vol is vol!

Volg onze website voor updates www.pamicrowaves.nl.
Tussentijdse vergadering IARU-C5 te Wenen
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
In April 2013 wordt er in Wenen een tussentijdse vergadering gehouden van de VHF en HF commissies van de IARU. De C5 commissie is bevoegd voor VHF en hogere frequenties. Op deze vergadering worden voorstellen besproken die betrekking hebben op de bandplanning, het gebruik van bepaalde modes, contesten, enz... Deze worden dan opgenomen in het VHF Managers Handbook.
Heb je voorstellen of suggesties dan kan je die ook indienen op volgend vhf [at] uba [dot] be (subject: Voorstel%20voor%20Wenen%202013) (emailadres). Deze zullen midden december besproken worden in de UBA VHF Commissie.
ARRL Microwave EME Contest
Ingediend door: ON4AVJ
The ARRL Microwave EME contest took place on October 6/7 and stations from all over the world participated on frequencies ranging from 2,3 to 10 GHz.

This year, I took part in the 2,3 GHz band and found good activity despite the very high degradation due to the moon being near apogea. I made a total of 33 random QSOs: 32 in CW and 1 mixed SSB/CW.

Among the stations contacted, R3YA is a new DXCC for me and a first between ON and Russia on 13 cm. The smallest station contacted was PA7JB, who was surprisingly good copy with his little 2,4m offset dish and 100W only.

Antenna is a 3,6m mesh dish with circular polarization and power at the feedhorn is about 150W

73 de Eric ON5TA