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Photo: Couloir

IOTA 2020 Listings

Date Until: 
IOTAIOTA enthusiasts, if you have been planning to submit an application for IOTA, consider doing it now before the late December / January rush. For those waiting for the very last QSL to secure their highest possible position on the 2020 Honour Roll and Annual Listing, you are reminded that the last date for mailing score updates to checkpoints for inclusion is 31 January 2020. If postmarked after that date, and each year we receive some, they are processed in the normal way but the scores are held over to the following year's listing. In countries where the postal service to the checkpoint is often subject to delay, it is best to mail cards early so as to avoid complications.

It is important that participants who have not updated since the 2015 annual listings and wish to remain listed should make a submission before 31 January 2020. Repeated for clarification: if the last Honour Roll or Annual Listing you entered was the 2015 or an earlier one, you will need to update to be listed in the 2020 one. Furthermore, if you have not logged into your record for more than two years, you will need to revalidate your registration through info [at] iota-world [dot] org. Do not leave it to the last moment as you may run out of time.