UBAKoninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs vzw

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Photo: Couloir

DX Info

ZL4M, ZL4TY - Stewart Island
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Ray VK4DXA and Paul ZL4PW will be activating Stewart island as respectively ZL4TY and ZL4M, 12-23 March 2010. This will be a 2-station operation (Elecraft K3, Icom IC706MKIIG) using verticals for 160-30m and a Spiderbeam for 20-10m. They intend running barefoot unless they can obtain a solid-state amplifier.

QSL direct either buro via home callsigns.
IK1/HA3HK - Seborga
Ingediend door: ON5EX
On March 12, HA3HK will be QRV as HB9/HA3HK/P in Geneva at the International Motorshow. After that, he will travel to Seborga where he will be QRV as IK1/HA3HK from 2200 h. On Saturday 13 March, Zoli will activate two SOTA summits in France. He will also be QRV in Monaco as 3A/HA3HK/P. More activity is planned from Seborga till Sunday noon. Finally, on his trip back home, I/HA3HK/M and S5/HA3HK/M will be aired.

Activity on 7 MHz in CW and SSB (maybe also 14 MHz). QSL direct or via bureau.

Ingediend door: ON5EX
Look for Tommy, ON3TD to be active from Schouwen Duiveland (IOTA EU-146) as PD/ON3TD/p from 5-8th March 2010. Mainly QRV in the evenings on 40-20m using digital modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

CQWW 160m band segment violations
Ingediend door: ON5EX
IARU Region 1 President Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, draws attention to the problem of some amateur radio operators in the CQWW 160-Meter SSB contest operating outside the Amateur band. On the IARU Region 1 website he writes:

“It was disappointing to notice that numerous contest stations from Region 1 violated their national regulations by transmitting out of band during last weekend's CQ World Wide 160-Meter SSB Contest. While I can have some understanding that the IARU bandplan for top band is not followed during this major contest, I totally disagree that contest stations transmit outside bands allocated to the amateur service. For a station transmitting in LSB on 160 meters this is below 1813 kHz (for transceivers with carrier readout). The amateur service has always been known as a self regulating service, which has helped us in our negotiations with administrations. A behavior as shown last weekend will certainly not help us in the future. I call upon all contesters to reinstate our values”.
ON30ON - 30 jaar ON-contest
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Special event station ON3ØON (Oscar November Thirty Oscar November) will be active during the months of March, April, September and October of 2010. Activity is to commemorate the 30th edition of the Belgian 'ON Contest'. The contest was first organized in 1980 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Kingdom of Belgium. Since then, the yearly event - lasting just four hours on a local Sunday morning - has become increasingly popular. QSLs for ON3ØON go via the UBA bureau or direct to ON4CAS. A special certificate which can be achieved for free has been created in PDF format. Full details are available here.

5R8UI - Nosy Be Island
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Michele, IK5ZUI will be active as 5R8UI from Nosy Be Island,Madagascar, starting early March 2010 and he will stay there probably for one year.

QSL via home call.

NZ amateur radio operator licence change
Ingediend door: ON5EX
The General User Radio Licence for Amateur Radio Operators has been amended to allow operators to use the frequency band 505 kHz to 515 kHz on a temporary basis from 1 March 2010. Requirements of the licence include a maximum radiated power of 25 watts e.i.r.p., maximum bandwidth of 200 Hz, and the requirement not to interfere with other services licensed to use that band.
UBA DX Contest
Ingediend door: ON5EX

In case it slipped your mind: this weekend is UBA CW Contest time!

9U1 - Burundi
Ingediend door: ON5EX
A group of four German operators are currently on the air to 07/03/2010 under 9UXEV (DL3KBQ), 9U1KI (DH2KI), 9U1RSI (DL2RSI), 9U1VO (DJ2VO) from Bujumbura. They are mainly active on CW.

QSL via the buro to their respective homecall.

KH2 - Guam Island
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Members of TIARA (Tokyo International Amateur Radio Association) namely Kawa AB2ST/KH2, Ken K0EN/KH2 and Toshio, KG6WTW/KH2 will be on the air from Guam from 25 February until 1 March. Activity will be on HF all bands, mainly beaming Europe.

QSL all calls via JF1TEU, JARL Bureau or direct.