UBAKoninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs vzw

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Photo: Couloir

DX Info

EA8/ON4QX - Gran Canaria
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Herman, ON4QX sera QRV depuis l'île de Gran Canaria du 16/11 au 27/11/09 et du 19/12 au 26/12/09 en 20-30-40m, modes SSB CW PSK RTTY.

D2CQ - Angola
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Paulo, D2PJB will be active as D2CQ November 9 until December 28 from Porto Amboim, 300 km from the capital Luanda-Angola. He is using an Icom 706 and a Windom antenna on SSB only from 80 to 10m.

QSL via CT1IUA to the buro.

NORWAY - New frequency allocations
Ingediend door: ON5EX
As of November 6th 2009, the updated amateur radio licensing regulations in Norway went into force.

The main news are the following new allocations made available to all Norwegian radio amateurs (in addition to the 135,7 - 137,8 kHz and the 7,1 - 7,2 MHz bands):

LF 493 - 510 kHz on secondary basis, 100 W, A1A (CW) only
HF 5260 - 5410 kHz on secondary basis, all modes (6 kHz max bandwidth)
24740-24890 kHz on secondary basis, 1kW (6 kHz max bandwidth)
VHF 70,0625-70,0875 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz
70,1375-70,1875 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz
70,2625-70,3125 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz
70,3625-70,3875 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz
70,4125-70,4625 MHz on secondary basis, 100 W, max bandwidth 16 kHz

and some minor adjustments at SHF and EHF.
XU7KOH - Koh Russei (Cambodia)
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Na het succes van vorige week zal de Wim XU7KOH (ON6TZ) opnieuw QRV zijn vanaf Koh Russei (IOTA AS-133) van 30 oktober tot 3 november, in BPSK31 en phone. De exacte frequenties zijn nog niet gekend, dus de DX-cluster raadplegen.
JU75BSI - Border Service Institute 75th anniversary
Ingediend door: ON5EX
JU75BSI is the special event station for the 75 years anniversary of the Mongolian Border Service Institute, active from October 23 through November 20, 2009. JU75BIS will also participate in the WWDX phone contest.

QSL via JT1CD.
J45PO - Dodecanese islands
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Martin ON4PO will be active from Dodecanese Islands 21-29 October 2009 as J45PO. He will be active in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (24-25 October).

QSL via home call.

EI/ON4EI - Fethard, Ireland
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Olivier EI/ON4EI will be again active from Ireland near FETHARD (IO62DL) on top of Benneshill (170 m ASL) from October 21st to 26th. He will enter the CQ WW SSB CONTEST as SOAB Low Power Non Assisted (October 24/25th). Reference frequency before CQ WW contest is 7.150 MHz +/- QRM to follow his SINGLE EXPEDITION! Equipment: 18m vertical top loaded monopole and inverted V for 160/80/40. Spiderbeam on 20/15/10. Rig is Elecraft K3 100 W.
ON4JOTA - JOTA Verviers
Ingediend door: ON5EX
Vous n'êtes pas sans savoir que le JOTA 2009 (= JAMBOREE ON THE AIR) aura lieu les 17 et 18 octobre 2009 prochains. Cet évènement a lieu chaque année et regroupe tous les scouts et guides de la région devant le micro de ON4JOTA, basé dans le local du GDV à Verviers. La possibilité de contacter différentes troupes scoutes et guides du monde entier est offerte aux jeunes par le biais des radioamateurs. Le "micro" sera ouvert le samedi 17 de 9h30 (heure locale) à 17h et idem le dimanche 18.

TC1ELH - Marmara Ereglisi Lighthouse
Ingediend door: ON5EX
TCSWAT will be QRV with the TC1ELH callsign during all next weekend (10-11 October 2009) from Marmara Ereglisi Lighthouse.

ON7RY/P - Château de Marie de Hongrie
Ingediend door: ON5EX
ON7RY est actif en /P ce dimanche 11 octobre de 8h à 12h locale sur le château de Marie De Hongrie en HT051, entre 7050 et 7100 kHz.