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Photo: Couloir

Een DXpeditie naar Lampedusa helpt slachtoffers van tragische schipbreuk

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PRESS RELEASE – (please forward to amateur radio community)
October 10, 2013
DXpedition to Lampedusa helping in the tragic shipwreck

Greetings from Team Lampedusa. We are an international group who will be going to operate in the CQWW-SSB contest as IG9Y. Operators will include HA1YA, JH5GHM, LZ1QN, N3BNA, PC5A, PE1ITR, S50X, S52RU, S57UN, S57DX, S59A, RC0F, RT4RO and VE3LA.
However, we were immensely saddened (along with the rest of the world) to learn about the tragic shipwreck at Lampedusa. More than 300 people lost their lives in this accident. It was especially sad because they were only 800m from the island when the boat went down with fire on board.
So many human lives lost, each one with mothers and fathers and family who loved them. It is beyond our comprehension. The good people of Lampedusa are doing their best to help and remember the lost, but there are so many needs.
What can we do to help? Team Lampedusa has set up an account for concerned people to donate to address the needs from this tragedy. We realize the needs are so great, but we remember the story of the starfish. If we can help only one, that will be an accomplishment.
We are accepting donations effective immediately via PayPal at ig9y [dot] charity [at] gmail [dot] com. You may also send your donation directly to ON4LG. All gifts will be acknowledged unless you indicate otherwise. We will have a transparent accountability committee and will give 100% of donations to charity. We would like to thank the amateur community and the sponsors for your generous support, and look forward to putting you in our log.
More information about the IG9Y dxpedition can be found at http://ig9.ii9p.com/.

Dale Long – N3BNA (for Team Lampedusa)

P.S. We know that the problem of refugees must be properly addressed in their countries of origin. But we and the people of Lampedusa have no power to change their unfortunate situation. We will do what we can. We hope that the amateur community will be show its concern for this tragic accident.