UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Photo: Couloir

Your voice message in space....

Dear ARISS-Europe members,

ARISS prepares a satellite to be launched by hand from ISS.

This was to be built in a discarded Orlan scaphander, but the two Russian space suits that we were promised, were discarded from ISS because of lack of space. We are now planning to use the already built equipment in a new frame.

The sat will have capability to broadcast messages recorded by youngsters and addressed to the youth of the world. We are presently collecting suitable messages.

Would you please send to me an mp3 file with your proposed message. The message shall be no longer than 30 seconds. It can be in your national language or in English.

This is urgent. Thank you.

73, Gaston - ON4WF

redaction: You can send your messages to vhf [at] uba [dot] be We will forward it to ON4WF