UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Photo: Couloir

Pacific Odyssey 2010

Date Until: 

UDXT members will be active on all bands, all modes as:

5W0OX, Samoa, 18–19 May
T31X, Central Kiribati, 22 May – 1 June
ZK3X, Tokelau, 2–6 June

The main mission of this DXpedition is activating T31 Central Kiribati, Kanton Island, Phoenix Islands Group. This DXCC entity is ranked #7 in EU and #19 in Worlds Most Wanted List. The next goal is activating ZK3 Tokelau Islands, which is ranked #29 in EU and #35 in World’s Most Wanted List.

QSL via the buro or direct.