UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Anciens messages "Traffic News"

HF Stories - Nouveaux reportages
Soumis par: ON5EX

La rubrique HF Stories est truffée d'articles récents de divers membres se rapportant à des rapports et/ou des récits de voyages :

  • Trois semaines en Irlande et deux contests, ON4EI,
  • HS0ZJF 2010, ON4AFU,
  • XU DXpeditie 2010, ON4AFU,
  • AS053 HS0ZJF/8 Dxpedition 2010, ON4AFU.

Quelque chose à ne pas rater ! Si vous aussi, vous avez quelque chose à raconter au sujet de votre propre DXpédition ou activité (de petite ou grande envergure), n'hésitez pas de on5ex [at] uba [dot] be (subject: HF-stories) (nous envoyer) vos informations pour publication.

OA4/PA3GFE - Peru
Soumis par: ON5EX
PA3GFE will be active from Peru from 28 December 2010 till 28 January 2011 as OA4/PA3GFE. He will be active on 80-15m mainly CW and digital modes.

QSL via home call, direct/bureau.
SAQ - Grimeton Radio
Soumis par: ON5EX
There will be a Grimeton Radio/SAQ transmission on 17.2 kHz CW with the Alexanderson alternator on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2010 at 08:00 UTC (tuning up some 30 minutes before message).

QSL reports are welcome via e-mail to info at alexander dot n dot se, via fax to +46-340-674195 or via QSL via bureau or direct to Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner, Radiostationen Grimeton 72 SE-430 16 Rolfstorp, Sweden.

H40 - Temotu province
Soumis par: ON5EX
Peter DG1FK and Sigi DK9FN will once again return to Temotu Province and be active as H40FK and H40FN, respectively, this time from Nendo Island between 21 December 2010 and 3 January 2011. Activity will be on CW, PSK and RTTY. Operations will probably be on 160-6 metres, depending on the band conditions.

QSL H40FN via HA8FW, and H40FK via DG1FK, either direct or via the bureau.

E51HVB - Aitutaki and Rarotonga
Soumis par: ON5EX
IW3HVB will be active from Rarotonga island 20-24 December and Aitutaki island 24-28 December 2010 as E51HVB. Rig: K3, 100 W, multiband vertical antenna and 10m fishing rod vertical for 40m. Frequencies: 7057, 14267, 18137, 21267, 24957, 28567.

QSL via home call, direct or via buro. Online log here.

XU7KOH - Koh Russei island
Soumis par: ON5EX
Peter XU7ACY/NO2R and Wim XU7TZG will be QRV from Koh Russei island (AS-133) as XU7KOH from December 20 06:00 UTC till December 23 03:00 UTC, IOTA frequencies.

They can be reached by Skype (Wim: wimelbers, Peter: peter9959487).

QSL via ON7PP.
9L1BXU - Sierra Leone
Soumis par: ON5EX
G7BXU will be active from Sierra Leone from 19 December 2010 to 7 January 2011 as 9L1BXU. He will be active on HF Bands.

QSL via home call.
ARRL Publications: New Edition of ON4UN's Low-Band DXing
Soumis par: ON5EX
The fifth edition of ON4UN's Low-Band DXing: Antennas, Equipment and Techniques for DXcitement on 160, 80 and 40 Meters by John Devoldere, ON4UN, is now shipping. Over the years, the book has evolved to keep pace with the growing knowledge of propagation, equipment, operating techniques and receiving and transmitting equipment for the low bands. This edition is no different, with significant new additions and updates throughout the book. Read more here.

Iceland - Continued access on 500 kHz, 5 MHz and 70 MHz
Soumis par: ON5EX
As of December 13 2010, continued access for Icelandic licensees has been secured on the 500kHz, 5MHz and 70MHz bands.

  • 70.000-70.200 MHz: access is granted on secondary basis. Maximum bandwidth is 16 kHz and power limit is 100 W.
  • 5.260-5.410 MHz: access is granted on secondary basis. Permissible modes are J3E (USB) and A1A and maximum bandwidth is 3 kHz. Power limit is 100 W.
  • 493-510 kHz: access is granted on secondary basis. Permissible mode: A1A. Power limit is 100 W.
INC - International Naval Contest
Soumis par: ON5EX
The 2010 International Naval Contest takes place on 11-12 December. This year, the MF-Runde naval club will be organizing the contest. Specific contest logging software is available here.