Anciens messages "Traffic News"
Deux stations seront activées simultanément du 10m au 20m en phonie par 2 membres du CDXC : F8DVD François et F8IJV Sébastien. Les 3 jours d’activation permettront de mieux faire connaître au grand public l’activité radio-amateur et pourquoi pas de tenter des liaisons avec les stations polaires situées en arctique et en antarctique. Une carte QSL couleur spéciale sera éditée pour l’occasion, et les réponses seront assurées en direct ou par le bureau, via F8DVD : François Bergez 6, rue de la Liberté 71000 MACON.
Après 2 ans et demi à étudier les océans, la goélette TARA fait escale jusqu’au 27 janvier 2013 au port des Champs Elysées pour une exposition, des rencontres, des projections et des débats. Depuis 2003, l'organisation à but non lucratif Tara Expéditions organise des missions scientifiques et éducatives à bord du voilier polaire. Ses expéditions ont principalement pour sujets : Océan et changement climatique. En près de 10 ans, huit expéditions ont été réalisées par ce navire de légende dont, Tara Arctic, une aventure scientifique et humaine de 17 mois dans les confins de l’océan Arctique (2006-2008) et Tara Oceans, 2 ans et demi sur tous les océans du monde (2009-2012) pour étudier le rôle du plancton et de l’océan dans la machine climatique. Après des escales en Europe cet hiver, la goélette repartira dès 2013 en mission pour le Grand Nord. Tara tentera d’effectuer le tour de l’Océan Arctique par les passages du Nord-Ouest et du Nord-Est si la glace le permet… La plupart des scientifiques et instituts impliqués dans Tara Oceans accompagneront ce voyage pour étudier l’écosystème polaire marin et compléter le travail effectué depuis 2009. Ce sera aussi l’occasion d’ajouter de nouveaux programmes de recherche spécifiques à cette région, sur les particules de plastique ou sur les traces de polluants.
Now much to everyone’s delight, Santa’s location is clearly marked on all maps. Santa lives in the Santa Claus region of Finland. That is Lapland, OH9 district, situated north of the Arctic Circle, only a stone's throw away from the Radio Arcala operating site amid the barren tundra where reindeer run wild. In December, the locals do not see daylight – it is dark all day. As compensation Mother Nature has created a distinctive polar path on 20 meters to North America.
Santa Claus Airport is the region's busiest while many of the world's leading carriers fly in with their jets, bringing young and old alike to sense the Christmas spirit and to enjoy many activities in beautiful nature, forgetting about their otherwise busy lifestyles and going with the mind-set of children – such small children reside within all of us. More than 300.000 spirited people come in every winter.
The OH9SCL radio station will be active in December from the heart of Santa Claus Land, but adding to it and making it more visible, Radio Arcala will utilize their most advanced technology and remotely driven station, signing OF9X to test their technology, ride the Polar Path and employ a 100 meter (330 foot) rotating tower with a 6-over-6-over-6-over-6 20M array. OH9SCL at Santa’s workshop is based on a smaller array.
OH9SCL & OF9X QRV from Muonio Village, 200km north of Santa Airport (Location N 67.55.98 and E 23.39.37)
Santa Claus radio operators will open shop for Christmas on December 7, 2012 and you will hear these stations on and off during December, both domestically and remotely. For the opening ceremony, five (5) frozen radio operators will be physically in Muonio, Lapland to test the technology and hand out QSOs: Martti, OH2BH; Rami, OH3BHL; Juha, OH8NC; Kimmo, OH9MDV; Ja Aaro, OH9RJ.
Listen to your own signals as they sound in Lapland.
The OF9X station is expected to be active for the first time from December 7 until December 10 and you may listen to your own signal to hear how it sounds at the offices of Santa Claus. You can also find their operating frequency on their station camera. On 20M they typically try to be in the vicinity of 14.225 kHz.
Incentive for working both Santa stations.
If you contact both OH9SCL and OF9X during December 2012, a slick Santa Claus certificate and a fact sheet will be sent to you as per your of9x [at] sral [dot] fi (email request). The certificate can be issued also in the name of your children or grandchildren and used as an entry document with a discount program on your potential visit to our radio location at Harriniva.
Unfortunately we will not have cluster access while we are on Bouvet but we know this will not stop you posting announcements and comments on the cluster about our Dxpedition. Some suggestions for you to try include saying what band you want us to QSY to or mode to operate on, the quality of our ops and the usual “loud”, “can’t hear them here”, “thanks for 7th band” or “yee hah” comments. Likewise as we noted above we understand it’s our fault if you cannot work us and therefore we accept in that case you will post on the cluster calling us the worst Dxpedition ever.
We can’t wait to be of service to you.
The 3Y0IOF Team