UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Photo: Couloir

Anciens messages "Traffic News"

TO7CC - Reunion Island
Soumis par: ON4CAS

François ON4LO maakt deel uit van het team dat van 6 t.e.m. 16 februari 2014 het eiland Reunion onder het roepteken TO7CC in de lucht zal brengen. Uit de statistieken van Clublog blijkt dat deze DXCC-entiteit vooral in digitale modes vrij zeldzaam is. De ploeg zal dan ook speciale aandacht aan deze modes schenken.

De F6KOP crew verdiende reeds haar sporen met verschillende DXpedities naar afgelegen gebieden.

Alle info over deze activiteit vind je op de TO7CC webpagina.


5I0DX - Zanzibar DXpedition 2014
Soumis par: ON9TT
The licenses for 5I0DX and 5H3AN have been received for the activity from February 2 to February 13, 2014 for the Tanzania Zanzibar Island Dxpedition IOTA AF-032.

We are looking for sponsors for donations to Radio Club of Dar Es Salaam and for contributions to Italy Day Hospital of Zanzibar.

Team: IK7JWX, I8LWL, IS0AGY, IV3FSG (YL), HB9DHG (op. CW).
8 and 9 February: 5I0DX and 5H3AN during the WW WPX RTTY contest.
INFO: ik7jwx2003 [at] yahoo [dot] it and http://www.qrz.com/db/5i0dx/.
IOTA Marathon
Soumis par: ON4CAS


Tijdens 2012 en 2013 organiseerde de RSGB de IOTA Marathon. Het volledig reglement kan je nalezen op de IOTA webpagina. Samengevat komt het erop neer dat je tijdens de twee jaar durende wedstrijd zoveel mogelijk punten bij mekaar moest zien te sprokkelen. Elke afzonderlijke IOTA referentie telde één punt per band en mocht op maximaal drie verschillende banden worden gewerkt.

Je hebt nu tot 28 februari '14 de tijd om je log te uploaden. Surf hiervoor naar de speciaal hiertoe gecreëerde webpagina. Eerst registreren is de boodschap; vervolgens zal je een mail ontvangen. Deze bevat een link die je dient aan te klikken om je account te activeren. Pas dan kan je je log uploaden.

Het up te loaden logbestand omvat een uit je logboek geëxporteerde ADIF file die alle QSOs met IOTA stations uit 2012 en 2013 bevat.

DXCC - Most Wanted 2013
Soumis par: ON4CAS

DX Magazine

Naar jaarlijkse gewoonte peilde het tijdschrift "DX Magazine" naar de meest benodigde DXCC gebieden. Iedere DXer kon in de periode september/oktober 2013 zijn/haar niet bevestigde DXCC entities meedelen.

Behalve de algemene top 100 publiceert het tijdschrift ook de lijsten volgens regio's, modes en top band.

De lijst kan je hier bekijken. Graag geven wij je alvast de algemene wereldwijde top 10 mee:

2013 Ranking Prefix DXCC Entity
1 P5 Dem. People's Rep. Korea
2 KP1 Navassa I.
3 3Y Bouvet
4 FT/W Crozet I.
5 FT/Z Amsterdam & St.Paul Is.
6 VK0 Heard I.
7 BS7 Scarborough
8 ZS8 Prince Edward & Marion Is.
9 VP8 South Sandwich Is.
10 FR/T Tromelin I.
2014 Winter Olympics
Soumis par: ON4CAS
Sochi 2014The upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Russia are generating lots of special event stations populating the HF bands. Several awards are available.
Click here for info.
ARRL Centennial QSO Party
Soumis par: ON4CAS
ARRL 100 Years

During 2014, the American Amateur Radio League (ARRL) is celebrating its 100th anniversary. To add some extra spice to the celebrations, a centennial QSO party is being held during the entire year.

The ARRL club station W1AW will be active from all states. An award is available for getting in the log from all locations. Furthermore, an award will be available for collecting an amount of points still needing to be determined.

Points are gained by working ARRL members and staff both in the US and abroad (e.g. ON4CAS who is a DXCC Card Checker counts 5 points while all other Belgian ARRL members count one point in each band/mode slot).

See the ARRL Centennial QSO Party webpage for details.

DX-World DXpedition of the year
Soumis par: ON9CFG
It was a great year for DXpeditions! How many new ones did you work? Did you fill those missing bandslots? You can vote 2 times, maybe for your favourite DXpedition and the one that filled those missing bandpoints?

The poll will run for 3 weeks until January 6, trophies will be awarded to the eventual winner and runner-up. You are welcome to cast your vote, just follow this link.
ZS9MADIBA - Commemorating Nelson Mandela
Soumis par: ON7TK
ZS9MADIBA is the South African Radio League Special Event Station commemorating the life and recent passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, elder statesman and first democratically-elected President of the Republic of South Africa.

Affectionately referred to as “Madiba”, he became one of the most recognised leaders in the world and was instrumental in the peaceful transition of South Africa from minority rule to a constitutional democracy. South Africans join the people of the world in mourning his passing and celebrating his legacy.

YOTA growing fast
Soumis par: ON7TK
After the success of the Youngsters on the Air events in the northern hemisphere summer, we decided that it’s time to do some more action!

During the whole month of December several countries will become active with YOTA as the suffix in the call sign. The idea for this is to break the ice for some youngsters and take the microphone in the hand.

As seen over the years, the YOTA-group is growing fast and every week more youngsters are asking to participate. You want to hear us on the air? Listen for Youngsters on the Air call signs in the whole month of December! At least 17 stations from 14 countries with young amateurs will be active. We would be happy if you try to work one or more of the following call signs: EA7URA/YOTA; EI0YOTA; ES5YOTA; ES9YOTA; LY5YOTA; OH2YOTA; OK2YOTA; OM9YOTA; OM13YOTA; ON4YOTA; PA6YOTA; S513YOTA; SN0YOTA; SH9YOTA; YO0YOTA; YL13YOTA and YL2013YOTA.

A special Youngsters on the Air Award is available.

Dennis ZS4BS
Secretary, IARU Region 1
S21ZBC, S21ZBB - Bangladesh
Soumis par: ON7RN
Eric ON7RN participera comme opérateur à l’expédition organisée par le Mediterraneo DX Club au Bangladesh du 17 au 26 novembre 2013. Le team est composé de 23 opérateurs de 5 nationalités différentes et de 3 opérateurs locaux. Deux indicatifs ont été attribués pour l’occasion : S21ZBC qui sera actif au début de l’expédition et S21ZBB qui sera utilisé pour le CQWW CW et qui terminera l’opération.

Un site web a été créé pour l’occasion et un « log search » sera disponible.

J’espère contacter le plus grand nombre d’entre vous.

Le QSL Manager pour cette expédition est à nouveau Giuliano – IK2VUC (OQRS, Direct, Bureau).