UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Photo: Couloir

Copernicus Radio Amateur Kids Day

Date Until: 
Dear Friends,

On the occasion of the Radio Amateur Kids Day on 16th June 2012, I would like to inform you about a special activity that could be especially interesting as a means of promotion of amateur radio amongst young operators and young potential radio amateurs.

The matter is that a tropospheric balloon will start on 16th June (Saturday) at 11.00 UTC from W³oc³awek, and it will carry out a cross-band repeater with the callsign SR0FLY.

Please find additional information in the here, and… have a lot of fun!!!

Best friendly 73,

Pawe³ Zakrzewski, SP7TEV
IARU Liaison Officer of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK)