UBAUnion royale belge des amateurs-émetteurs a.s.b.l.

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Candidatures pour un contact ARISS en 2018 ?

Logo ARISSVous souhaitez programmer un contact ARISS pour une école ?

Le programme ARISS permet aux écoles de poser des questions à un astronaute/cosmonaute à bord de la station spaciale internationale (ISS). Les écoles candidates sont invitées à sousmettre une application entre le 1er septembre et le 31 octobre 2017 pour un contact durant la période juillet 2018 - décembre 2018. Les écoles seront informées en décembre 2017 si la candidature est retenue.


Stefan Dombrowski – ON6TI (on6ti [at] uba [dot] be)
ARSPEX w.g. chairman

Press Release

ARISS School Contacts

Call for Candidate Schools Schools interested in an educational space conversation with an astronaut/cosmonaut on board the International Space Station are invited to submit an Application. ARISS-Europe will collect Applications from schools in Europe, Africa and the Middle East during two months: September and October 2017.

The Application form is available at: http://www.ariss-eu.org/school-contacts
Please download the form in the left side column of the webpage (or click here for a direct link).

The Application is to be submitted by e-mail to: school [dot] selection [dot] manager [at] ariss-eu [dot] org

The Applications will be examined in December 2017. Schools will be selected for an ARISS radio contact with an astronaut or a cosmonaut on board the International Space Station in the following school year, during the period July - December 2018.

More details are available here: http://www.ariss-eu.org/school-contacts

Thank you for circulating this information to interested schools.

Emanuele D’Andria – IØELE ARISS-Europe Chairman