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Photo: Couloir

Introduction Author : Arduino for Ham Radio Amateurs

Introduction :

Cor Struyk, PA0GTB
Author of the Article series : Arduino for Ham Radio Amateurs
Full Ham Radio Licence included CW. licenced in 1972, my age : 69
Active on HF bands with CW and digital communication modes
Started with Ham Radio related Arduino projects in January 2017 after followed a small introduction
workshop "Programming Arduino" at VERON Breda
After that, i wanted more, and started with small Arduino projects, Ham Radio related, together with a friend, PA1BM.
In the meantime, i have done several lectures at different Veron societys in 2018 and have publiced more than 10 Articles with Arduino projects. Every projects i have build 2 times ore more.

I'm very pleased to publice also this articles in your magazine CQ-QSO
Many nice projects, you can build yourself, will follow in the month's to come
If you want to read more about this, vistit my website at www.pa0gtb.nl and choose the Arduino section
73 de Cor, PA0GTB
cor [at] pa0gtb [dot] net