UBAKoninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs vzw

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Photo: Couloir

DX Info

W2M - Samuel F.B. Morse 222nd birthday celebration
Ingediend door: ON5EX
The QSY Society ARC will celebrate the 222nd anniversary of the birth of Samuel F.B. Morse by operating three CW stations on April 27, 1400-1900z from the front porch of his historic Italianate-style home located at Locust Grove in Poughkeepsie, NY. The 40 meter station will operate at 100 watts; the 20 and 17 meter stations will operate at "QRP+" (10 to 15 watts).

18.076, 14.061, 7.034. QSL: Stan Levandowski, 6 Chatham Ct, Fishkill, NY 12524.

Do not send money or envelopes! For more information contact: wb2lqf [at] arrl [dot] net.
TM0SI - Ile de Sein
Ingediend door: ON4ZD
Une nouvelle expédition IOTA est annoncée par le CDXG (Charente DX Groupe) du 27 avril au 4 mai 2013 depuis l'ile de Sein. Opérateurs actuellement confirmés pour TM0SI: F5LOW, F5MNK, F5EOT, F6HKA et ON4ZD.
Plus d’infos prochainement sur ce site.
ON4DG - Chêne Millénaire de Liernu
Ingediend door: ON6GB
Raymond (ON4DG) installera une station d’émission dans le shack mobile ce dimanche 21 avril 2013 au pied du Gros Millénaire Chêne de Liernu pour une activité radio. Il sera présent à partir de 8 heures du matin au moins jusqu'à midi (heures locales). Les émissions seront principalement effectuées dans la bande des 7 MHz.

Le Chêne Millénaire de Liernu fait partie du patrimoine majeur de Wallonie. Pour plus d’informations sur cette activité s’adresser à raymond [dot] haquenne [at] skynet [dot] be (ON4DG).
ON6GMT - Moulin d'Hollers
Ingediend door: ON6GMT
Radioamateur depuis 10 ans, j’ai décidé de commencer en 2013 des activations de moulins et châteaux. La première des activations sera le moulin d’Hollers, moulin se trouvant à quelques 100 mètres du QRA, dans la vallée de la Thyle. Cette envie m’est venue de Michel, F8GGZ, qui pratique ce sport depuis plusieurs années. Et à force de lui répondre tous les samedis,… Merci Michel !

Next activation : 20 avril 2013, from 05h30 UTC to 11h00 UTC, Moulin d’Hollers (WAM-1187). Plus d’informations en cliquant ici.
HB0/ON4WRC - Liechtenstein
Ingediend door: ON4ON
(à traduire) ON4ON, ON5SY, ON6CX en ON7PO zullen QRV zijn met HB0/ON4WRC van 18 t/m 24 april 2013. CW-SSB-RTTY en BPSK-31, 80 tot 6m.

QSL via ON4ON.
World Amateur Radio Day - 18 April 2013
Ingediend door: ON5EX
On 18 April 2013, we will celebrate the World Amateur Radio Day on the 88th anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union, IARU. The theme for this year World Amateur Radio Day is “Amateur Radio: Entering Its Second Century of Disaster Communications”.

Several Member Societies, and clubs related to them, will have special event stations on the air.

Portugal - The REP-Rede dos Emissores Portugueses with the group the operators, will activate the special call sign CR5IARU from 13 to 19 April on all bands. QSL via CT1REP (bureau or direct). Logs will be available in ClubLog.

Mexico – FMRE, with the help of Grupo DXXE, will activate a unique prefix for the first time: 4A8DMR (DMR = Día Mundial del Radioaficionado). This station will be active from 18 to 21 April 2013 on all bands from 6 meters to 160 in all modes including EME and amateur radio satellites from different Grid Locators throughout Mexico. QSL via N7RO and LoTW. Log will be available also on ClubLog.

Puerto Rico – To make echo of this year's theme "Amateur Radio: entering its Second Century of Disaster Communications", the Puerto Rico Field Day Group will be operating KP4FD to celebrate World Amateur Radio Day on the Municipal Emergency Management Agency Office (OMME) on the city of Cataño. There will be a presentation about Amateur Radio in the premises. Operation will be on the HF bands. Confirmations will be via LoTW and there will be an electronic certificate available, make your petition with info on QSO to wp3gw [at] arrl [dot] net. If you would like to receive a printed one, please send a large SASE or envelope with sufficient USA postage. More info via www.qrz.com/db/KP4FD.

South Africa – on 18 April, the SARL will be operating ZS9DCC (Disaster Communications Centenary) from the National Amateur Radio Centre in Johannesburg. QSL via the bureau. Local clubs have been asked to participate and to take your hand-held to work on 18 April and create an interest in Amateur Radio.

Remember that the Polish member society, PZK, issues a yearly WARD Award. Information on how to obtain this award can be found at http://qtc.suchacz.eu/articles.php?article_id=5.

Dennis, ZS4BS, Secretary IARU Region 1
ON6TI in 3V
Ingediend door: ON6TI
ON6TI will be active in 3V between April 15 and April 19. (The callsign is not yet known but will be posted soon).

Special activity on April 18 for the World Amateur Radio Day.
World Amateur Radio Day 2013
Ingediend door: ON4CAS

On April 18, 2013, radio amateurs will be celebrating World Amateur Radio Day, on the 88th Anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union, IARU. This year´s theme for the World Amateur Radio Day “Amateur Radio: Entering Its Second Century of Disaster Communications”.

Each year the IARU Administrative Council selects a theme for World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) for the following year. WARD takes place each year on April 18. At the November, 2012 Administrative Council meeting the AC adopted the following proposal: The theme 'Amateur Radio: Entering Its Second Century of Disaster Communications' was adopted for the next World Amateur Radio Day, April 18, 2013.

The selected theme for 2013 is a excellent opportunity for amateur radio emergency communications or disaster communications groups to take advantage of the WARD to highlight the role amateur radio plays in disaster communications and disaster response. IARU member-societies could arrange amateur radio demonstrations in public places such as parks or shopping areas. Prepared handouts could explain the benefits of amateur radio in times of emergency or disaster. A ham radio demonstration in public areas usually generates inquiries and questions from the public about amateur radio and it also provides a great opportunity to attract new ham radio operators. If you plan on such a demonstration, don't forget to include some young people from your society so that young people who happen by the demonstration can see that amateur radio activity can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

In 2013, April 18 is a weekday. However, that doesn't prevent the public activity from taking place on the weekend before or after April 18. The idea is to gain as much exposure and publicity for amateur radio as possible.

Emergency communications groups might also combine a public demonstration for WARD with a simulated emergency test (SET).

WARD also provides an opportunity for amateurs to give presentations about ham radio to such groups as civic organizations, charitable groups, etc. For example, Rotary Clubs and Lions Clubs are only two of many worldwide organizations who have weekly meetings and these organizations are always looking for interesting and informative programs to present to their membership. There are very few experienced hams who can't talk for 15 or 20 minutes about ham radio in a positive fashion. Don't make the talk too technical. Stress the fun aspects of ham radio and the opportunity to assist in times of disaster. Keep the presentation to about 20 minutes to allow time for questions.

The fact that World Amateur Radio Day only happens one day each year shouldn't prevent IARU member-societies from promoting ham radio all during the year of course. Some member-society officials have expressed concern about a decrease in the number of new amateurs entering ham radio in their country. Upon further examination and discussion, it turns out there are many activities that societies could be involved in to increase public exposure to amateur radio but many are not taking advantage of those opportunities. WARD provides an opportunity to get out and make the effort to show the public what ham radio is about.

And, if your member-society is involved in promoting amateur radio on a regular basis and it has been a success, let me know. I will publicize the activity in this newsletter so that other member-societies can benefit from activities that have attracted people to amateur radio.

See here for the special commemoration award.

T48K - Cuba
Ingediend door: ON5EX
T48K «Las Tunas Contest Crew» with invited guest F5FYO will be active on the 30th and 31th March during the CQWW WPX SSB contest from Playa La Herradura as a multi-single entry. The team will activate bands from 160 to 10m with yagis on 15 and 10, dipoles and half-squares on 80m, 40m and 20m and an inverted L on 160m. They will use the call CO9KAA before and after the contest.

QSL manager is F5FYO.
Activation EI8GQB/EI1A
Ingediend door: ON5EX
EI8GQB/EI1A activation entre le 23 Mars et le 3 Avril 2013.

Olivier ON4EI est de retour en Irlande pour opérer EI8GQB/EI1A depuis une caravane alimentée par énergie verte. Il activera l'indicatif EI1A durant le contest CQ WPX SSB contest (30-31 Mars). QSL MANAGER : PA3249.

Suivez l'activité en direct sur qrz.com où vous trouverez une bannière d'information avec fréquence et messages. Il y aura également des sessions de direct video streaming

Équipement : antenne monopole vertical de 18 m + chapeau capacitif pour les bandes 160-80m-40m + 32 radiales; beam 3 éléments directionnelle Est-Ouest en V inversé pour la bande 40m; antenne beverage de 200 m de long directionnelle Est-Ouest; 2 antennes Spiderbeam pour les bandes 20/15/10m. Transceivers : Elecraft K3 + P3 & Kenwood TS-2000. Banc de batteries de 500 Ah + panneau solaire 180W et éolienne 400W.

Objectifs : réaliser le contest de 48 h à partir d'énergie verte seulement; classement parmi le TOP 10 européen catégorie SOABLP.