UBAKoninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs vzw

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Photo: Couloir

DX Info

Ingediend door: ON4CAS
OR40NOLDe sectie NOL viert dit jaar zijn 40e verjaardag met de activatie van de speciale call OR40NOL. De activatie zal duren van 1 mei tem 31 december 2021

Er zijn ook 3 awards aan verbonden aan dit gebeuren:
  • Het Gouden award (werk ons op 7 banden in Mixed mode)
  • Het Zilveren award (werk ons op 5 banden in Mixed mode)
  • Het Bronzen award (werk ons op 3 banden in Mixed mode)
Als er genoeg vraag is kan er ook nog een Platinum award aangemaakt worden (voor de fanatiekelingen)

Ingediend door: ON4CAS

OZ75BOVan 1 t.e.m. 11 april zal vanop het Deense eiland Bornholm het special event statio OZ75BO actief zijn. Aanleiding is de 75ste verjaardag van de terugtrekking van Sovjettroepen na WOII. Ook het station OZ75MAY zal gedurende deze periode actief zijn.

Voor de gelegenheid wordt ook een herdenkingsdiploma uitgegeven. Info daarover vind je op de HF awardpagina bij de "korte looptijd" certificaten informatie.


The Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) is celebrating its 100th Anniversary
Ingediend door: ON4CAS


OH Boy! The Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) is celebrating its 100th Anniversary.

Finland is a small, modern Republic of 5 million inhabitants located on the very northern frontier of Europe. Finns live life between the East and the West, belonging to the alliance of the European Union. SRAL’s strength lies in having one of the highest membership percentages among the IARU R1 membership societies. So, this is all of us OHs welcoming you to our centennial year activity.

EARN THE HIGHEST RECOGNITION FROM YOUR OH FRIENDS Just contact 100 (one hundred) of your OH friends during 2021 and 10 (ten) specially featured Finnish stations to earn the OH Northern Light 100-year certificate (OH-NL-100) and the featured story, explaining the magic of the OH-land and the Northern Lights;

Your 100 contact should include 50 OH stations and 50 OF stations, a total of 100. A special OF prefix will be launched to all OH stations on September15th, 2021. Your maximum point value can be 100. The number of your OF/OH contacts.


SRAL and its members are active in a wide range of Amateur Radio activities and each of the ten multipliers represent some of those activities. The multiplying stations are; OH100SRAL, OH2A, OH0W, OJ0C, OF2HQ, OH2YOTA, OG2B, OH6SRAL, OI3AX and OF9X.

Multiplying your QSO points (maximum 100) by your multiplier value (max 10) will give you your score – maximum of 1000 points. OH Boy!

All who score 1000 points and the top-ten continental highest scorers will receive their OH-NL-100 certificate signed by Santa Claus. A special lottery will feature additional special prizes that will be announced later.

Your log extract should be sent to the Santa Claus offices at; of9x [at] sral [dot] fi during January 2022. The same address will answer all questions relating to this centennial activity.

OH100SRAL: This is the official SRAL centennial jubilee station which is circulating all year throughout Finland and is activated by SRAL’s member societies (120) and special activity groups.
  • OH2A:  This is the SRAL HQ station in our capital, Helsinki. It is rarely active internationally but to honor this special year you can catch it occasionally. Surely A is first in the alphabets.
  • OF2HQ: With the country-wide unified SRAL-team it is expected that all of Finland will be active in IARU radio sport, July 10-11, one way or another. Mid-summer is the time when all OHs smile. OH boy!
  • OH0W: Aland Islands is Finland’s share in the DXCC program. But also, the most beautiful archipelago to visit and enjoy. It is home to three HF superstations and the historical battlefield of all OH contesters for once winning the world -- CQWW at OH0W 1982.
  • OJ0C: Market Reef is a rare one with adventure and challenges on right on its doorstep. So many from far and near have experienced DXotica over the barren rock in the midst of stormy seas. It is a dream for landlubbers not to see anything in the horizon.
  • OH2YOTA: The Finnish youth are the movers and shakers in the YOTA movement and hosted one of the early ones in Finland. At the core of SRAL activities the theme in Finland is that only youth can communicate with youth. OH Boy! Also, only youth would know what makes them tick!
  • OG2B: The IARU/NCDXF beacon network has been supported by the SRAL and its dedicated members for almost 40 years. While OH2B is busy at work, the alternative OG2B will be its substitute during this centennial jubilee. Surely you have used the network; www.ncdxf.org.beacon/
  • OI3AX: Amateur Radio activity in the Finnish Signal Corps (OI prefix) have a brilliant history of cooperation with SRAL. Many well-known OHs have caught the bug while doing their service to their country. OI3AX will represent the country-wide network of 35 OI-locations.
  • OH6SRAL: Every Saturday at 3 PM SRAL transmits its radio news to its entire membership. OH6 is in the middle of the country and has a long history of such transmissions. The chief, Heikki, OH6ZS has done those transmissions for more than 40 years and his dedication to this duty continues.
  • OF9X: Old-Father-Nine-Xmas, has excited the little radio operators and their families for many years from the land of Christmas. Once Santa Claus was pushed to the North Pole but these Santa transmissions from Finland have finally proved that Finland is the same as the North Pole.

Thank You, You are most welcome to join the party as you have now made yourself familiar with Finland and SRAL, now celebrating its centennial. Just jump into the sleight of Santa and go for 1000 points… and greet your fellow OHs along the way. Good luck and see you on our way to Cycle 25!
Ingediend door: ON4CAS
C7A QSLDe leden van de International Amateur Radio Contest DX Club (ARCDXC – United Nations) zijn actief als C7A tijdens de maand maart en vieren op die manier de WMO-dag (Wereld Meteorologische Organisatie). De WMO is een gespecialiseerd agentschap van de Verenigde Naties. Het agentschap is de gezaghebbende metereologische stem van het VN-systeem. Met name over de toestand en het gedrag van de atmosfeer van de aarde. Maar ook de interactie daarvan met de oceanen, het klimaat en de verdeling van watervoorraden.

VE3LYC DXpedities
Ingediend door: ON4CAS

IOTA logoWie met het Islands on The Air (IOTA) programma bekend is en zelf de band afschuimt op zoek naar activiteiten vanop afgelegen eilanden heeft beslist al gehoord van Cezar, VE3LYC. In de loop der jaren ondernam hij talrijke DXpedities naar moelijk te activeren eilanden. Tijdens een recent online event van de Forsyth Amateur Rdaio Club gad Cezar een presentatie van zijn tochten.

Via deze YouTube link kan je de voorstelling bekijken. Cezars bijdrage begint op minuut 18 van het filmpje.

De prestaties van de Belgische deelnemers aan het IOTA programma kan je overigens hier bekijken.

Ingediend door: ON4CAS
DL21EUROIn 2021 vinden in Europa twee grote sportevenementen plaats. Ter gelegenheid van het Europees voetbalkampioenschap, dat normaliter in 2020 had moeten plaatsvinden, en het reguliere U21 Europees Kampioenschap, zal DARC de speciale roepnaam DL21EURO met de speciale DOK 21EURO in de lucht brengen. Het speciale station is actief van 1 maart tot 11 juli 2021.

Préfixes spéciaux en Grèce
Ingediend door: ON4CAS
Le RAAG (Radio Amateur Association of Greece) informe que toutes les stations grecques peuvent utiliser des préfixes spéciaux tout au long de l'année 2021.
Les titulaires de licence HAREC peuvent utiliser le préfixe SX2ØØ, les titulaires d’une licence débutant peuvent utiliser le préfixe SY2ØØ et les stations club peuvent opter pour le préfixe SZ2ØØ. La raison de l'utilisation de ces préfixes est la commémoration du bicentenaire de la révolution grecque de 1821.

Ingediend door: ON4CAS

IQ3DDDe afdelingen Cadore en Brunico van onze Italiaanse zustervereniging ARI verzoekt ons mee te delen dat zij tot eind februari '21 actief zijn met het special event stations IQ3DD. Aanleiding hiervoor zijn de "FIS Alpine World Ski Championships" in Cortina D'Ampezzo.

Het station zal in alle gebruikelijke modes en op de diverse HF/VHF/UHF banden actief zijn. QSL manager voor het station is IN3ZWF.

Ingediend door: ON4CAS
OV0JUTLANDIAThe Danish hospital ship Jutlandia 1951. EDR activates a special call sign in the period 1st February to 31st March 2021
When the Korean War broke out on June 25, 1950, Denmark pledged to assist the UN and the United Nations Command and to provide humanitarian aid to the Allied forces in South Korea. Medicinal products were made available very quickly, and after negotiations it was agreed that Denmark would also send a hospital ship. In the autumn of 1950, the shipping company ØK agreed to make Jutlandia available to the Danish government, and after rebuilding, the ship departed on January 23rd, 1951, heading for Korea.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of this event, Experimental Danish Radio Amateurs will activate a special radio station using the call sign OVØJUTLANDIA.
In the period from January 1st 00:00 UTC until  March 31th 23:59 UTC this year, the call sign will be active on most amateur radio bands with CW, SSB and DIGI modes. All bands including WARC-bands, and all modes may be used.

A commemorative award is available, see the awards section of the UBA webpage.

Ingediend door: ON4CAS
A l'occasion du 30ème anniversaire de la section CRD (Club Radio Durnal), les membres seront actifs avec l'indicatif spécial OT3ØCRD sur toutes les bandes HF et en 2m en CW, SSB & DIGI à partir du 18/04/2021 jusqu'au 18/05/2021. QSL spéciale via Bureau.