UBAKoninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs vzw

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Photo: Couloir

DX Info

EI11WAW through to EI99WAW
Ingediend door: ON9TT
The Wild Atlantic Way (Irish Slí an Atlantaigh Fhiáin) is a tourism route on the west coast of  Ireland that runs for 2,500 km (1553 miles) passing through nine Counties and three provinces. Stretching from County Donegal in the North to County Cork in the south and running through Leitrim, Sligo, Mayo, Galway. Clare, Limerick and Kerry - all on the rugged west coast of Ireland overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.
From 1st January to 31st December 2017 Irish Radio Amateurs will be on air with nine special calls - EI11WAW through to EI99WAW.  Each call will be associated with one of the counties making up the Wild Atlantic Way.  Each call will have its own distinctive QSL card depicting a highlight of the county linked to the call.
QSL requests via Clublog or the Buro.  Requests for a Direct QSL via Clublog or to EI6AL enclosing $2, or €2 via paypal to payments [at] irts [dot] ie
A Certificate will be made available for download to any station that works all nine calls, any band any mode. Sample below. Apply by email to QSL manager EI6AL giving name and call.  A certificate can also be sent by post - send €5 ($5) to cover postage either direct to EI6AL or via paypal to payments [at] irts [dot] ie

OZ100DVI - Treaty of Danish West Indies
Ingediend door: ON7TK
OZ100DVI will be on the air from 1st of January 2017 until the 31st of December 2017.

Crew consists of members of EDR HAM Radio Club of Skanderborg, club call OZ7SKB. This Special Event Station is commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of the Danish West Indies sold to the USA – thereafter named United States Virgin Islands.

The call will be activated in connection to various city events and aim to interact among others with the local sailing club and Scout groups. Will be working portable from “our” local Saint Thomas Island, in the Lake Skanderborg - hiking trips/working SOTA from the near-by Danish Lake Lands, and being on air from Flora Fauna area. You may hear us in contest, fielddays etc We look forward working you on the bands, please look see qrz.com for further information or visit our web page http://oz100dvi.oz7skb.dk/.
OZ44C - Kon-Tiki 70th anniversary
Ingediend door: ON7TK
OZ44C will be on the air from 1st of January 2017 until the 31st of December 2017, commemorating the 70th Anniversary of Thor Heyerdahl and the crew of the Kon-Tiki expedition in 1947, call sign LI2B/MM.

Friendships Award 2016
Ingediend door: ON7TK
I'd like to inform you about a great project, Friendships Award 2016, which I organize to help in the reconstruction of a kindergarten in Ussita (Macerata area), destroyed by the earthquakes on August 24 & October 30.

Stations will be on air from 23/12/2016 to 1/1/2017, a nice moment for CHRISTMAS GREETINGS on air and to to give a smile to children of Ussita, who now find themselves in the cold in a container (Ussita is a mountain village!). See www.insubriaradio.org for full details please.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, full of joy and serenity!

73, 88 - Emanuela IZ2ELV 
Ingediend door: ON4MAW
OR70AF sera activé le samedi 17 décembre 2016 entre 07:00 et 15:00 heures UTC par le team BAFARA de la Base Militaire de Florennes.
Cet indicatif spécial attribué à l’occasion des 70 années d’existence de la Force Aérienne Belge sera utilisé jusqu’a la fin de l’année en cours. Les émissions HF se feront toutes bandes, tous modes. Une station VHF/UHF sera activée en phonie. Une QSL spéciale relative à cet évènement sera éditée fin de cette année et attribuée à chaque QSO.

QSL via bureau ou QSL Manager ON2KFJ.

N1BCG - Transatlantic Reception Anniversary
Ingediend door: ON7TK
An Amateur Radio special event on December 11 will commemorate the 95th anniversary of the first transatlantic shortwave reception between Greenwich, Connecticut, and Ardrossan, Scotland.

ARRL, the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), and the Radio Club of America (RCA) are partnering in sponsoring the activity. The Greenwich Historical Society will also participate.

ARRL's "Successful Overseas Listener" Paul Godley, 2ZE, returned to the US "a conquering hero," QST said in 1922. On December 11, 1921, a radio signal transmitted from the location of 1BCG in Connecticut, was heard in Scotland by Paul Godley, 2ZE, during the second ARRL transatlantic tests. The special event will use N1BCG, the call sign of Clark Burgard of Greenwich, a radio history buff who was instrumental in making arrangements for the event.

The N1BCG special event, which will be set up at a school near the original 1BCG site, will begin on Sunday, December 11, at 1200 and conclude at 0300 UTC on December 12. Operation will be on AM on 75 and 40 meters; CW and SSB on 40 meters, CW on 30 meters, and CW and SSB on 20 and 17 meters. Approximate frequencies are 3.880 (AM), 7.290 (AM), 7.235 (SSB), 7.040 (CW), 10.112 (CW), 14.280 (SSB), 14.040 (CW), 18.125 (SSB), and 18.088 MHz CW. The event will include an attempt at a two-way contact between N1BCG and GB2ZE in Ardrossan.
OF9X - Santa Claus
Ingediend door: ON7TK
As in past years, Santa Claus will be spreading the spirit of Christmas via Amateur Radio, but this year the elves are taking over the show.

Twelve elves are operating OF9X ("Old-Father-Nine-Christmas") for the entire month of December, each with a 3-letter identification. Radio amateurs can work OF9X on all bands and modes, from 630 meters (where authorized) to 70 centimeters. Each contact is worth 1 point for stations in Europe and 2 points for stations outside Europe. The elves provide the multiplier - up to 12 - to determine your final score.

Only contacts made in 2016 are valid. Logs are available on ClubLog, and the log will indicate which elf was worked, in case you miss the ID. The elves on the air and their 3-letter IDs are Arto, OH2KW (ART); Arttu, OH2FB (ATU); Jyri, OH2KM (JYR); Martti, OH2BH (MAR); Niko, OH2GEK (NIK); Pauli, OH5BQ (PAU); Pekka, OH2TA (PEK); Pertti, OH2BEE (PER); Raimo, OH2BCI (RAI); Tom, OH6VDA (TOM); Pertti, OH2PM (SIM), and Erik, OH2LAK (LAK).

Three awards are available: SKC Award (Santa is King of Christmas) -- at least 50 points; WMC Award (Warm and Memorable Christmas) -- at least 35 points, and RNS Award (remember those Red Nose Elves) -- at least 20 points.

E-mail your log and your point calculation by January 5, 2017. Full-color award certificates will be sent via return mail. Include the name to be printed on the award and your e-mail address. High-scoring operators and their children on each continent will be offered an opportunity to speak with Santa during Christmas week. Details will be available on the OF9X QRZ.com profile page.
Ingediend door: ON4MAW
OR70AF sera activé le vendredi 25 novembre 2016 entre 07:00 et 15:00 heures UTC par le team BAFARA de la Base Militaire de Florennes.

Cet indicatif spécial attribué à l’occasion des 70 années d’existence de la Force Aérienne Belge sera utilisé jusqu’à la fin de l’année en cours. Les émissions HF se feront toutes bandes, tous modes. Une station VHF/UHF sera activée en phonie. Une QSL spéciale relative à cet évènement sera éditée fin de cette année et attribuée à chaque QSO.

W6PW/100 - Special Centennial Event station
Ingediend door: ON7TK
We at the San Francisco Radio Club would like to let you know of our final special event operation for this our centennial year of 2016. We invite you to participate by making contact with us during this event.

Call Sign: W6PW/100
When: Saturday, November 12, 2016
Hours: 16:00Z-23:00Z
Frequencies: 28.300 MHz, 24.945 MHz, 21.275 MHz, 18.150 MHz 14.225 MHz, 7.178MHz (SSB).

Other frequencies and modes will be announced as we get closer to the event and will be posted on QRZ.com/W6PW. A special QSL Card will be available for all QSOs. See QRZ.com/w6pw or www. sfarc.org for details. We hope you can be a part of amateur radio history and help us celebrate 100 continuous years as a service club. Please pass this information along to as many other clubs and HAMs as possible. Thank you!

73 de, Tony Dowler K6BV
President, SFRC
PJ4L - Bonaire Island
Ingediend door: ON7TQ

From 1 till 11 November 2016 ON7TQ (Roger), ON6KX (Ief) and Kevin (catering and IT) will be active as PJ4L from Bonaire Island SA 006. Phone, CW and some digital will be used.

QSL via ON3CQ (more info on QRZ.com).