UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

Old "DX News" messages

ON0VHF and propagation....
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
DL7AFB wrote tu us about ON4VHF....

Dear OM's,
during last VHF contest I made a record of your beacon ON0VHF, which is always audible from my fieldday location in JO62JA, 588km away. Conditions were moderate, but the beacon was readable anyway.
Please listen to the sound sample on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neVnSNYYmNE
best regards
Bodo, DL7AFB
First contact JA-ON on 3cm
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

Yesterday Eric, ON5TA had a first QSO with JA on the 3cm Band EME. 

The QSOs needed quite a lot of preparation work, because japanese hams are only allowed to transmit on 10.450 MHz, not on 10.368 MHZ.
So a new receiving system had to be build here in order to be able to make "crossband" contacts.

We also needed a common window and the best possible moon conditions. These conditions were met yesterday, but wind could have been a problem.
The japanese hams used big 5 to 6m dishes, very sharp on 3 cm, which make aiming to the moon very difficult with the slightest wind.
As you know, we had wind here yesterday evening, but it was manageable during the QSOs

This why JA4BLC is talking about "a miracle" in his mail. HI !

A little piece of the mail of JA6CZD
Hi Eric,
Yes, QSO by ON5TA-JA6CZD is the first ever between ON-JA on 3cm EME, GREAT!
Me too very much pleased to work you. You are MY #3 on 3cm EME and good signal as well as G4KGC I worked 30minutes before.
It was miracle no wind happened during our QSO.


Iceland on 70MHz
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
On February 19, 2010 The Post and Telecom Administration in Iceland granted a temporary experimental access to the 4 meter band in Iceland. The permit is valid until December 31, 2010.

Frequency span: 70.000-70.200 MHz. Access is granted on secondary basis. Maximum bandwidth is 16 kHz and power limit is 100 W.

Licensees need to apply to the PTA for a special license. The experimental license is open to both “N” and “G” license classes.
Congratulations Dirk
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
Dirk, ON5GS, went on a Dxpedition last year november, during the BCC Meteor contest as EI/ON5GS/P. He activated the squares IO55 and IO65.

With a score of 128 QSO he is the winner of this contest in the Single OP class.
You can find the complete results on this page  
First VK-ON on 3cm..
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

On November 5th Eric ON5TA managed to have a QSO with Charlie VK3NX.
They had both problems with the automatic moon tracking system, but the could finish the QSO. 

A few senteces from the mail received from Charlie:
Firstly  TU TU !!
What a wonderful signal you have.  For me it was “speaker” copy  (no need for tin cans)
I find it very hard to believe you only have 2.3m dish and 30 W.  It is a credit to your “attention to detail”. Your signal was “huge”!
I have only worked 14 initials on 10 GHz  but your’s was easier to copy than some “bigger stations”
I could only just hear my echoes today  but I heard you every period.  A few times I stopped hearing you in the middle of a sequence,  I guess wind at your end?...  or perhaps you do what I do and need to re-align on moon noise in the middle of a sked?
Thank you for trying again and I am very happy that we have had such good success (now  that I was looking on the right freq...Hi..Hi..)
Unfortunately halfway through the sked for the 1st time ever I “blew up” the regulator on my Azimuth control!...I had to operate the Az  movement in “Slow mode”  so it took a lot of effort to  keep on the moon......and also Murphy tried hard to stop me because TWTA Helix current kept “tripping” the alarm circuit  because of moisture in the air.......
....but none of this matters,  because of the wonderful success.  It  is a “ majic” achievement for me each time I work a new station. 
Many tnx  and hpe to cuagn on 10 GHz  and perhaps another band?
73  and GL

F/ON6MG in JN04
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
Alain ON6MG will be QRV in the Marconi contest on 07/11 and 08/11 from JN04 on 144 Mhz cw. He will use the call F/ON6MG/P département 46.
Rig 100watt and 9 el yagi antenna.
Vecchiacchi memorial day
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
The ARI of ARI Lucca is organizing on 1th and 2th december the "Vecchiacchi memorial day".
On 5th in 2m; On 6th in 70cm 23cm 10Ghz and up.
If want more information, see www.arilucca.it.
3 cm QSOs between ON - VE
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
A lttle 3 cm TWT amplifier was installed yesterday on the back of my 2.3 m offset dish.
I also replaced the coax relay with a waveguide switch + W/G preamp.
Have now 1.3 dB moon noise and abt 13.4 dB sun noise/cs, which is much better than before.
Contacted this morning: F2TU, OK1KIR, F5JWF (#), IQ4DF, W5LUA (#), VE4MA (#) and ES5PC (#).
These could be the first 3 cm QSOs between ON - VE and ON - ES.
Thanks to all for a very enjoyable morning !
73 de Eric
Meteor Scatter Sprint Contest 12 august 2009
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF in cooperation with the magazines DUBUS and Funk-Telegramm (by Joachim, DL8HCZ) invited you to take part in our new 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest,
which took place for the first time in the 2008 Perseid shower.
The 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest will take place each year on the day of the from IMO (International Meteor Organization) announced maximum of the Perseid shower.
Feel free to download the rules in English or German
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

Translation needed

La balise ON0VHF a produit quelques perturbations dans le segment DX en VHF. Ce problème a été corrigé grâce à Pierre ON7PC et ON0VHF dispose d'un nouvel émetteur. Les rapports peuvent être envoyés à vhf [at] uba [dot] be