UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

Old "DX News" messages

New First ON-DL
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

We are happy to announce that ON4SHF/P and DL5EAG/P made the first QSO DL-ON on 24GHz during the contest of 7-8 july.

1215 08 Jul 2012

  • DL5EAG-ON4SHF/P (/R),
  • JO31EI(Krefeld)-JO20JQ (Ostiches),
  • DL5EAG: 100mW / 30cm dish,
  • ON4SHF/R: 3W / 85cm dish,
  • CW, tropo/rs enhanced.

Congratulations to both stations.
Copernicus Radio Amateur Kids Day
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
Dear Friends,

On the occasion of the Radio Amateur Kids Day on 16th June 2012, I would like to inform you about a special activity that could be especially interesting as a means of promotion of amateur radio amongst young operators and young potential radio amateurs.

The matter is that a tropospheric balloon will start on 16th June (Saturday) at 11.00 UTC from W³oc³awek, and it will carry out a cross-band repeater with the callsign SR0FLY.

Please find additional information in the here, and… have a lot of fun!!!

Best friendly 73,

Pawe³ Zakrzewski, SP7TEV
IARU Liaison Officer of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK)
Surprise from DARC for IARU R1 VHF competitors
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
We, the German amateur radio club, DARC, would like to invite all participants of the
  • IARU-Region-1 145 MHz September Contest 2011 (03/04 September 2011)
  • IARU-Region-1 UHF/Microwaves October Contest 2011 (01/02 October 2011)

To the award ceremony at the ham radio fair in Friedrichshafen (www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.de).

The award ceremony takes place on Saturday 23 June 2011 15:00 local time (MESZ) in the foyer (near the entrance area).

Especially the following stations, operators and crews are welcome:


Beside the cups we have some goodies for a lot of participants.

CU & 73 de Martin, DL5NAH
70 MHz and the fieldday
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
On May 5th our regulator gave us a new band on 70 MHz (70.200 to 70.400 MHz) in Belgium. During this fieldday it will be possible to use this new band, if the station is working in compliance with the regulations (HAREC license) and that our regulator is informed.
50MHz band
Submitted by: ON4IQ
Dankzij 2x Es hop en de TEP was het mogelijk om vandaag met o.a 3B8DB FR4NT te werken. Via de dubbele Es hop A92IO JY4NE 4X J28AA ST2AR.
50MHz band
Submitted by: ON4IQ
Opnieuw een avondopening (19:30 UTC) (TEP+Es link) richting PY. Ook ZD7VC was actief en werd in Europa gewerkt.
New Beacon
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

Thanks to the cooperation from Italian and Hungarian OM and the helpfulness of Pieter V51PJ, we have now 2 new beacons on air from Namibia for TEP observations.
They are 24h a day QRV from JG82IE.

Callsign V51VHF.

70.005 CW - 35 Watt - 6el. DK7ZB beam N.
144.430 CW - ? Watt - 10el. DK7ZB beam N.

We all hope to receive them soon.

Best 73's Alex IV3KKW
7P8EME DXpedition
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
A lot of planning, accumulation of equipment and antenna development and cost has gone into the project over the last number of years. The total antenna systems has been re-developed and re-built by Pine, ZS6OB, since the last expedition to Namibia - that expedition was voted the 3rd best expedition world wide out of 69 expeditions for that year - no mean feat for a small group of ZS Radio Amateurs.

This will be a record setting International DXpedition for EME, as far as infrastructure, equipment, band coverage and antenna systems are concerned, which has ever visited another country - all with mobile equipment. The group will be covering all the VHF/UHF frequencies from 50 to 1 296 MHz [excluding 4 metres] on EME.

The venue will be at Ramabanta Trading Post. The Grid locator is KG30vi. The team will operate under the call sign 7P8EME.

There will also be limited HF mostly CW and 144 and 50 MHz - tropo and Meteor scatter operation to provide participation for local operators with smaller VHF and UHF stations.

The dates of the DXpedition are 14 to 26 September 2011. And the team is Pine, ZS6OB, (7P8EME); Wynand, ZS6ARF, (7P8QRO); Dick, ZS6BUN, (7P8BUN); Pieter, ZS6PA, (7P8PA); Dan, HB9CRQ, (7P8RQ) and Hermann, DL2NUD, (7P8HP).
Erika Pienaar and Lana Coats will be looking after the kitchen and feeding the team.

To support this DXpedition the South African Radio League has launched a fundraising initiative. You can assist by making a financial contribution.
Deposit your financial contribution in the SARL bank account, ABSA Account
4071 588 849. The branch code is 632 005.

When making an electronic transfer use 7P8 and your call sign as the payment reference and send an email to artoday [at] sarl [dot] org [dot] za ">artoday [at] sarl [dot] org [dot] za with details of your donation, your call sign and email address. You will receive an email acknowledgement and your call sign will be added to the list of supporters.

Your donation to the project will be appreciated and acknowledged. For more information, visit www.amateurradio.org.za/7P8.htm.
Es to 4X...
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
On July 1st Michel, ON7EH, had the opportunity to work Andy 4Z5LY. This cover a distance of 3202 Km. Both stations where received with 59 signals.
Station details:
  • 4Z5LY:
    • KM72MS
    • 600W
    • 8el DK7ZB
  • ON7EH:
    • JO20FV
    • 250W
    • 12el M2
EME Conference Cambridge 2012
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
Hello Folks
Today it is exactly one year from the start of the 15th International EME conference which will be held next year in Cambridge England.
The conference will start on Thursday 16th August with a tour to Bletchley Park the WW2 code breaking establishment and home of a replica of the worlds first electronic computer. The main conference takes place on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th. A comprehensive partners program is being developed. The venue is Churchill College Cambridge.
Accommodation will be available from the evening of Wednesday 15th through to the morning of Sunday 19th. To provide best value the organising committee are arranging inclusive packages to minimise those hidden extras. The details will be published and the booking web site opened by January 2012.

In the mean time more information will be posted on the conference web site at http://www.eme2012.com.
Anyone with products of interest to the EME community, who would like to promote them at the conference or by taking advertising in the conference proceedings please contact me by direct email. I'm on the list or google G4NNS.
Thank you for allowing me to take this bandwidth on behalf of the organising committee.

CU at Cambridge in 2012
Vy 73 Brian G4NNS