UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

slideshow 1

Photo: Couloir

Satellite News

QB-50 will be deployed on May 16th, 2017
Submitted by: ON7TK
[ To be translated ] Le premier lot de satellites de la constellation QB-50 sera, si tout va bien, déployé depuis l'ISS du 16 au 18 mai 2017.
Il y aura 11 satellites de différents pays qui étudiront entre autre la basse thermosphère entre 100 et 350 km.
Les transpondeurs seront activés 30 minutes après le déploiement.
Vous pourrez suivre ces satellites dans la bande de 70 cm.

Ham Vidéo: un émetteur D-ATV à bord de la Station spatiale internationale
Submitted by: ON7YD
- To be translated - In het jaar 2000 ontving ARISS het voorstel om een ATV systeem te installeren aan boord van het ISS, meer bepaald in de Columbus module die men toen aan het ontwerpen was. In de loop van de volgende jaren werd dit project verder uitgewerkt en ook aanvaard door ESA. De eerste hindernis die hierbij moest genomen worden was het ontwerpen, bouwen en plaatsen van de geschikte antennes aan de buitenzijde van de Columbus module.

Morse code on the sky
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
On December 12/13 FITSAT-1 will be using its optical LED beacon to flash a message in Morse Code over the USA and Europe which may be visible to the unaided eye although binoculars are advised. NIWAKA's high power LEDs will be driven with more than 200W pulses to produce extremely bright flashes.

ARISS contact planned with school in Bree, Belgium
Submitted by: ON4WF

An International Space Station school contact has been planned Friday 16 March 2012 at approximately 10:11 UTC with students at Middenschool de Regenboog, Bree in Belgium. 10.11 UTC = 11.11 CEWT. The contact will be performed by the radio station ON5LL and the downlink signal will be audible over Western Europe on 145.800 MHz FM. Middenschool de Regenboog (the Rainbow) is a secondary school in Bree, a town in Belgium.

ARISS contact planned with technical college in Belgium
Submitted by: ON4WF
Wednesday January 18. 2012 at approximately 09:48 UTC, which is 10:48 CEWT, an educational ARISS contact is planned with Vrije Technische Scholen (VTS), located in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. Amateur radio station ON4SNW, set up in the school, will operate the contact.

ARISSat-1 frequency chart
Submitted by: ON4HF

Successful ARISS Contact with European School in European Parliament
Submitted by: ON7TK
Logo Europe-ARISSBRUSSELS Tuesday 27 April 2010,
12 students of the European School, Brussels were invited to visit the Exhibition set up by the International Amateur Radio Union in collaboration with the European Space Agency in the European Parliament, Brussels and sponsored by MEP Birgit Sippel, Germany.
The Exhibition's name is "European Amateur Radio Benefiting Society" and the thematics are Emergency, Education and Space. The students, aged 14-18, accompanied by two science teachers, were welcomed by ARISS Chairman Gaston Bertels, ON4WF who introduced the event with a general presentation on the orbital and technical aspects of VHF communications between amateur radio ground stations and the ISS.

New Video reportage from Jan ON7UX was added (02/05/2010).

Satellite listing
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
Eric ON4HF, our new VHF-Satellite manager made a list of satellites with their frequencies and modes.

You can download it here.
Suitsat 2 Call Sign ID Contest
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

Among the many operations that will be carried out onboard Suitsat 2, one of the most exciting will be the Call Sign ID Contest. The objective of the contest is to spur interest in International Morse code and to honor those individual amateur radio operators who have significantly contributed to the development of amateur radio in space. This includes those who have contributed to amateur radio on satellites as well as those involved in human space flight.
Your voice message in space....
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

ARISS prepares a satellite to be launched by hand from ISS. The sat will have capability to broadcast messages recorded by youngsters and addressed to the youth of the world.