UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

Old "DX News" messages

Friedrichshafen 2015
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
Thanks to the hospitality of the DARC we will be able to have an informal C5 meeting. Not only for the VHF managers but all HAM’s who are interested in the work of IARU-R1 VHF & up matters.
After a small introduction about the way of working of C5 we will have an open discussion. This could be useful to prepare for the Vienna interim meeting in 2016.
This meeting will take place on Saturday June 27th from 15.00 until 16.30 in Room A (5th floor) in the administrative building. You have to leave the exhibition(don’t forget to get your stamp) and walk to the administrative building.
We would appreciate that you inform your members about this meeting and are looking forward to seeing you there.
Best 73
Jacques ON4AVJ
Chairman C5
New ARI EME Trophy
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
ARI is proud to invite you all to take part to the New ARI EME Trophy.
Full rules are here.
The first period is on April 25-26th.

Best 73’s Alex IV3KKW
New spectrum for digital experiments in UK
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
Ofcom have agreed the use of 70.5 MHz to 71.5 MHz by radio amateurs for digital experimentation.
Use will be permitted only via a Special Research Permit and further details of the application process will be published in due course.
For information, the following conditions will apply:
  • Access to this part of the spectrum will be authorised under a Notice of Variation, time-limited to 12 months and available to Full Licence holders only.
  • Ofcom will retain the right to reallocate Amateur Radio spectrum at 70.5 – 71.5MHz should there be a demand for this part of the spectrum from Business Radio and/or other or new services. In the event of this happening, Ofcom will not consult on this decision. However, Ofcom will provide Amateur Radio users with 12 months’ notice before such reassignment and this notice period will be publicised on the Ofcom website.
  • Amateur Radio use of this spectrum will be permitted on a non-protection, non-interference basis. Please note that if use is shown to cause interference, the spectrum will be removed with immediate effect
  • Permission will be subject to a geographical restriction and only granted for use in England, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Northern Ireland and Wales. (There is legacy use of the spectrum by the Scottish Government which precludes licensing for Amateur Radio).
Note that in a similar manner to 146-147MHz, international coordination is likely to be required as use must be compliant with the level published in the Harmonised Calculation Method (HCM) Agreement of +6dBuV/m.

John - RSGB VHF Manager
70 MHz in Malta
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

The 70,0 MHz - 70,5 MHz band has been allocated to Amateur Radio use on secondary basis and included in the National Frequency Plan as published by the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) on 13 Feb 2015.
There are quite a few local stations interested in being active on 4 m.

23cm EME Contest
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
Hi All,
I enjoyed the nice activity on 23 cm during the ARRL contest, with a good mix of CW, JT and SSB QSOs. Many stations were contacted on both CW and JT modes. After cleaning all the dupes, I ended with a total of 86 QSOs and 33 multipliers. Was also very pleased to QSO the PZ5EME expedition on 13 and 23 cm for a new DXCC and first from ON. Their 1.5 m dish was producing a very nice signal on both bands!
3.6 m mesh dish
200 W at feed
Activation of 3A
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

From August 11 to August 13 3A/ON7EQ will be active from 3A in JN33 square.
Activation on MS 70 Mhz (and possibly 50 MHz if there is interest) next Perseid shower, August 12th & 13th, is hereby confirmed.
Hans ON5AEN, who has MS experience on 2m, will join to operate the station. More info - like frequencies, sequences etc… - will be released later via ON4KST chat.

Meanwhile, already prepared some theoretical range prediction. As you are probably aware, Monaco is only 3 kms long and 300m wide, with mountains towards the north and west… not the best place for a low take-off angle! According to our spot where we have chosen to set up the station and the theoretical models, we expect a range like depicted on the map - as you can see ON will be ideally within reach!

73 and looking forward to cu in MS!

Jean-Jacques ON7EQ
UBA VHF Summer Cup
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

In summer it is a good time to experience the joie of DX on VHF. There fore the UBA created the VHF DX summer cup. With this cup we want to promote VHF DXing. More info here.

EME Conference 2014
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
La date limite d’enregistrement des réservations pour la conférence EME 2014 est fixée au 30 mai 2014.

Cette conférence dédiée au trafic via la Lune dans tous les modes et sur toutes les fréquences se déroulera les lundi 25 et mardi 26 août 2014 au Pôle Phoenix de la Cité des Télécoms à Pleumeur-Bodou dans les Cotes d’Armor.

Elle est organisée par l’association ORPB en liaison avec le Lannion Tregor Communauté et la Cité des Télécoms.

L’accueil des participants est assuré à partir du samedi 23 août. Plusieurs possibilités d’hébergement sont proposées au Club Belambra de Tregastel.

Des exposés scientifiques et techniques seront présentés au cours de ces deux journées par d’éminents spécialistes dans différents domaines tels que les antennes, les systèmes de poursuite, les amplificateurs et préamplificateurs, les SDR, les systèmes de traitement du signal, la propagation, …

Monsieur Joseph Taylor K1JT, prix Nobel de physique et concepteur du WSJT, nous honore de sa présence. Sergey Zhutyaev RW3BP, Paul Wade W1GHZ, Al Katz K2UYH, et de nombreux autres contributeurs de renom sont déjà inscrits et exposeront eux-mêmes leur sujet.

Le lundi soir après le diner un forum est organisé entre radioamateurs, scientifiques, professionnels, responsables d’université et étudiants afin de définir des solutions de partenariat.

Au cours de ces deux journées des ateliers de mesures de facteur de bruit et de puissance jusqu’à 24GHz seront animés par des radioamateurs français connus qui ont accepté d’organiser ces ateliers avec leur propre matériel de labo.

Enfin deux stations seront actives sous les indicatifs TM8PB et TM16EME.

Des démonstrations de liaisons EME que ce soit en mode numérique ou analogique seront assurées par petits groupes soit avec la parabole PB8 de 13m soit avec un équipement portable.

Cette 16ème conférence est la seconde organisée en France (Paris 1998). Elle permet à des radioamateurs du monde entier, adeptes de ce type de trafic de se retrouver tous les deux ans dans un cadre extrêmement convivial et amical afin de mettre en commun leur savoir faire et leurs compétences.

Des activités touristiques sont également prévues pour les accompagnants/accompagnantes. Ainsi, de nombreuses délégations étrangères souvent lointaines en profitent pour visiter le pays organisateur.

Pour celles et ceux intéressés vous pouvez consulter le site EME 2014. Pour tout renseignement sur les inscriptions et l’hébergement contactez cette adresse email.
UK Amateurs Losing Access to Part of 2.3 GHz and 3.4 GHz Bands
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
UK telecommunications regulator Ofcom has announced that it’s ending Amateur Radio access to significant portions of the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz bands.
The action, announced on April 7, came in the wake of a year-long “consultation” — a rule making proceeding — that involved the release by the Ministry of Defence of 40 MHz of spectrum at 2.3 GHz and 150 MHz of spectrum at 3.4 GHz. Amateur Radio is secondary on the bands.

Amateur Radio will lose privileges on frequencies in the two bands that overlap with spectrum that Ofcom plans to award for “new civil uses” — 2350 to 2390 MHz and 3410 to 3475 MHz. The announcement gives radio amateurs at least 12 months’ notice, but radio amateurs must comply immediately with procedures to avoid interfering with other users; ham radio occupants of 2310 to 2350 MHz will have to register their use and provide details to Ofcom.

Amateur Radio will retain access to the adjacent bands, but Ofcom has put procedures in place to remove even those frequencies from Amateur Radio access, if necessary in the future. Ofcom said earlier this year that with military and other government use of the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz spectrum ending, “we believe an award of the spectrum for high power use is likely to deliver greater benefit to UK consumers and citizens than continued amateur use.” Ofcom was required by the Ministry of Defence to adequately protect its systems from Amateur Radio interference in both the released spectrum and in adjacent bands.

“The MoD’s plans are part of a government commitment to release 500 MHz of spectrum by 2020,” Ofcom explained in its order. “This commitment to opening up spectrum for new civil uses is based on growing demand from UK consumers for spectrum-hungry devices such as smartphones and tablets.” Ofcom said that use of mobile data devices more than doubled in the 18 months leading up to January 2012. “Indeed, the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz bands are identified in Ofcom’s ‘mobile data strategy’ as having the potential to support even better mobile data services for citizens and consumers in the coming years,” the regulator said.

Ofcom said it was making 2300 to 2302 MHz available for amateur use, but licensees first must obtain a Notice of Variation to their licenses. Hams in the US have secondary access to 2300 to 2310 MHz, 2390 to 2450 MHz, and 3300 to 3500 MHz. — Thanks to RSGB, Ofcom
ARISS: Ham Video Commissioning – final
Submitted by: ON4AVJ
The final Ham Video Commissioning Pass 4 is planned Sunday April 13 at 18.23 UTC.

Configuration 4 will be used:
  • ARISS antenna 43
  • Frequency 2395 MHz
  • Symbol rate 2.0 MS/s
Koichi Wakata will operate OR4ISS.
Ground stations F6DZP and IK1SLD will receive the signals and stream the video over the BATC server.
The video is expected to be received during 5 minutes.

This will mark the end of the Blank Transmissions.

We thank the operators who filed reception reports of blank transmissions. Your participation to the Ham Video testing campaign has been invaluable.

No decision has been taken yet on the future use of Ham Video. We will keep you informed on any progress.


Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS Europe chairman