UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir


HAM Académie - 2ième session en cours
Submitted by: ON6TI
The second edition of the HAM Academy has been launched this Saturday, November 10th.
HAM Academy - first edition launched successfully!
Submitted by: ON6TI
It is with a great success that the 7 candidates followed the training and passed the practical exams during the first edition of the HAM Academy.
The curriculum for the base licence (ON3) implies a 12 hour training and a practical exam held by the amateur societies, while the theoretical exam is still held by the Belgian Institute for Post & Telecom (BIPT).
Having 28 local clubs in Wallonia, it is sometimes hard to assemble enough candidates in order to organise a training session. The HAM ACADEMY therefore allows local clubs to send their candidates to a central course organised by the UBA.
ON4HIL and ON7YT landed on Rockall I.
Submitted by: ON7TK
Rockall Isl.
Patrick, ON4HIL was the first to land on Rockall today! Rudi, ON7YT is now also on top of Rockall Island and they are now moving the equipment from the Cdt Fourcault to the rock.
All equipment is now on top of the rock. MM0RAI/P EU189 is now active and operated by Patrick ON4HIL. The operation started today at 15:45 UTC.
Patrick and Rudi are going to stay on the rock until tomorrow noon, if the weather isn't changing...

Extra information (02-10-2011 9:00): At 6:50 UTC Patrick ON4HIL informs us that the Rockall activation had to be stopped and that the team had to leave the island due to coming bad weather conditions... They were active during the whole night on 40m. Many of us where happy to log a new IOTA in our log. Congrats to the whole Rockall team!

MM0RAI/p Rockall Island EU189
Submitted by: ON7TK
Rockall Island (EU-189)
Saturday 24th of September, a day later as planned, we leave for our second adventure to Rockall Island, a tiny rock in the North Atlantic. The expedition sets sail from the port of Antwerp on board of the Cdt. Fourcault.

Invitation to 50 MHz IARU Region 1 Contest
Submitted by: ON4AVJ

Logo UBA-IARUDear OM’s,

On behalf of the IARU Region 1 we would like to invite you and your fellow radio amateurs to participate in the annual 50 MHz IARU Region 1 Contest which is scheduled to take place, as usually, on the third weekend of June which is:

19 -20 of June 2010

La nouvelle version de WinOnContest est disponible
Submitted by: ON7TK

Jacques ON4AVJ reported he has finished a new version (2.22) of his WinOnContest software. There were some adjustments for the VHF contests of 2010 (with Rover class) and the Spring Contest. The WinOnContest software is free and known by most active contests applicants. You can download the program from our "Download" page.

New version of QBuS
Submitted by: ON7YD
Due to a change of URL at the new UBA web site earlier this year the update function of the QBuS sofware was no longer functional.
Therefore we now have a new version of QBuS available at www.qbus.uba.be.
QBuS (QSL Bureau Search) is a small applicatie that allows you to sort yout outgoing QSL-card the right way. Based on a call (or prefix) it shows you the correct QSL-bureau.
As an extra you get the DXCC / WAE entity and you can lookup additional QSL-information.

OP0HQ in the IARU HF Contest 2009
Submitted by: ON7TK
IARU Logo Since 2006 the UBA is activating it's headquarter call sign OP0HQ during the IARU Contest 2009 on second full weekend of July, in a well concerted HQ-effort. Also this year we have put together a competitive team to man 12 band-mode slots aiming to give you the ‘UBA’ multiplier on all 6 bands and both modes. We will be using the call OP0HQ, which is still a very rare prefix. So, prefix hunters, watch out for us!
Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur
Submitted by: ON4UN
We most certainly all agree that the operating practice on the amateur bands is not always such as we like to hear it. Two years ago Mark ON4WW took an initiative in this respect and wrote the successful document ‘Operating Practice’ that in the meantime has been translated in more than 15 languages and has been published in even more countries. This success and the many positive criticisms have incited Mark ON4WW and John ON4UN to write a complete handbook regarding Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur.

This document has been accepted by the Administrative Council (AC) of IARU Worldwide to become the official IARU document on this subject.
OP0HQ in the IARU HF Contest
Submitted by: ON4UN
IARU-logoFor the first time in many years the UBA will participate in the IARU Contest on second full weekend of July, in a well concerted HQ-effort. We have put together a competitive team to man 12 band-mode slots aiming to give you the ‘UBA’ multiplier on all 6 bands and both modes. We will be using the call OP0HQ, which is an all-time new prefix. So, prefix hunters, watch out for us!