UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

ON4HIL and ON7YT landed on Rockall I.

Patrick, ON4HIL was the first to land on Rockall today! Rudi, ON7YT is now also on top of Rockall Island and they are now moving the equipment from the Cdt Fourcault to the rock. All equipment is now on top of the rock.
MM0RAI/P EU189 is now active and operated by Patrick ON4HIL. The operation started today at 15:45 UTC. Patrick and Rudi are going to stay on the rock until tomorrow noon, if the weather isn't changing...

ON4HIL & ON7YT on Rockall I.

Extra information (02-10-2011 9:00): At 6:50 UTC Patrick ON4HIL informs us that the Rockall activation had to be stopped and that the team had to leave the island due to coming bad weather conditions... They were active during the whole night on 40m. Many of us where happy to log a new IOTA in our log. Congrats to the whole Rockall team!

For more info have a look at: www.rockall.be.