UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

Old "Traffic News" messages

PH60OTC - Old Timers Club
Submitted by: ON5EX
PH60OTC is the special event call sign of the Old Timers Club of the Netherlands on occasion of their 60st anniversary. Founded in 1950, the club accomodates licensed Dutch radioamateurs who hold an amateur radio license for at least 25 years.

PH60OTC will be on the air October 26-31, 2010, 80 and 40m. Click here (Dutch) and here for more. QSL via bureau, no e-QSL please.
J45PO, J45MW - Dodecanese Islands
Submitted by: ON5EX
Martin ON4PO and Michel ON4MW will be active from Dodecanese Islands from 27/10 - 02/11 as J45PO and J45MW, 80 to 10m SSB. They also will be active in the CQ WW DX SSB 2010 contest as proud members of the SX5P contest team.

QSL via home calls.

IARUMS - IARU Monitoring System
Submitted by: ON5EX
The objective of the IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS) is the removal of intruders from exclusive amateur bands. Please take some time to read the monthly newsletter from the Region 1 team. These guys are doing a great job keeping our exclusive bands exclusive!
EI8GQB aka ON4EI - Benneshill
Submitted by: ON5EX

Olivier ON4EI will again be QRV from Ireland near Fethard (IO62EL) on top of Benneshill (170m asl) with his Irish callsign EI8GQB, October 25th to 31st 2010. He will enter the CQ WW SSB CONTEST as SOAB Low Power Non Assisted (October 30-31).

Reference frequency before the contest is 7.150 MHz +/- QRM. During the week before the contest he will build 2 reflectors East-West for 40m and 2 for 80m on his vertical, using the SPITFIRE ARRAY concept developed by K1VR and W1FV. Equipment: 18m vertical top loaded monopole and Inverted V for 160/80/40. Spiderbeam for 20/15/10. Rig is Elecraft K3 100 W. See his expedition blog here.

Extra Grimeton Radio / SAQ transmission
Submitted by: ON5EX
There will be a transmission with the Alexanderson alternator on 17,2 kHz on “United Nations Day” October 24 2010 at 11:00 UTC. Start up and tuning from about 10:30 UTC. This time, no QSL-reports are required.

CYØ – Sable Island DXpedition
Submitted by: ON5EX
Randy NØTG, Rick AI5P, Gary VE1RGB will be active as CYØ/home call from Sable island between 21-29 October from 160 to 6m WARC bands included on SSB, CW and RTTY.

QSL preferred through online QSL request or via the bureau to their respective home calls.

C56FR - The Gambia
Submitted by: ON5EX
Filip ON4TA (ex-6O0F) will be active as C56FR from the residential village of Kerr Serign, The Gambia, between 21 October and 11 November 2010. This is NOT a DXpedition but a private visit. Activity will be on 20 and 17m SSB using simple wire antennas and 100 W.

QSL via home call, bureau preferred.

A25HQ - Botswana
Submitted by: ON5EX

Frosty K5LBU (A25CF), Bob K5ZOL (A25BI), Matt KD5TAN (A25AN), Gianfranco I0ZY (A25ZY), Lor IK1MDF (A25DF), Pier IZ5MMB (A25MB) and Jay W5SL (A25ASL) will be active from the Stevensford Game Reserve, Sherwood Village, Botswana between 21 October and 3 November 2010. QRV on 160-6 metres, all modes, with 3 stations running at the same time. They will also participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) using the callsign A25HQ. The team will also use the call A25HQ for 6 metre EME activity.

QSL via the operators home call, direct or bureau. QSL A25HQ via K5LBU.

OX - IOTA & DXpedition to Tassilaq island
Submitted by: ON5EX
DF9TM, DL2SWW, DL1RTL and DL2VFR will be active as OX/homecall from Tasillaq Island, starting October 20th to 30th from 160 to 10m as far as propagation allows in CW, SSB and RTTY with high power. QSL will be sent via bureau, logs will be uploaded to LoTw.

ON8OO/P - Jemelle railway station
Submitted by: ON5EX
Stef ON8OO will be active as ON8OO/P from Jemelle, LJ162 railway station in the province of Namur. Date: 16 & 17/10/2010. Bands and mode: 80 thru 6m, SSB. Click here for more info.

QSL via ON8OO.