Old "Traffic News" messages
5T0JL Silent Key
Submitted by: ON4CAS

Our dear Jean now rests at the Funeral home Mahy, rue Verwée, 19, Schaerbeek (Belgique). For those wishing to pay a last tribute to say "farewell", a memorial will take place this Friday 11th of August 2017 at 11am at the funeral home.
BAFARA Activity Weekend
Submitted by: ON7TK

Further info to be found on the BAFARA web site.
OJ0V - Märket Reef
Submitted by: ON8VP

This will be my 3rd activation of Märket Reef EU-053. There will be no targets as also this Dxpedition must remain a stressless trip among friends . All bands from 6 to 80m will be activated if conditions permit. Modes SSB-CW( Digital modes depending of the additional participating hams).
Set up consists of 2 stations:
Station 1
Kenwood TS480HX
SPE 1 KA amplifier
Force 12 5 bander 5 element
MFJ Memory keyer 495
ZN magnetic paddle
Kenwood TS480HX
SPE 1 KA amplifier
Force 12 5 bander 5 element
MFJ Memory keyer 495
ZN magnetic paddle
Station 2
Kenwood TS480HX
SPE 1.3 KA amplifier
Ultrabeam Vertical 6-40 m
MFJ Memory keyer 495
9A5N electronic paddle
II2FIST - FISTS Club Anniversary
Submitted by: ON7TK

QSL direct or via Buro (via IZ2FME).
Best 73 de II2FIST IZ2FME MiK – FISTS #18103
Submitted by: ON7TK
Operators from four different countries(F, DL, PA and LX) will activate the callsign LX8SAR from Weicherdange (WW Loc. JO20XA) in northern Luxembourg during the "SAARLORLUX - Friendship Meeting 2017" between June 16-18.
ON650PEER - 650 years city of Peer
Submitted by: ON4AST

Members of UBA-NOL activate this station to celebrate “650 YEARS CITY of PEER” QSL via ON4AST.
We look forward working you on the bands. Please see qrz.com for further information.
IQ4FE - Elettra
Submitted by: ON7TK
A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club (A.R.I. Italian Amateur Radio Association, IARU affiliated), organizes the fifth edition of a techincal – cultural event, hold at the seat of the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation (Villa Griffone, Marconi's birthplace – Pontecchio Marconi , Bologna – Italy , ) on Saturday, June 3rd and Sunday, June 4th, 2017. Aim of this event is to highlight at an international level the historical value and meaning of the Yacht “Elettra”, the moving laboratory of the great Italian scientist, onboard of which a number of very important experiments on the radiocommunications were conducted.
Over the whole weekend, the radioamateurs of the A.R.I. Fidenza group will operate a radio station located close to the relict keel of the yacht “Elettra”, kept at the Museum, and will ideally give new life to its “voice", allowing the radioamateurs overall in the world to get in contact with it. The radio contacts will be operated using the A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club callsign IQ4FE .
Full details via www.arifidenza.it and www.fgm.it.
A special QSL card will be sent to any contacted Radioamateur Station.
OR95RCBE - Radio Club Belge de l'Est 95th anniversary
Submitted by: ON7KC

This Special Event Station commemorates the 95th Anniversary of the creation of the first Belgian radioclub in June 1922. Crew consists of members of UBA GDV Radio Club of Verviers, club call ON4GDV. On Saturday, June 10th, 2017 our HF station will be active from 0730 UTC till 1500 UTC in fieldday mode from Place Verte (Green Square) in the center of Verviers. This special event call will be activated in connection with various others events in the city.
QSL cards will be printed during summer holidays and sent via the UBA QSL bureau. Electronic QSL via eQSL, ClubLog & QRZ.com.
We look forward working you on the bands, please see qrz.com for further information.
OP0PPY - Mesen
Submitted by: ON6FF

SSB: 3615 - 7085 - 14285 - 18145 - 21345 - 24910 - 28585 kHz
CW: 3545 - 7045 - 14045 - 18085 - 21045 - 24985 - 28045 kHz
CW: 3545 - 7045 - 14045 - 18085 - 21045 - 24985 - 28045 kHz
QSL via ON7LX or bureau.
OS500RD - Rembert Dodoens
Submitted by: ON4CAS

QSL card is available via the bureau.