Nowadays we can hardly imagine diffusing information without Internet and without a Web Site. The UBA Web Site aims to promote amateur radio and the UBA via the Internet. The Web Site is the ideal way to introduce the UBA to the general public.
Moreover, our Web Site is ideally suited to announce the latest news concerning the UBA to our members and to hams in general. It is also considered an easy way to establish efficient communication between the members and the UBA officers.
The web site aims to:
- Promote amateur radio to the general public,
- Provide information either directly, or via links to other sites,
- Provide information and services only to UBA members.
The entire Web Site is in two languages: Dutch and French, and in addition there is a condensed site with specific information for foreign visitors in English.
Your feedback may be sent to following E-mail address: info [at] uba [dot] be.