The new UBA website is up and running
Our new UBA website is online... The migration of the columns and numerous news articles was largely done manually to the new environment. The texts were adapted and changed where necessary, and in some cases completely rewritten. Many old news items have also been transferred to the new site. The new search function finds old posts very efficiently. To give you an idea of the work done: there are more than 3,000 nodes on the site in three different languages. Each node represents a web page...

Note! The website can be accessed in two ways:
- You are not logged in: only part of the information will be accessible. Some sections invite you to log in, giving you access to the full content of the section.
- You are logged in: if you are a member of the UBA, you can log in by clicking on the "user" icon at the top right of the screen (figure). Then use your login and password from the old UBA site.
Also note that the website content is displayed differently whether you are logged in or not.

Not all services are available yet. In particular, the "My account" section has yet to be fully programmed. Also, the "ham market" has not yet been transferred. So there is still work to be done! Don't worry, the old website is still available at old.uba.be. Here you can still change your details, activate e-mail aliases and offer equipment for sale on the exchange. So people looking for second-hand equipment can check the UBA ham market on the old website pending the migration of this column.
A word of thanks to all those who contributed to the completion of this very huge project, they spent hundreds of hours of their free time to make the UBA website a reality.
Please let us know what you think of the new UBA website via the feedback form. Your constructive comments and interesting suggestions will be taken into consideration. And don't forget the saying "criticism is easy, art is hard".
Best 73,
Claude - ON7TK
President of UBA