UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

slideshow 1

Photo: Couloir

DX Info

XU7KOH - Koh Russei island / Cambodia
Submitted by: ON5EX
WX permitting, Wim XU7TZG, Peter XU7ACY and Orn are planning a new trip to Koh Russei Island AS-133. They will be QRV December 9-12 on IOTA frequencies, all bands all modes. See the XU7TZG website for the latest news.

QSL manager: ON7PP.
YS1/HB9KNA - El Salvador
Submitted by: ON5EX
HB9KNA will be active from El Salvador until 12 January 2011 as YS1/HB9KNA He will be active on 160-10m,

QSL via home call.
ON25NOK - Section NOK 25th anniversary
Submitted by: ON5EX
UBA section NOK celebrates their 25th anniversary with the callsign ON25NOK during the month of December 2010.

QSL via ON7YX via buro.
Belgian Railways Stations Award - ON8OO
Submitted by: ON5EX
Stef ON8OO lance un appel aux OM intéressés par l'activation d'une gare de chemins de fer belge, ceci dans le cadre du "Belgian Railways Stations Award". Ces activations peuvent être faites en portable ou depuis le QTH suivant la position par rapport à la gare. Visitez le site ON8OO pour plus d'infos.
9Q5ØON – Republic of Congo
Submitted by: ON5EX
ON4HIL, ON4ATW, ON6CC, ON4IA, ON4CIT and PA3EWP will be QRV as 9Q5ØON from the Republic of Congo between December 3 – 12, 2010.

QSL via ON4BR.
EA8/ON5JV EA8/ON6AK - Tenerife
Submitted by: ON5EX
Jean ON5JV and Georgette ON6AK will be active as EA8/homecall from Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife Island between November 26, 2010 and February 23, 2011. Activity will be on 10 - 40 meters SSB and CW. They plan to use an Icom IC-706MKIIG with 100 W into a vertical and dipole.

QSL via their home callsign. QSL is OK via buro or direct.

C5A - Gambia 2010
Submitted by: ON5EX
Members of the OM0C Contest Crew are pleased to announce another DXpedition to The Gambia.

They will be active from November 17th till November 30th 2010 using renewed callsigns from previous DXpedition, C50C or C52C used in The Gambia 2007. The special call C5A will be reserved for CW CQWW Contest. Operations from 160m to 10m.

QSL to OM2FY via the bureau or direct.

OP4A/P, OP4B/P - Groot Schietveld
Submitted by: ON5EX
Francis ON6LY en Ronald ON7ON activeren op 14 november vanaf 07.00 UTC het Groot Schietveld Brasschaat (ONFF-135) in het kader van het WFF (World Flora Fauna) awardprogramma. Afhankelijk van de propagatie wordt er gestart op 40m SSB. 20m en 80m staan ook op het programma. Modes: SSB, CW, PSK31, RTTY. Er wordt gewerkt tot 15 november ca. 05.30 UTC. TRX IC7200, inverted-V voor 80/40m, GPA voor 20m.

Het Groot Schietveld is een natuurgebied in de Antwerpse Noorderkempen, in het noorden van de provincie Antwerpen. Het gebied is militair domein en wordt actief gebruikt als oefenterrein voor de artillerie. De bossen en natuurwaarden worden beheerd door het Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos.

OR4TN - Princess Elisabeth Base
Submitted by: ON5EX
OR4TN operated by Karel ON5TN, will again be at the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station on Antarctica from November 10th 2010 until February 24th 2011.
Update 13/12/2010: Karel continues to be active, mainly on 40m and 30m between 2100 and 0100 UTC. You can see Karel at OR4TN here.

QSL via ON5TN.
OE50ARMS - Austrian Military Radio Society 50th anniversary
Submitted by: ON5EX
There will be a special broadcast via the Austrian Broadcasting Service transmitter at Moosbrun to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Austrian Military Radio Society, formed for Austrian forces to use amateur radio to communicate during Peace Support Missions. The special anniversary transmission via the 100 kW Austrian Broadcasting Service transmitters at Moosbrun will take place on November 7 and 14 at 1000-1030 to Europe on 6155 kHz and at 1600-1630 on 17620 kHz to Eastern North America. Amateur Radio station OE50ARMS will operate after the transmissions on 7120 for Europe, 14210 for the USA. QSLs via oe4rgc at amrs.at.

Following special event callsigns will be aired until December 31:

  • OE50AMRS OE50XAM - OE50XCL - OE50XCW - OE50XLC - OE50XMA - OE50XRM (2 points for the AMRS Award)
  • OE50AJT - OE50EHB - OE50EMC - OE50EOW - OE50FHA - OE50FQU OE50GMU - OE50HCE - OE50HFC - OE50IPC - OE50KLU - OE50LTL OE50MCU - OE50NIP - OE50OLD - OE50PAL - OE50PCD - OE50PLN OE50PPF - OE50RJJ - OE50RJS - OE50RWL - OE50SPW - OE50TKW OE50TRB - OE50VIE - OE50VRC (1 point for the AMRS Award)