UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

DX Info

OQP - Ohio QSO Party
Submitted by: ON5EX
The Ohio QSO Party (OQP) is a Big Deal in Ohio, with growing interest world wide as HF propagation starts to improve again. The OQP is a great way to pick up those rare Ohio counties. Lets hope for some sun spots to liven up 15m-10m. Date: August 28, beginning 1600z until August 29 at 0400z. Bands: 80-40-20-15-10m. Contest frequencies (+ or -): 3.545cw/3.825ssb; 7.045cw/7.200ssb; 14.045cw/14.250ssb; 21.045cw/21.300ssb; 28.045cw/28.450ssb.
M6ONL/P - Lake District
Submitted by: ON5EX
ON3WAB will be in the Lake District in the north of England from 14 till 21 August, activating:

- for the World Flora and Fauna (WFF) award programme: GFF-008 Lake District (valid all week) and GFF-085 Hawes Water (1 activation)
- for Sota (Summits on the Air): GM/SS-118 Wisp Hill (1 activation), GM/SS-136 Pikethaw Hill (1 activation). If possible, he will squeeze in another Sota, but it still is a family holiday.

QRG: 20, 40 & 80. Modes: SSB, CW, Digital. QSL via ON3WAB (qrz.com).
OO8O/P - Railway Station Spontin Train à vapeur
Submitted by: ON5EX
Dans le cadre du "Belgian Railway Stations Award", OO8O/P activera l'ancienne gare de Spontin à l'occasion du weekend "Trains à Vapeur". Cette activation spéciale comptera pour 3 points. Une carte QSL couleur sera spécialement imprimée pour l'occasion et pourra être obtenue via le bureau ou en direct.

Samedi 14 août 2010 Heures 06.00 à 14.00 UTC, bandes 80 à 6m SSB. Référence Award : SPONTIN - MSP128. QSL Manager : ON8OO.

F/OR9W/P - Tombelaine Rock
Submitted by: ON5EX
Kurt ON4CB, François ON4LO and John ON7KJW will be active from Tombelaine Rock from 13-16 August 2010. They will operate on 80-40-20-17-15 and 6m SSB/CW on the IOTA frequencies.

QSL via ON4CB direct or bureau.

2010 WRTC Webinar
Submitted by: ON5EX
The Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) is pleased to present “A Look at the 2010 WRTC Competition” Webinar.

North American teams N6MJ/KL9A, K5ZD/W2SC, and a 3rd NA team will share their WRTC 2010 Moscow experience. Each team will give a short presentation on their station set-up and strategy. The individual presentations will be followed by a round table discussion and a Q&A session for attendees.

Date is Sunday, August 8 at 19:00 UTC. Registration is free, but you must register by going to www.pvrc.org and clicking on the Upcoming Webinar link.

EA5/ON7VMR - Calpe
Submitted by: ON5EX
Rudy ON7VMR will be QRV from Calpe, August 1-15, 2010, mainly on 20/40m.

QSL via his home call ON7VMR.

ON40KS - Grotte de Spy
Submitted by: ON5EX
La section RAC organise une activation dans la bande des 40 mètres le 1/8/2010 sous l indicatif ON40KS, Grotte de Spy.
Carte QSL spécial.
Nouveau site BMA
Submitted by: ON5EX
Pour toute information sur le contest et l'award BMA : consultez le nouveau site BMA www.belgianmillaward.be.

LY Hamfest 2010
Submitted by: ON5EX
The Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society (LRMD) kindly invites all radio amateurs from all countries to their annual summer LY-HAMFEST. This year's event takes place in the Siauliai region on 23-25 July. Click here for full details.

EJ4II - Saltee Islands
Submitted by: ON5EX
Bernard EI4II and Olivier ON4EI will be active from the uninhabited Saltee Islands (EU-103) between July 23-25 2010, taking part in the IOTA contest. Callsign: EJ4II. QRV from 160-10m, CW & SSB.

QSL via EI4II. Find the expedition blog here.