UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

DX Info

TK4DS - Corsica
Submitted by: ON5EX
During the Easter holidays (April 20 till 25) ON1DNF, ON4PJA, ON7IQ, ON7JPS and ON7QC will activate EU-014, the island of Corsica, on all HF bands in SSB and Digimode. More info can be found here.
CQMM DX Contest
Submitted by: ON5EX
The CQ Manchester Mineira DX Contest (CQMM DX Contest) is a continuation of the popular and successful Manchester Mineira All America CW Contest, being organized and established by the Group CWJF since 1993. The competition was initially limited to Brazil (1993-1996), later expanded to South America (1997-2006) and finally extended to the Americas (2007-2010). From 2011, it becomes an international competition held among all continents.

The city of Juiz de Fora is so-called "Manchester Mineira" (The Manchester of the State of Minas Gerais) for being one of the most industrialized cities in Latin America.

The 2011 contest rules can be found here.
A25FC - Botswana
Submitted by: ON5EX
Filip ON4AEO, José ON4CJK and friends will be QRV from Botswana from 14 till 18 April.

See the A25FC website for further info.
9L5MS - Sierra Leone
Submitted by: ON5EX
Op 28 maart 2011 vertrekken Arie PA3A, Bas PD0CAV, Ad PA8AD en Arie PA3AN naar Afrika. Daar zal het team gecompleteerd worden met Dickson EL2DT en zal de DXpeditie naar Sierra Leone starten. Belangrijk doel van dit radioamateur project is om het werk van Mercy Ships onder de aandacht te brengen van de wereldwijde radioamateurgemeenschap, zodat zij nog meer support krijgen voor hun missie: de armsten van wereld helpen met gezondheidszorg.

De DXpeditie zal hiervoor bijna 3 weken in de lucht zijn op alle HF-banden in RTTY, CW en SSB. Het team zal zich inspannen om een zo groot mogelijk aantal verschillende amateurs op zoveel mogelijk banden in verschillende modes te werken, zodat ook de kleinere stations de kans hebben verbinding te maken met Sierra Leone.
EI8GQB - Benneshill, Ireland
Submitted by: ON5EX
Olivier ON4EI sera à nouveau QRV depuis l'Irlande près de la ville de Fethard (IO62EL) au sommet de Benneshill (170m ASL) avec son indicatif irlandais EI8GQB. Il participera au CQ WPX SSB CONTEST catégorie SOAB Low Power Non Assisted (26-27 mars). 5ème et 6ème résultat européen respectivement en 2009 et 2010. La fréquence de référence avant le contest : 7.100 MHz +/-QRM.

Durant la semaine précédant le contest Olivier construira une antenne beverage Bi/mono directionnelle Est-Ouest/Ouest. Equipement : 18m vertical top loaded monopole et V inversé pour 160/80/40. Beam Spiderbeam pour 20/15/10. Rig : Elecraft K3 100 W.

Olivier tiendra un blog journalier.
CY0 - Sable island
Submitted by: ON5EX
The CY0 Dxpedition team has set 7-15 March 2011 as the target schedule to activate Sable Island. This will be their third attempt due to long term weather delays. The website will be updated periodically as to the status and any potential impact on the planned activation date.
J79AN - Dominican island
Submitted by: ON5EX
DL7JAN will be active from Dominica Island, 23 February - 6 March 2011 as J79AN. He will be active on HF bands in CW, SSB , RTTY.

QSL via home call, direct/bureau.
XU7KOH - AS-133 Koh Russei Island
Submitted by: ON5EX
XU7ACY Peter and XU7TZG Wim will be QRV from Koh Russei Island AS-133 with the call XU7KOH from 05/02 until 07/02. Pse listen on IOTA frequencies.

QSL via ON7PP. Website.
VP8O - South Orkney Islands
Submitted by: ON5EX
From 27th January to 8th February 2011 the Microlite Penguins DXpedition Team will be active from the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. Frequencies will be SSB from 80m to 10m, CW from 160m to 10m and RTTY from 40m to 10m.

QSL information: see the VP80 website.

SI9AM - Ragunda, Sweden
Submitted by: ON5EX
Fons ON4AWT, Raf ON5RZ and Dirk ON7DS will be active from the far North in Sweden, January 27-31 as SI9AM. They will also be QRV for the UBA SSB DX contest on January 29 and 30.

QSL via SI9AM only.