UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest
1. Date
14 january 2023, 12:00 UTC until 15 january 2023, 11:59 UTC.(every year the 2nd weekend of january)
2. Participants
Participation is open to all radio amateurs world wide in possession of a valid licence and to all SWL's.With regard to participation in activities of a competitive nature (contests, ARDF competitions, obtaining awards, etc.), the UBA Governing Body has decided that the UBA will axe the measures taken by various IARU sister associations and regular sports organisations. This means that, until further notice, radio amateurs from the Russian Federation and Belarus will be excluded from participation.
The IARU stipulates that politics and radio amateurism should not be out of sync. The UBA's decision to exclude Russians and Belarusians from competitive activities organised by it is rooted in the fact that we judged that the issue is a moral one and not political.
QSOs with the Russian Federation and Belarus therefore count for 0 QSO points and 0 points for multipliers.
3. Mode
BPSK63 only4. Bands
10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meter, in the segments recommended by the IARU for this mode.5. Power
Maximum power output 50 W (5 W for QRP), in order not to cause interference or splatter to other participants.6. Categories
- Single Operator All Band - SOAB
- Single Operator Single Band (SO10, etc.)
- Single Operator All Band QRP - SOABQRP
- Single Operator Single Band QRP (SO10QRP, etc.)
- Multi Operator, only All Band - MO (max output 50W)
- SWL all bands.(see point 17)
7. Remarks
- The use of DX clusters is permitted in all categories. Self spotting, asking others to spot you, undercover spots or any spots from multi operator team members are not allowed.
- In the Single Operator categories, only one transmitted signal on the air is permitted at any time.
- In the Single Operator Single Band categories , QSO´s may be made on other bands but the operator can only opt for an award on one band. Make sure that you marked the correct category in your log. Do not remove the QSO's on other bands.
- In the Multi operator categories, only one transmitted signal per band at any one time is permitted. All transmitters, receivers, and antennas must be within a radius of 500m.
- Only one callsign is allowed to be used for the duration of the contest.
8. General call
CQ UBA PFX TEST9. Valid Contacts
Stations may be contacted anywhere in the world. Each station can be contacted only once per band.10. Exchange
Stations located outside of Belgium:RSQ followed by a serial number starting with 001.
RSQ followed by the 3 lettercode of the UBA Section. Non UBA members will send XXX. National UBA stations (ON4UBA, ON4DIG and ON4YLC) give UBA as their section.
- OO9O is a UBA member and will send 599 ACC
- ONxZZZ is not a UBA member and will send 599 XXX
- LX/OO9O is UBA member but not in Belgium and will send 599 001
- 9A5RBJ is UBA member but is at home and will send 599 001
- ON/ 9A5RBJ is on holliday in Belgium and UBA member and will send 599 NBT
- ON/9AxZZZ is on holliday in Belgium, but not a UBA member and will send 599 XXX
11. Points
Every QSOs one (1) point.12. Multiplier
- Every prefix according to the WPX rules once on each band.
- Every UBA Section once on each band. (XXX is also a multiplier)
13. Final score
The sum of the points obtained, multiplied by the sum of all the multipliers obtained on all bands.14. Logs
- All logs must be submitted electronically in CABRILLO format. Paper logs, logs in Word, excel or pdf are not accepted.
- Send your log by email as an attachment to ubapsk63 [at] uba [dot] be. Do not compress your file.
- Mention your callsign in the subjectline of your email.
- The logfile should be called XXXXX.log (where XXXXX is the callsign you used)
- Logs must be received within 1 week after the contest. Deadline is january 22, 23:59 UTC. Logs received after that date will be used as checklog.
- If you have any questions or problems regarding this contest, please contact the contest manager contest [at] uba [dot] be
- The confirmation that your log has been received does not mean that it is valid, it merely confirms that it has been received. If we are having problems with your log we will contact you.
- Received logs will be published on the UBA website. A link will be provided in your confirmation email. This is a manual process, so please be patient and do not send your log again unless you made corrections in your log. The last log received will be accepted.
Cabrillo examples for the log. PLEASE READ
N1MM UDC file. ON stations have to use UBA63BRTTY.udc, DX stations have to use UBA63RTTY.udc
MixW (DLL files)
CTESTWIN (Japanese website)
15. Log correction issues
Logchecking will be computerized with as few manual interference possible.Try to be sure all callsigns and exchanges are logged correctly by both stations.
QSO neither counted nor penalized for the following:
- Incorrectly logged calls (Bad Call)
- Incorrectly logged exchanges
- QSO is not present in the other station log (NIL)
- QSO time in entrant's log and other station's log difference is more than 5 minutes. So make sure your computer clock is correct.
- QSO bands or modes in entrant's log and other station's log differ. Both stations will lose the QSO.
- Dupe QSO's.
- If no log is received, a QSO will only count for points if the callsign appears in at least 5 other logs.
16. Prizes
Digital certificates for the winner in every category and for the winner in each DXCC country. Additional certificates for all participants with at least 20 valid QSO's in their log. The certificates will reflect the participants place WW, in his continent and in his DXCC country.17. SWL rules
SWL's have to report Date, UTC, band, Callsign of the station copied, QSO number sent by the station copied and the callsign of the station being worked. A station will count only once for points on each band. A station being worked may only be used 10 times on each band. SWL's can use the program SWL_DQR_log from SP7DQR. http://sp7dqr.pl/en/contests.php18. Declaration
By submitting your log in the UBA PSK 63 Prefix Contest you agree that:- you have read and understood the rules of the contest and agree to be bound by them,
- you have operated according to all rules and regulations of your country that pertain to amateur radio,
- all actions and decisions of the Contest Committee are official and final.
UBA Sections
AAA | Antwerpse Actieve Amateurs | HAC | Hasselt | PHI | Section radio de Philippeville | ||
ACC | Antwerp Contest Club | HCC | Haaglandse Contest Club | RAC | Radio Amateurs Club | ||
ALT | Radioamateurs Aalter | HOB | Heist-op-den-Berg | RAF | Radio Club Ardenne-Famenne | ||
ARA | Aktieve Radio Amateurs | HRT | Herentals | RAM | Radio-Amateurs Mouscronnois | ||
ARC | Amateur Radio Club of Brussels | IPR | Ieper | RAT | Radio Amateur Team | ||
AST | Aalst | KSD | Koksijde | RBO | Eupen | ||
ATH | Radio Club de Ath | KTK | Kortrijk | RCA | Radio Club des Ardennes | ||
ATO | Tienen | LGE | Liège | RCB | Radio Club de Bruxelles | ||
BDX | Brussels DX team | LIR | Lierse Radioamateurs | RCN | Radio Club Noord | ||
BFA | Belgian Friends of Amateur radio | LLV | La LouVière | REM | Radioamateurs Erpe-Mere | ||
BLW | Brussel West | LUS | LUxembourg Sud | RST | Sint-Truiden | ||
BRC | Bell Radio Club | LVN | Leuven | RSX | Ronse | ||
BSE | Brabant Sud-Est | MCL | Mechelen | SNW | Sint-Niklaas | ||
BTS | BrabanT Sud | MLB | Midden Limburg | THN | THuiN | ||
BXE | BruXelles Est | MNS | MoNS | TLS | Tussen Leie en Schelde | ||
CDZ | Ciney Beauraing | MTT | Mol-Turnhout | TRA | Torhoutse Radio Amateurs | ||
CLR | CharLeRoi | MWV | Midden West-Vlaanderen | TRC | Trudo Radioamateurs Club | ||
CPN | Charleroi Pays Noir | NBT | Noord Brabant | TWS | Together We're Strong | ||
CRD | Club Radioamateur de Durnal | NLB | Noord Limburg | UBA | National UBA Clubstations | ||
DNZ | Deinze | NMR | NaMuR | VHF | Antwerpen VHF | ||
DRC | Dendermonde | NNV | Ninove | WLD | Waasland | ||
DST | Diest | NOK | Noorderkempen | WRA | Wortegemse Radioamateurs | ||
EKO | Meetjeslandse Radioamateurs | NOL | Noord-Oost Limburg | WRC | West-vlaamse Radio Club | ||
ERA | Eeklose Radioamateurs | ODE | Oudenaarde | WTN | Radio Club Wetteren | ||
GBN | Geraardsbergen | ONZ | Oosthoek | WTO | WaTerlOo | ||
GBX | GemBlouX | ORA | Opwijkse Radio Amateurs | XXX | No UBA member | ||
GDV | Gang De Verviers | OSA | Antwerpen | ZLB | Zuid Limburg | ||
GNT | Gent | OSB | Brugge | ZLZ | Zelzate | ||
GTM | Grensloze TransMissie | OST | Oostende | ZTM | Zottegem |