Rules of the Low Band Winter Contest
UBA Low Band Wintercontest 2014
The UBA section NOK invites all radioamateurs to participate in the 9th edition of the UBA Wintercontest.
1 - Contestperiods
13 December 2014 from 06:00 to 10:00 UTC.14 December 2014 from 17:00 to 21:00 UTC.
This is one contest.
This contest will take place every 2nd full weekend of December.
2 - Categories
For all participants:- TBHP - 2 bands High Power.
- TBLP - 2 bands Low Power.
- TBQRP - 2 bands QRP.
- SB160HP - Single Band 160 m High Power.
- SB160LP - Single Band 160 m Low Power.
- SB160QRP - Single Band 160 m QRP.
- SB80HP - Single Band 80 m High Power.
- SB80LP - Single Band 80 m Low Power.
- SB80QRP - Single Band 80 m QRP.
- SB40HP - Single Band 40 m High Power.
- SB40LP - Single Band 40 m Low Power.
- SB40QRP - Single Band 40 m QRP.
- SWL - short wave listeners all bands.
- Everyone can work everyone.
- The use of all modes is permitted, CW, SSB, RTTY and all Digi modes (all digi modes with the exception of RTTY count as one mode).
- 2 bands = 160 and 80 or 160 and 40 or 80 and 40m.
- High Power is >100 Watt.
- Low Power <= 100 Watt.
- QRP in SSB maximum 10 Watt, in CW and Digimodes maximum 5 Watt.
- Belgian and foreign participants will be in separate results lists.
- There is no category Multi Operator.
3 - Bands
40, 80 and 160 meter. Participants need to observe the IARU bandplans and the frequencies proposed by the HC Committee.
At the time the contestprefered segments are like this:
- SSB: 1.840 - 2.000, 3.600 - 3.650, 3.700 - 3.775, 7.060 - 7.100, 7130 - 7200.
- CW: 1.810 - 1.840, 3.510 - 3.560, 7.000 - 7.025.
- Digi: 1.840 - 1.843, 3.580 - 3.590, 7.040 - 7.047.
4 - Call and exchanges
CQ UBA wintercontest.Information to exchange:
- ON stations: RS(T) + UBA Section (ON stations not UBA member will give XXX).
- DX stations: RS(T) + serial number starting with 001.
5 - Points
Each QSO counts 3 points.The same station may be may be worked in each mode on each band, so you can work the same station 4 times on each band.
6 - Multipliers
ON stations:- All UBA sections.
- All DXCC countries.
- All UBA sections.
A multiplier counts on each band and each mode. The same station can give you 4 multipliers.
7 - Final Result
Total QSO points (from all bands) times the total number of multiplier points (from all bands).8 - Logs
We prefer to receive your logs in cabrillo formatLogs in an other format consist out of a summary sheet and one or more logpages. Paper logs will have 40 QSO's on each page and will mention the following data mentioned below:
- Date, UTC, band, call report send, report received, multiplier and points for each QSO on a separate line.
- Contestname and date.
- Name, callsign and complete address.
- Stationdescription with power used and antenna description.
- Number of QSO points, multipliers and a calculated score.
- Declaration: "I declare that all the contest rules and all the rules and regulations for amateur radio operation in my country have been observed and adhered to. I accept all the decisions of the contest committee".
- Signature and date.
Following programs can be used for this contest:
SD from EI5DI. Download here the updated list of the UBA Sections for SD. (Click right and save as).
N1MM (freeware). Download here the updated list of the UBA Sections for N1MM. (Click right and save as).
For digi modes MMVARI, MIXW.
9 - Deadline and address
All logs have to be received before December 31:- via email: ubawinter [at] uba [dot] be (subject: Log%20Winter%20Contest%20from) (ubawinter[at]uba[dot]be).
- at the address: Francis Bauweraerts (ON6LY), Lokerenstraat 110 bus 5, B-2300 Turnhout, België.
10 - SWL
Your log has to mention the following columns:Date, UTC, Band, Mode, call of the station heard, report given by the station heard, call of the station being worked, multiplier and points.
One of the 2 stations of the QSO must be an ON station.
11 - Certificates
Every participant will receive a certificate in pdf via email.12 - Penalties en Disqualifications
- QSO’s with incomplete or incorrect exchanges will count for zero points, but no additional penalty will be applied.
- QSO's that are not in the log of the other station will count for zero points, but no additional penalty will be applied.
- For cheating, imaginary logging and clear, repetitive and intentional violation of the contest rules.
- For continuous or repetitive violation or total negation of the IARU band plan.
Good luck!
The UBA-NOK wintercontest-comittee
UBA Sections
AAA | CPN | HOB | MWV | RAM | TRA | |||||
ACC | CRD | HRT | NBT | RAT | TRC | |||||
ARC | DNZ | IPR | NLB | RBO | TRK | |||||
AST | DRC | KSD | NMR | RCA | TWS | |||||
ATH | DST | KTK | NNV | RCB | UBA | |||||
ATO | EKO | LGE | NOK | RCN | VHF | |||||
BDX | ERA | LIR | NOL | REM | WLD | |||||
BLW | GBN | LLV | ODE | RFA | WRC | |||||
BRC | GBX | LUS | ONZ | RST | WTN | |||||
BSE | GDV | LVN | ORA | RSX | WTO | |||||
BTS | GNT | MCL | OSA | SNW | XXX | |||||
BXE | GTM | MLB | OSB | THN | ZLB | |||||
CDZ | HAC | MNS | OST | TLS | ZLZ | |||||