UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

OT6A/P - 1940 Hitler Bunker

Date Until: 
This email to inform you that we’ll be on the air for activation of the 1940 Hitler Bunker at B-5560 Brûly-de-Pesche, with  support of the Tourism Office of Commune Couvin and the local authorities.
Callsign:  OT6A/P
Date: May 21 2016, from 8h00 local time (06:00 UTC), 80-40-20m SSB & CW.
Operators: ON6YH, ON6DP, ON7ZM, ON5PO, ON4AR.
New reference :  BCA # NM340
This site is absolutely to visit on http://www.bdp1940.be.
We hope to QSO with you on the air.
73’s de Paul, ON6DP
On6dp [at] on6dp [dot] be