UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

slideshow 1

Photo: Couloir

Bandplanning between 430 and 440 MHz

IARU Region 1 bandplan Maximum bandwith Mode Usage

    (national bandplanning) (d)


20 kHz

430.025 - 430.375 FM repeater output channel freqs (F/PA/ON) 12.5 kHz spacing, 1.6 MHz shift (f)
430.400 - 430.575 Digital communication link channels (g) (j)
430.600 - 430.925 Digital communications repeater channels (g) (j) (l)
430.925 - 431.025 Multi mode channels (j) (k) (l)
431.050 - 431.825 Repeater input channel freqs (HB/DL/OE) 12.5 kHz spacing, -7.6 MHz shift (f)
431.625 - 431.975 Repeater input channel freqs (F/PA/ON) 12.5 kHz spacing, +1.6 MHz shift


500 Hz




500 Hz


432.050                Telegraphy centre of activity
432.088                PSK 31 centre of activity


2700 Hz
432.200                SSB centre of activity
432.350                Microwave talkback centre of activity
432.370                FSK441 random calling

500 Hz


                            Beacons exclusive (b)

500 Hz


                            Experimental MGM


12 kHz

432.500                NEW APRS FREQUENCY

     25 kHz spacing, 2 MHz shift
     (channel freq 432.600 - 432.975 MHz) 
     In the UK repeater OUTPUT channels.


12 kHz
Digital Voice
Repeater (p)
     25 kHz spacing, +1.6 MHz shift
     (Channel freq 433.000-433.375MHz)


12 kHz

Digital voice
(f) (o)
433.400                SSTV (FM/AFSK)
433.450                Digital Voice calling
433.500                (Mobile) FM calling

FM SIMPLEX CHANNELS, 25 kHz spacing, (Channel freq 433.400 - 433.575 MHz)


20 kHz


433.625 - 433.775 Digital communications channels (g) (h) (i)

434.000 Centre frequency of digital experiments as defined on note (m)


12 kHz (c)

ATV (c)

434.450 - 434.575 Digital communication channels (by exceptions) (i)
             ATV(c) & FM

12 kHz (c)

 REPEATER OUTPUT (region 1 system)
     25 kHz spacing, 1.6 MHz shift
     (Channel freq 434.600 - 434.975MHz)

In the UK repeater INPUT channels


20 kHz (c)
ATV (c)

               ATV (c) & 
              (national bandplanning)


20 kHz (c)

438.025 - 438.175 Digital communications channel freqs (g)
438.200 - 438.525 Digital communications repeater channels (g) (j) (l)
438.550 - 438.625 Multi-mode (j) (k) (l)
438.650 - 439.425 Repeater output channels (HB/DL/OE),
                               25 kHz spacing,- 7.6 MHz shift, (f)
439.800 - 439.975 Digital communications link channels (g) (j)

Notes on the 430 - 440 MHz IARU R1 bandplan


The following notes are part of the officially adopted IARU Region 1 bandplan, and all member societies should strongly promote adherence to the recommendations made in these notes.

1.1. General

a) In Europe no input or output channels of telephony repeaters shall be allowed to operate between 432 and 433 MHz.

b) FM telephony channels and Repeaters are specified in chapter 7.2.1.
c) ATV Repeater outputs are not permitted in the 435MHz band (Varna 2014)

1.2. Footnotes

a) Telegraphy is permitted over the whole narrow-band DX part of the band; Telegraphy exclusive between 432.000 - 432.100 MHz. PSK31, however, can be used as well in this segment.

          b) Refer to Beacons Chapter for coordination of beacons in the beacon sub-band.

c) ATV operators should be encouraged to use the microwave allocations where available, but may continue to use the 435 MHz band. In case of interference between ATV and the Amateur Satellite Service, the Satellite Service should have priority.

Any remaning legacy wideband ATV usage in the 435 MHz band should be phased out in favor of the narrower bandwidth, more compatible, modes such as DATV or SATV.
For ATV transmissions National societies should provide guidance to their members on the exact frequencies to be used, with due consideration of the interests of other users. (Varna 2014).

d) The words "Sub-regional (national) bandplanning" appearing in IARU Regon 1 VHF/UHF/Microwave bandplans mean the following:

In bands and sub-bands not available throughout Region 1, band-planning should be coordinated on a sub-regional basis between the countries where those bands and sub-bands are allocated to the Amateur Service. The words "national bandplanning" refer to bands/segments which are available only in a single country (such as the 70 MHz band allocation), or only in a few widely separated countries. (Torremolinos 1990).

e)  (not used)

Embedded data traffic is alowed along with digital voice. Digital Voice users should chack that the channel is not in use by other modes.


The following notes are referring to the Usage column in the bandplan. As already set out in the introduction to section IIc, in the right amateur spirit operators should take notice of these agreements which are made for operating convenience, but no right to reserved frequencies can be derived from a mention in the Usage column or from the following notes (except where 'exclusive' is mentioned).

2.1. Footnotes

f. The HB/DL/OE wide-shift repeater system, already in use for a long time, is valuable with a view to a better utilisation of the whole band. Hence IARU Region 1 endorses the system.

This also applies for the French repeater channel system, also adopted by the Netherlands and Belgium, which IARU Region 1 supports as a useful measure to fill a hitherto unused part of the band.

g. In the Usage section of the 435 MHz bandplan the following frequency segments have been designated for digital communications:

i)   430.544 - 430.931 MHz Extension of the 7.6 MHz repeater system input for digital comm.

     438.194 - 438.531 MHz Output channels for the above
ii)   433.619 - 433.781 MHz

     438.019 - 438.181 MHz

iii) 430.394 - 430.581 MHz For digital communication links
     439.794 - 439.981 MHz For digital communication links

With due regard to the band allocated to the Amateur Service by the national Administration, the interests of other users, possible interference from e.g. ISM, the specific digital technique or system to be accommodated etc., a sub-regional, or national choice may be made within the above segments.

h. In those countries where 433.619 - 433.781 MHz is the only segment of the 435 MHz band available for digital communications, modulation techniques requiring a channel separation exceeding 25 kHz should not be used. If different or incompatible use of this part of the frequency spectrum in contemplated in neighbouring countries, this use should be coordinated between the countries concerned with the aim of avoiding harmful interference.

i. On a temporary basis, in those countries where 433.619 - 433.781 MHz is the only segment of the 435 MHz band available for Digital Communications:

1. Channels with centre frequencies 432.500, 432.525, 432.550, 432.575, 434.450, 434.475, 434.500, 434.525, 434.550 and 434.575 may be used for digital communications.

2. Use of these channels must not interfere with linear transponders.

3. Modulation techniques requiring a channel separation exceeding 25 kHz must not be used on these channels. (De Haan, 1993).

j. At the IARU Region 1 Conference in Torremolinos (1990) the following recommendation was adopted regarding the segments for repeaters and links, shown in footnote g:

For a repeater/link to be installed within 150 km of a national border, the member society should co-ordinate the frequency allocation and the technical (system) data with the member societies in neighbouring countries. Special attention should be paid to the common good practice of using directional antennas and the minimum power necessary. As a matter of course this agreement is also valid for any link experiments carried out on the multi-mode channels in the segment 438.544--438.631 MHz. (De Haan, 1993).

k. These multi-mode channels are to be used for experimenting with new transmission technologies (De Haan, 1993).

l. In the United Kingdom the use of low-power speech repeaters on repeater channels in the segment 438.419--438.581 is allowed. Where necessary, frequencies will be coordinated with neighbouring countries (De Haan, 1993).

m. Experiments using wide band digital modes may take place in the 435 MHz band in those countries that have the full 10 MHz allocation. These experiments should be in the all modes section around a frequency of 434 MHz, use horizontal polarisation and the minimum power required. (Tel Aviv 1996).

n. Common frequencies for Simplex (FM) Internet voice gateways are: 433.950, 433.9625, 433.975, 433.9875, 434.0125, 434.434.025, 434.0375, 434.050 MHz (Cavtat 2008).

o. All Voice repeater channels may use FM or Digital Voice modes. (Cavtat 2008).

1.5.3 National usage notes

p. Some countries have existing use at:

432.500-432.600 Linear Transponder Inputs
432.600-432.800 Linear Transponder Outputs
439.9875 POCSAG (Paging)

q. In countries without access to the full 70 cm band, the following 12,5 kHz repeater channels with a
1.6 MHz separation between uplink and downlink can be implemented:

a. Input Frequencies (uplink) 431,225 – 431,600 MHz
b. Output Frequencies (downlink) 432,825 – 433,200 MHz

This needs international coordination if necessary

1.5.4 DATV & SATV in the 435 MHz Band (Varna 2014)
As the national 70cm allocations vary considerably, it is not possible in the VHF Handbook to specify exact centre frequencies for DATV/SATV operation – but it should be where its bandwidth is compatible with other uses.
If the 435-438MHz amateur satellite section is used for ATV, it shall be on the following basis:
• ATV (like Voice) Repeater outputs are not permitted
• ATV Internet gateways are not permitted
• ATV Repeater inputs are permitted (eg for cross band usage)
• ATV Simplex usage is permitted
• Transmission times by ATV users should be as short as possible
Any usage should also be compliant with the Region 1 Technical Recommendations for DATV/SATV and in particular the maximum bandwidth.
Centre frequencies of ATV usage in the amateur satellite section shall be chosen to place its bandwidth at the upper end of the amateur satellite section