UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

slideshow 1

Photo: Couloir

Bandplanning between 18.068 and 18.168 MHz

18 MHz Band

18068 - 18095 200 CW, 18086 kHz - QRP Centre of Activity
18095 - 18105 500 Narrow band modes - digimodes
18105 - 18109 500 Narrow band modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)
18109 - 18111   IBP, exclusively for beacons
18111 - 18120 2700 All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)
18120 - 18168 2700 All modes,
18130 kHz - SSB QRP Centre of Activity
18150 kHz - Digital Voice Centre of Activity
18160 kHz - Global Emergency Centre of Activity


All modes CW, SSB and those modes listed as Centres of Activity, plus AM (Consideration should be given to adjacent channel users).
Image modes Any analogue or digital image modes within the appropriate bandwidth, for example SSTV and FAX.

Narrow band modes All modes using up to 500 Hz bandwidth, including CW, RTTY, PSK etc.

Digimodes Any digital mode used within the appropriate bandwidth, for example RTTY, PSK, MT63 etc.

(*) Lowest dial setting for LSB Voice mode: 1843, 3603 and 7053 kHz.


Amplitude modulation (AM) may be used in the telephony sub-bands providing consideration is given to adjacent channel users. (NRRL Davos 05).

CW QSOs are accepted across all bands, except within beacon segments. (Recommendation DV05_C4_Rec_13).

Contest activity shall not take place on the 10, 18 and 24 MHz bands.

Non-contesting radio amateurs are recommended to use the contest-free HF bands (30, 17 and 12m) during the largest international contests. (DV05_C4_Rev_07).

The term “automatically controlled data stations” includes Store and Forward stations.

The frequencies in the bandplan are understood as “transmitted frequencies” (not those of the suppressed carrier!).

Unmanned transmitting stations:

IARU member societies are requested to limit this activity on the HF bands. It is recommended that any unmanned transmitting stations on HF shall only be activated under operator control except for beacons agreed with the IARU Region 1 beacon coordinator, or specially licensed experimental stations.

Sideband Usage Below 10MHz use lower sideband (LSB), above 10 MHz use upper sideband (USB).

IARU REGION 1 HF BAND PLAN – Effective 29th March 2009

HF Managers Handbook