UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

ON4EI (EI8GQB/EI7T) CQ WW DX SSB Contest - October 2018

Date Until: 

Olivier, ON4EI, is back again in Ireland from 21 to 31 October 2018 to operate EI8GQB and EI7T during the CQ WW DX SSB contest (27-28 October).
Having been first in Europe several times in the CQ WW WPX and CQ WW DX contests, Olivier recently won the title of world champion of the IARU World Championship contest 2018 (preliminary results) in the single operator, low power, all band, phone only category.

It is interesting to note that Olivier takes part in the contests using mainly green energy, based on solar panels and a wind generator, to activate his temporary 'Field-Day-like' antenna park composed of:
- Inverted L antenna 16mV / 24mH for 160-80m + 32 radials (20m).
- Inverted V dipole antenna for 160-80m-40m bands.
- ¼ wave vertical monopole for 40m + 16 radials (10m).
- 80m long beverage RX antenna East-West directional.
- Spiderbeam & Mosley TA33Jr antennas for 20/15/10m bands.
- 2 transceivers Elecraft K3 + P3 for SO2R 100W activation.
- 2*220Ah battery bank + 180W solar panel and 400W wind generator.

For these dates, please QSL EI7T via LOTW or via PA3249, his QSL manager: https://www.qrzcq.com/call/PA3249 (direct or bureau).

You can meet him on the air or follow his one-man expedition on https://www.qrz.com/db/ei8gqb